Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 265 Hogtied

Chapter 265 Hogtied

Wei Yan especially couldn't bear to watch this nonsense any more! He let out an animalistic scream and lunged for Jingwei, fully prepared to strike his head when his back was turned, when he was busy kissing his wife to pay attention to his surroundings.


To everyone's surprise, it wasn't Ming Guang who saved Jingwei. It wasn't Xue Ning either, even if she was the one who pulled Jingwei away afterwards.

It was Chun Fei, who slammed her palm straight at his nose, smacking it with a loud crack. Wei Yan howled in pain, clutching his nose. It didn't feel broken, but he sensed wetness dripping out of his nostrils, and when he looked at his fingers, they were coated with blood.

Chun Fei had hit him hard enough to cause a nosebleed.

"Oh you're bleeding! I'm so sorry!" Chun Fei apologised instinctively, wanting to give him a tissue to wipe the blood away, before she remembered why she smashed her palm into his face to begin with.

"Ah, but you deserved it! I'm not sorry anymore!"

"Damn right," Xue Ning said proudly. "Well done, Chun Fei."josei

"Thanks!" Chun Fei beamed brightly. Her hero had praised her! She felt like a flower blooming in the sun. If she had known how good it felt to personally hit someone to get even, she would have signed up for martial art lessons sooner!

"Disgraceful," Ming Guang spat out in disgust. He cuffed the back of Wei Yan's neck, causing more blood to spew from his nose. "Lie down and stop that bleeding. Once it's resolved, we're going straight to the airport and back to Shanghai."

Ming Guang bowed again at Jingwei. "I cannot, in good conscience, let him remain with the both of you. He has become a threat to your safety."

"Son, I agree," Tai Cheng said. "This man is now an open fuse. Keeping him close will endanger my daughter."

"I'll get some rope to tie him up with," Yue Niang said, preparing to go back to her house. "If he tries anything, hit him again!"

They had that leftover rope from tying up floor bags and errant pigs, it was definitely good enough against one man, especially if her husband was doing the tying.

Meanwhile, Jingwei wasn't paying much attention to her. He was focused on one very important fact - Xue Ning's father had called him 'son'!

"Uncle! You called me your son!" Jingwei beamed delightedly, his metaphorical tail wagging. "Does this mean you approve of me now?"

"That was just a slip of the tongue, don't read anything into it!" Tai Cheng cleared his throat loudly, refusing to meet Jingwei's shining eyes. Urgh. It was just like the stray puppy his daughter took in!

"While I acknowledge you are a better match for my daughter than this one man, you also know better than anyone that it's a very low bar to clear! I still want better for my daughter!"

At this, everyone turned to Wei Yan who now had Ming Guang pinching his nose while blood continued to stream down his face. He looked very pathetic. A very low bar indeed.

"Don't worry Uncle, I'm sure by the end of my visit, you'll accept me as your son-in-law! I swear!" Jingwei promised, thumping his chest with his fist.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say," Tai Cheng said, purposely ignoring the determined look in his eyes. His own daughter is hiding a smile, that traitor. "Don't get a big head!" He barked at Jingwei before addressing the crowd.

"Show's over everyone! Please leave!"

The crowd continued to linger behind. Perhaps they were waiting for more bloodshed. Entertainment like this didn't come often, and now they were getting two fights in the span of a week! Li Xue Ning truly delivered entertainment better than the shitty broadcasting companies!

Tai Cheng sighed. He had no choice then.

"Go home unless you want me to leak more of your dirty secrets!" He threatened. "I've been living here longer than you think!"

Registering the threat, the crowd began dispersing faster than the wind, too afraid to meet his eyes. He snorted. Only Chun Fei remained, but she eagerly clutched Xue Ning's hands, thanking her once again for saving her as a child, before giving Xue Ning her phone number and finally leaving.

"Dad, good job on making all those lies about our neighbours." Xue Ning said, impressed, as they were finally left alone, with Wei Yan still in Ming Guang's clutches. "I didn't know you had such a good imagination!"

Tai Cheng only patted her on her head fondly.

"Oh my dear daughter, who said those were lies?"

"Wait so that woman really poisoned her husband - " Jingwei began, looking strangely awed, instead of terrified. "Wow. Your town is hardcore Xue Ning. I should have expected it since you're hardcore too, but this is incredible. This place is amazing! I love it here!"

Xue Ning rolled her eyes. "You won't think that after you've lived here for a month, I assure you. But Dad, if they were true, how did you know?"

"That's not important," Tai Cheng said, "Instead you should ask why does your boyfriend look so happy about this - does he have a screw loose?" Sun Jingwei was also incredible too! Why was he awed at things that should scare a normal person? What did his daughter get into?

"Oh, he lost all his screws a long time ago," Wei Yan said bitterly, and before Xue Ning could sock him in the face for his unsolicited comment, her mother returned with the rope she promised to take.

"Here's the rope," Yue Niang said, cheerfully flinging it at them. The thickly corded rope smelled vaguely of pigs and flour, and Xue Ning wrinkled her nose in disgust.

Tai Cheng then quickly trussed up Wei Yan as though he was a prized pig for sale, uncaring of the way he spluttered at the indignity of it all.

"How can you do this to me! I'm a human, not a pig!" He complained.

"Well, since you want to commit adultery so bad, why wouldn't you want to get the full experience of drowning in a pig enclosure?" Jingwei asked innocently. "Uncle, are there any lakes? We can put him in a basket and send him on his merry way."

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