Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 195 The Fallout (1)

Chapter 195 The Fallout (1)

Jingwei stared blankly at the headline of the news article that Captain Mu oh so helpfully pulled up to summarise what happened in the past week.


Holy shit? Did the police still not manage to catch Shang Jing? They were right in front of him in that classroom! How could they be so bad at their jobs?!

Below it was a picture of Wu Shang Jing's face, half-obscured in shadow by his bodyguard, who was also masked. Jingwei's heart twinged - he never expected his photo to be used as a mugshot picture, but here it was. Jingwei didn't need to see the whole face to know it was scowling at the cameras.

He read on.

'A week after news of the Wu Shang Jing's criminal activities hit the news, the 16 year old has still evaded arrests after the attempted murder of his best friend and fellow classmate: Sun Jingwei. So far, there is no news regarding the fate of the youngest Sun family member.'

Huh. Attempted murder was a way to put it. He nearly died, and Shang Jing was very seriously trying to kill him.

'The Sun family are still offering hefty rewards to any individual that can provide them with information that will lead to Wu Shang Jing's capture. Authorities gave a stern reminder that anyone caught aiding or harbouring Wu Shang Jing would be considered an accomplice and dealt with accordingly.

Meanwhile, Wu Enterprises as a whole remains under investigation, in light of Wu Shang Jing's criminal activities. The company has been accused of multiple crimes, including but not limited to: drug dealing, sexual harrassment of minors and tax evasion.'

"Wow," Jingwei muttered to himself. A lot had happened in that past week. At least the world knew what kind of bastard Shang Jing was, and now he wouldn't be able to continue hurting innocent people.

"But are things really that bad back home?" Jingwei asked. "Can't I go back now that I've woken up?"

"No," was Captain Mu's flat answer. "The plan was to keep you here until they arrested the Wu heir. Your brother also recommends you to consider schooling here too. While it's more difficult to protect you from abroad, it's also a lot more difficult for Wu Shang Jing and his family to retaliate against you."

"I see…" No wonder he got no visitors or gifts, no one outside of his family even knew he was here. It wasn't like he was forgotten, his existence was just kept hidden for now!

"Then what about my brother? Or my father?" Jingwei continued to ask, worried. "If I'm not there, wouldn't Shang Jing go after them instead?"

"They also have their own security detail." Captain Mu said. "Rest assured, it's more extensive than yours, seeing that they're actually right in the heart of the mess."

"Ah." Jingwei could only sigh, feeling a vague sense of guilt at causing trouble for his family. "How are my father and brother? Are they well?"

Captain Mu handed him his phone. "I'm not a messenger owl; call them if you want to find out."

Jingwei called his brother first. He wasn't looking forward to talking to his father at all.

"Hello? Ge?"

"Jingwei, is that you?" Tianwei's voice came from the other end, sounding remarkably frazzled. "How are you? Is your head hurting?"

At the concern in his voice, Jingwei felt tears well up in his eyes and he hurriedly wiped them away.

"Hi Ge! I'm okay! How are you? Have they caught Shang Jing yet?"

"No," he could hear his brother scowl over the phone. "The incompetence of our police force continues to astound me. There have been a few sightings, but every time we think we've got a lead, he and his bodyguard slip through the cracks like fish through a broken net." Tianwei then let out an upset hiss.

He hated loose ends, especially murderous, psychopatic loose ends that were out to kill his family.

"But on the bright side, the authorities have frozen all bank accounts linked to Wu Shang Jing and his family," Tianwei said, now sounding more cheerful. "I'm sure he'll resurface when he runs out of money."

"I doubt it," Jingwei said darkly. "He's a really good hacker, Ge. He can get money by using other people's money."

"We have people keeping track of his online activities too," Tianwei said, although he sounded more grim than before. "But that's why Father and I agreed on sending you abroad. At least the US has the FBI. It's not safe for you to remain in the country when he's still at large- don't use your phone from now on! Get a new one! If you wish to contact us, use Captain Mu's phone instead."

"Okay." Jingwei replied glumly. "I might as well go into witness protection at this rate. But are things that bad? Wouldn't I be safer in the mansion?"

"We were thinking of that, but then we do not trust the police back home to protect you. They can't even apprehend one teenage boy," was Tianwei's serious reply. "Add the fact that Shang Jing has been to our home so often, and knows it as well as his own mansion, even the mansion isn't as safe as it could be. I sleep with a gun under my pillow."

"Oh." Jingwei fell silent at that reveal. What could he even say?

"Not to mention, you've offended a whole bunch of our less-than-savoury business partners." Tianwei added. "It's best that they forget about your existence for the time being."josei

"...What do you mean?" Jingwei asked warily, not liking the somber tone in his brother's voice. "Don't tell me… our family also...."

"Father did tell you that we were cut from the same cloth," Tianwei replied. Jingwei could just hear his nonchalant shrug from over the line.

"Oh my god," Jingwei muttered, his hand tugging at his hair. His family business was criminal this whole time!

"Our business is undergoing some financial setbacks at the moment. Wu Enterprises isn't the only company under public scrutiny, and it doesn't help that our families were so closely tied together. Investors are pulling out, and we're being subjected to audits!" Tianwei raged at the last bit, the Sun family never had to endure such indignities before.

"Needless to say, Father is very unhappy about this new change, and I'm currently cleaning this mess up."

'Your mess.' Tianwei didn't say it out loud, but he still heard it loud and clear - and his cleaning efforts included in his bed.

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