Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 147 Washing Up Together

Chapter 147 Washing Up Together

"I need you."

These words in Xue Ning's voice echoed in the quiet bathroom, sending Jingwei's mind straight back into the gutter.

Not that it actually left the gutter, mind you, but Jingwei had been valiantly trying to control his urges. He wasn't a brute!josei

"To do what?" Jingwei asked hesitantly. It couldn't be to wash her body right? Xue Ning already scrubbed herself clean and inadvertently let out a lot of sexy little moans that made his life a lot harder than it needed to be.

By 'life', he meant his cock.

"Need you to untangle my hair," Xue Ning said sheepishly. "Lady Su Yan used a lot of pins to style it and I forgot to take them out before I showered."

"Oh." Jingwei said, staring at his hands that were trembling in excitement. "I'll do my best then, don't blame me if I yank out all of your hair."

"You dare?" Xue Ning asked challengingly.

"No," Jingwei said honestly, meekly, and decided to just do as she said, before Xue Ning changed her mind. He pulled open the glass door and said sincerely, "I promise, I'll be gentle."

Unknown to him, heat bloomed in Xue Ning's body at his words. Mental images of the many different ways Jingwei could be 'gentle' with her while she was nude and wet flooded her mind. Thankfully, they did not cause a flood anywhere else. She hurriedly turned around so that Jingwei was facing the back of her head.

Jingwei knew he was supposed to be looking at the pins in Xue Ning's hair, but of course his gaze drifted downwards. He eyed Xue Ning's back muscles and her hourglass figure with no small amount of longing, and his eyes fixated themselves on the two perfectly round globes of her ass.

He gulped. Suddenly he felt very hot. Maybe he needed a cold shower too.

"Hurry," Xue Ning said as she just stood there with her back against Jingwei. The shower was turned off, and the bathroom was slowly but surely getting colder.

Of course, she knew that if she wanted to keep warm, she could simply ask Jingwei to warm her up. But just the thought of saying something so shameless made her cheeks heat up! No, she would never say anything like this to Jingwei.

"Right. Right," Jingwei dragged his eyes away from Xue Ning's delectable ass with great reluctance, stepping closer so he could slowly stroke through Xue Ning's hair to find the pins. This close, he could see goose pimples erupting on her skin because of the chill.

"Do you want to turn on the hot water? Just to keep this area warm?" Jingwei asked.

"Won't you get wet too?" Xue Ning replied. "The spray will definitely hit you."

The shower head was actually above the both of them, simulating rain falling from above. Clearly VVIP ward attendees got to enjoy ridiculous facilities.

"It's fine, I have to change anyway." Jingwei said, and so Xue Ning easily turned the water on and let it rain over the both of them.

If the showerhead was one of those detachable ones, Xue Ning could technically block the bulk of the spray from Jingwei. However, she remembered she was still shorter than him, so there was no way Jingwei could avoid getting drenched.

But he didn't complain even as the water soaked his shirt. He began the trying task of detangling Xue Ning's hair and pulling out the pins without rendering her bald. It was a lot harder than expected, and he suddenly realised this must be why those mediaeval ladies all had maids to help them with their hair.

He gave a pin an experimental tug, and Xue Ning hissed in pain.

"Sorry," Jingwei whispered as he tried again. This time, he tried to be as gentle and delicate as possible, as though he was pulling a block off a Jenga tower.

"It's fine," Xue Ning said, pained as she felt a bobby pin finally slide out of her hair without snagging too harshly on a tangle. "Continue."

She was the one that engaged him to help her after all. She could have gotten a nurse, but she didn't trust anyone else - what if one of the nurses was working for the enemy and had orders to kill her?

She would have been unguarded, an easy target.

Meanwhile, she knew Jingwei would never hurt her on purpose. Why else would she have the guts to show her naked back to him?

"Alright," Jingwei said, and he slowly continued to remove the pins one by one. Soon, there were a handful of bobby pins in his hand, and Xue Ning's hair was slowly returning to its usual state.

Xue Ning let out a relieved sigh, the pinched feeling on her scalp slowly residing.

"I think that should be all," Jingwei commented, "you would not believe how many pins I pulled out of you! Just take a look, is your head a pincushion?"

"It feels like one," Xue Ning said dryly, turning around to look at the pins on Jingwei's outstretched hand. "Wow, that… is a lot…"

Xue Ning's voice trailed off as she stared at his palm, then at his wrist, then at his arm muscles that were visible through the wet white shirt he wore.

In fact, all his muscles were visible. The white shirt had nearly turned sheer in the shower, giving her a near unobstructed view of his upper body. In fact, this was even more arousing to her than him going completely nude!

With every breath Jingwei took, she could see how his chest muscles shifted.

She swallowed thickly.

A quick glance at his lower half showed that she wasn't the only one aroused. She hurriedly looked up, only to meet Jingwei's darkened eyes. Even with droplets of water clinging onto his eyelashes and hair nearly hanging into his eyes, there was no mistaking the desire in his eyes.

Her mouth fell open. She had never been openly desired before she met Jingwei. The way Jingwei was staring at her… it made her feel like she was just seconds away from being pinned and ravished against the wall.

Jingwei flung the pins away, and they clattered noisily on the bathroom floor.

"What -"

Jingwei cut off her words with a bruising kiss on her lips.

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