Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 161 Secret Plans Part 2

Chapter 161 Secret Plans Part 2

Well. He had a point. Even his family, who saw the worth of an English name in business dealings, wouldn't give Jingwei that one. Jingwei had chosen it himself.

"He looks like Sun Jingwei's age!" Li Fan added.

"And you believe someone so young, can have people in the police force ready to kill you?" Tianwei asked, half-incredulous, and half-taunting him.

"He has eyes everywhere!" Li Fan choked out breathlessly. "Let my fingers go!"

"That's too vague," Captain Mu commented, and one of the guards twisted his finger, causing it to dislocate.

A loud wordless scream tore its way out of Li Fan's throat, and it ended with Li Fan crying fat ugly tears that rolled down his face. This had to be his karma for failing Xiumin. If only he had successfully run over Sun Jingwei on that night… he wouldn't be suffering like this!josei

He screamed again, upset at how things turned out.

Tianwei winced and moved slightly away; his eardrums hurt.

"He wants you dead! All of you!" Li Fan cried out, his face pale and drawn, cold sweat beading on his temples. Now that Li Fan's wrist and fingers were in pain, he could relate to the content of his Boss' deranged ravings.

Sun family, go to hell!

Captain Mu discreetly signalled his men to release his fingers, but still continue holding onto him. with less force. Now that he was finally saying something of value, Captain Mu didn't want him fainting due to pain. Reviving him would waste precious time.

"Elaborate," Tianwei said coldly, glaring down at the snivelling heap of the man in front of him.

"The Boss…wants all of you dead and gone. Whether it's your company, or your money… he just wants to destroy it all." Li Fan panted out faintly. "And I can see why, if this is how you treat people! Did you guys beat up his family?"

The swelling in his fingers was normally a great discouragement against saying anything rude to these people, but he had enough with such poor treatment. He somehow knew that deep down, Sun Jingwei and his wife would never treat him like this. It was just his luck that he ran afoul of the Sun family and ended up with the merciless older brother.

He wasn't expecting a warm welcome with open arms, but he was here as a source of intelligence, and willing to cooperate with their investigation! Surely it couldn't be too much to ask for some courtesy - or for them to stop hurting him!

"We're the ones asking the questions, not you."

"Sorry," Li Fan said, closing his eyes as he breathed out, trying to focus on anything but the pain in his left hand and the sharp ache in his index finger. "But I've told you all I know!"

"How does your Boss plan to take down the Sun family?" Captain Mu asked warningly, as though he would rip out his fingers if he didn't give him a satisfactory answer.

"I don't know!"

"I see," Tianwei nodded. "So you've outlived your usefulness." All of a sudden, the hands holding him tightened yet again, as though preparing to haul him away to toss in the trash.

"No!" Li Fan protested, struggling hotly as he tried to save his own skin. He needed to buy some time to wrack his brain for any information that might be useful. The guards were unsympathetic, already beginning to drag his body across the cold marble tiles.

"I - I - he has many people loyal to him!"

The hands paused.


"He said they were all out for revenge against you!" Li Fan blurted noisily. "He said that your family committed so many sins, it was high time someone brought you to justice!"

That mantra was a common one in the organisation. Everyone inside it had some form of grudge against the Sun family, one way or another. Li Fan himself had his own reasons for revenge. Xiumin was an important reason, but she wasn't the only one.

"And I suppose destroying my family members one at a time counts as justice," Tianwei replied dryly, raising an eyebrow. At least now he had an idea of what his family was up against."I don't suppose you know how many people are inside this little organisation of yours?"

Li Fan frantically shook his head. He honestly had no clue.

Captain Mu frowned, sensing that he wasn't telling the whole truth. "In that case, what was your grudge against the Sun family?"

"Eh?" Li Fan blinked.

"Why would agree to join the organisation and help commit murder?" Captain Mu asked, with a heavy emphasis on the last word, to further remind him what he was being accused of, in case he forgot this dire fact in the week he spent sleeping in the hospital.

Li Fan scowled, the first real hint of backbone finally emerging from him.

"Your family destroyed mine! I had to take revenge!"

"You're going to have to elaborate." Tianwei said dryly, peering at him. "Since I have never seen such an average looking face in my life."

Li Fan bristled. "Of course you wouldn't have seen me! But that doesn't matter! Your family doesn't need to see people to hurt them!"

"Explain." Captain Mu demanded. Li Fan took a deep breath and continued angrily.

"Do you remember the land development project in District 10, Shanxi? My parents didn't want to sell their home to you, but you sent people to harass them until they gave in! What's more, your company didn't even pay them the money that was promised! In the end, we became homeless and penniless and my parents fell sick and died because of the stress!"

"... " Tianwei paused. Now that Li Fan mentioned it, he recalled something like that. There was a land development project in that area, and they needed to get all the residents out of the way so that they could tear down the apartment complex to build new condominiums and a shopping mall.

There were dissenters, long-term residents too attached to their homes to be swayed with money, so Tianwei had decided to use force to persuade them to see the error of their ways.

And now one of them had found his way back in front of him. His lips twisted into a sneer. A better man would feel guilty that he drove his family to such dire straits, but all Tianwei felt was upset that his actions before had actually resulted in negative consequences for himself!

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