Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 136 Hospital Ride

Chapter 136 Hospital Ride


Back in Jingwei's car, the ride to the hospital was mostly silent. Jingwei had said everything he wanted to say and more back at the hotel, and Xue Ning was too exhausted regarding the earlier upheaval to make intelligent conversation.

But some things still needed to be said.

"I'm sorry for causing your father's heart to fail." Xue Ning said remorsefully. "While I meant to defend myself and insult him, I didn't want him to collapse from anger."

Jingwei let out a half-amused snort, giving her a fond look before turning back at the road.

"I know, if you meant to kill him, you would have just left him on the floor to die. And part of the blame lies with me too. Father always said I'd drive him to an early grave… guess he was right. Without you, he would really be dead."

He gave a self-decrepitating laugh at the end.

"Without me, he wouldn't be mad enough for his heart to fail." Xue Ning corrected.

"Nah, don't underestimate my father Xue Ning. Give him enough time, and he'll get popping mad at anything. If it's not at you, it'll be at me. If not me, then Tianwei. If not Tianwei, then it's the company."

"Aren't the last two the same thing?" Xue Ning asked, curious. She had the impression that Tianwei was now running the company due to Sun Haowei's old age.

"My brother wishes," Jingwei whispered in a conspiratory tone. "My father still holds the reins to the company - every move my brother makes must still be approved by him."

"... No wonder he needs to take all that medicine," Xue Ning said, "High blood pressure, high blood sugar and high cholesterol…why doesn't he just retire to focus on his health? Your Ge seems ready to take over at any moment!"

"Your guess is as good as mine," Jingwei said, shrugging. "Maybe he thinks my brother still isn't ready. He's definitely not handing me the company. He loves it more than life itself."

And with that depressing statement, they arrived at the secret back entrance of Zhongshan hospital. Before she met Jingwei, Xue Ning didn't even realise secret back entrances existed. But of course they did, and the ultra rich had access to them.

Jingwei parked the car, and just when she was about to unbuckle her seat belt to leave, Jingwei paused.

"Wait! I forgot something."

"Your phone is still in your pocket, did you forget your house keys?" Xue Ning asked as she looked around the car.

Taking advantage of her distracted state, Jingwei quickly leaned over and planted a kiss on her lips!

He initially wanted to go for a quick peck, but Xue Ning had gasped in surprise. What kind of man would he be if he didn't use that opportunity to deepen the kiss?

He changed the angle, his mouth slanted against hers while his tongue teased her relentlessly, leaving her breathless with want. Xue Ning let out a whimper as Jingwei's mouth was wet and hot, and she could smell and taste the mints he must have taken before the press conference.

However, Xue Ning, tired as she was, now had the experience of not one, but two mind blowing kisses. She mirrored Jingwei's actions, and was rewarded with a full body shiver from him as he got a taste of his own medicine.

Eventually, the need for oxygen grew too strong to resist. They finally pulled away for air, both of them panting like they exercised.

"We should stop." Xue Ning said, as they finally pulled away for air. "This is not the time or place!"

"Right." Jingwei said. "Right."

They both made no move to get out of the car. Xue Ning deliberately avoided looking at Jingwei's lips.

"Why did you kiss me?" Xue Ning asked warily. Was this Jingwei's final kiss? A last hurrah before they entered the land of celibacy and chaste handholds? Before they eventually broke up?

"This is to convince you that I still want to kiss you. I always want to kiss you. Even when shit hits the fan, kissing you makes everything better." Jingwei said, smiling at her so lovingly her heart hurt.

"Are you sure you aren't doing this because you can't kiss me in front of your father anymore?" Xue Ning asked.

"Partly, but also because I missed you and I didn't get to kiss you for the past few days, and you looked very kissable," Jingwei smiled with an easy shrug.

"And stop thinking that this is a last kiss or something. Get that thought out of your head! When we go back, I have plans to kiss you so often, you'll be begging me to stop," Jingwei added proudly.

"Right." Xue Ning said dubiously. "I'll believe it when it happens. Come on, let's go and see your father."

No matter what Jingwei claimed, she was sure that there would be no further kisses if Sun Haowei died in the hospital.

They exited the car, and were quickly ushered into a VVIP ward that was more luxurious than the one she stayed in.

By the time they arrived, doctors had already finished examining him, and Sun Haowei was asleep on his hospital bed.

"Doctor, how is he?" Jingwei whispered as Xue Ning hung behind to watch Sun Haowei from the corner of her eyes.

"His condition is stable for now," the doctor replied. "But we're still keeping him for observation. More importantly, it is imperative for him to change his lifestyle from now on. Less stress, more exercise and a healthier diet. This heart attack is a warning sign that things could get worse for him, if he does not make changes."

Less stress? So Xue Ning had to stay out of the picture.

"We'll convince him," Jingwei said, knowing very well they had no real way of doing so. "Right, Ge?"

Tianwei made a noise of agreement. "You get him to exercise, and I'll get him to relax his responsibilities to the company. Perhaps he can remain a shareholder, but resign from being a director. Such a post might be too taxing for him now."

Xue Ning blinked, was she imagining the sound of pleased satisfaction in Tianwei's voice?

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