Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 268 A Family Dinner

Chapter 268 A Family Dinner

There was a quick pause as everyone digested his words.

"..." Jingwei spluttered, frantically shaking his head.

"Dad! What on earth!" Xue Ning complained, her face red with embarrassment. Sure, she had sex in more than one bathroom with Jingwei, but she wasn't going to do it in her home with her family members in the same house!

"Oh my god!" Tai Xuan's face screwed up in disgust as he got what his father was implying. He continued to make retching sounds while complaining. "Gross! I don't want to think of you two -" he glanced between his younger sister and her boyfriend, shaking his head.

"Urghh! You'd better not be doing anything there! Dad! Don't let him use our bathroom!"

"I'll go to the motel if you don't!" Xue Ning threatened. "And get off your high horse! I already know that you and Sister-in-law have done something similar?!"

She did find condoms in the bathroom once, in the secret compartment of the mirror mounted behind the bathroom meant for her pads. Her brother was newly married. It did not take a genius to know who was using them.

"We are married!" Tai Xuan complained. "Also how did you even know?!"

"You left a box of condoms out! I'm not stupid enough to think they are balloons!"

"AHEM," Tai Cheng said, crossing his arms. "No matter what, I do not approve of the both of you… fornicating inside my house. Don't think I don't know what young couples get up to! Your mom and I were young once!"

At his words, both siblings had matching looks of disgust.

"Now that's just gross."


Meanwhile Jingwei wondered if his parents loved each other enough to even canoodle in bathrooms. Probably not. That was depressing to think about.

"DINNER!" Yue Niang called out. "Last one at the table is responsible for washing the dishes!"

In the blink of an eye, everyone stood up and immediately bolted for the dining table as though they were a herd of stampeding beasts.

​ "Guys?" Jingwei asked hesitantly, looking around. He was still sitting on the floor, trying to understand what happened. In a flash he was left alone with only Ming Guang for company.

"Come on guys," Xue Ning said, popping her head out from a wall. "It's this way!"

So he followed obediently with Ming Guang behind him, and found himself in the 'dining area'. It was a far cry from the ones he had grown up with. This dining area didn't have fancy partitions or chandeliers. There wasn't an impressive long marble table where everyone could sit one metre apart.

Instead, this dining area was just the space around a rectangle dining table that had clearly seen better days. It was laden with several dishes. Jingwei couldn't help notice that most of them were vegetable dishes, with only one meat dish. There wasn't even a fish dish!

His heart ached for Xue Ning and her family. One day, he vowed to treat all of them (even Xue Ning's annoying brother) to expensive delicacies!

What's more, instead of individual chairs, there were short benches for people to sit on.

Xue Ning waved him over, pointing to the empty spot next to her.

Jingwei's heart warmed. She saved him a seat!

"Excuse me, excuse me." Jingwei said eagerly, squeezing next to Xue Ning. "Hello Sister-in-law!"

"Hello to you too," Xin Yu smiled, amused. "Sorry for the tight squeeze."

"It's fine!" Jingwei said, even as he kept his elbows to himself, hunching slightly to make more room.

"I'll eat later," Ming Guang said, seeing the cramped table and taking a step back. "Enjoy your meal."josei

"Nonsense! There's more than enough space." Yue Niang said, gesturing at everyone to make room. "I'll save some food for Wei Yan at the door, remember to feed him later!"

"Move," Xue Ning said, so Jingwei shuffled away, but he didn't expect Xue Ning to press herself against Jingwei until their thighs were touching! Now if Jingwei just stretched out his arm to reach for a dish, he'd be brushing against her breasts.

Jingwei gulped. Was Xue Ning really doing this in full view of everyone?

Meanwhile, Xue Ning was oblivious to Jingwei's internal turmoil. She merely pointed to her other side, "Ming Guang, you can sit here."

Ming Guang settled in next to her, but because he was broader than most men, Xue Ning had to move even closer to Jingwei to make more room. He could already smell her scent from here, and it made his heart beat in double-time.

"Jingwei, can you shift a bit more?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Sure." Jingwei babbled, half-stunned as he moved as much as possible without falling off the bench, which honestly wasn't much.

Xue Ning's bare thigh was still touching his own. He couldn't help recalling how those thighs felt when sandwiching his head, and then had to think of his father having sex to deflate the boner that threatened to rise.

If anyone caught a glimpse of it, he'd be joining Wei Yan at the door!

"Jingwei are you okay?" Xin Yu asked, "Sorry if it's a bit squeezy. We weren't expecting visitors."

"It's fine," Jingwei assured. "I arrived uninvited."

"So he does have some sense of self-awareness," Tai Xuan muttered, before his knee mysteriously knocked against the table. "Stop kicking me!"

"No fighting at the dinner table," his parents chorused at the same time.

"Yeah Ge, no fighting at the table." Xue Ning said, smirking smugly. "Jingwei here, try some food."

Xue Ning then scooped some vegetables into Jingwei's bowl, brushing against his body. Jingwei croaked in surprise, like a squashed frog, but thankfully no one noticed because Tai Xuan started complaining.

"I'm your brother! Xin Yu, are you going to defend me?"

"No. Just eat your food." But Xin Yu did not scoop any food for him, so he sulked into his rice.

Jingwei gingerly took a small bite and let out a pleased hum. For a dish that looked so humble, the vegetables were just the right amount of crunchy and the gravy was flavourful, making him reach for seconds.

Somehow, this dish brought up memories of his mom cooking something similar for him when he was a child to tempt him into eating his vegetables! Was this the power of home-cooking?

"Good right?" Xue Ning bragged. "My mom is great at cooking."

"Yes! Auntie, your cooking is great! Where did you learn how to cook like this? It reminded me of food my mom used to make!" Jingwei said excitedly.

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