Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 28 A Luxurious Last Meal

Chapter 28 A Luxurious Last Meal

"Don't talk rubbish. You're not going to die," Xue Ning promises seriously. "They'll have to step over my dead body first. And if you do live, make sure to compensate my parents."

She then looks at the menu and thinks of her dinner, trying to ignore the morbid thoughts swirling in her head.

If Sun Jingwei was murdered with her present, knowing her luck, she'd be charged as a murderer or an accomplice.

If she was indeed found dead at this restaurant, her parents would be inconsolable. Hopefully Jingwei provides for them for the rest of their lives. She'll haunt him otherwise.

If she and Sun Jingwei were found dead together, the damage done to her reputation would be unimaginable, but at least she'll be dead and won't have to worry about it. Her family though…

She shakes her head to stop herself from overthinking. Who knows? Perhaps nothing would happen.

Focus on the food, Xue Ning, she scolds herself. This could be her last meal! The Peking Duck sounded nice, so did abalone porridge.

Maybe she should just go for the Alaskan King Crab. It'll be suitably expensive and fancy, and she had always wanted to try it but she couldn't justify the expense.

Jingwei stills, staring at her with wide-eyes. "You can't die. I absolutely forbid you to die."josei

Xue Ning just stares back at him, crossing her arms. "Well then we should have not come for dinner, but here we are. I want to eat Alaskan King Crab. What about you?"

"I've lost my appetite." Jingwei states, looking paler than before.

"Why do you keep changing your mind?" Xue Ning scolds. "You were right about not dying hungry. Come on, pick something. You need to keep your energy up."

"Ah… then… How about the black chicken ginseng soup? We need to nourish our nerves. And I'll add some longevity noodles too, so that both of us live long lives." He gives her a pointed glance at those words.

"Fair enough." She shrugs. "Let's call the server, I bet she's wondering why we took so long."

Xiao Hui comes back into the room, looking less than pleased at her being left to wait outside the room while they conversed. Usually, servers would be giving advice about what to order and what drinks they should get, but this couple merely tossed her outside without a backwards glance! Did they think she was an ordinary waitress! She'd show them!

"Hi, have you decided on what to order? I have suggestions if - "

"No need," Sun Jingwei cuts her off easily. "We've already decided - two portions of black chicken ginseng soup, longevity noodles, and one King Alaskan Crab to share."

"Would you like wine with your dishes? Our restaurant has -"

She sees Xue Ning shake her head slightly but decides to ignore it, only for Sun Jingwei to hold up a hand to stop her.

"It's fine, we should not be drinking now."

Xue Ning and Jingwei met each other's eyes in an unspoken agreement. If they were in trouble, drinking alcohol would impair their judgement and worsen things.

Xiao Hui glared at this couple, and especially at Xue Ning. This woman must have drugged Sun Jingwei, there was no way he would not be drinking when visiting a restaurant! That man was famous for being a great drinker. The only reason why he would not be drinking is if someone made him stop.

"I see, I shall let the kitchens know," Xiao Hui says through gritted teeth and spins on her heel to storm out of the room, but the two of them didn't even spare her second glance. This evening wasn't going to her plans at all - she had hopes to charm Sun Jingwei, or perhaps one of his rich friends, and to lead a life of pampered luxury.

Instead, Sun Jingwei's eyes were solely for his date. Perhaps there was some truth to the rumour of him being married.

"It's so infuriating isn't it, that some random woman comes and steals him away?" A voice asked from her left. She turns around to see a woman in a long evening gown, lounging outside her own private room, clearly waiting for someone to appear.

"Excuse me? Do you need some help?" Xiao Hui asks, confused.

"Don't you think it's ridiculous?" That woman continues. "That he can live a life of luxury and change women like clothes?"

"Er…" Xiao Hui backs away slowly from her. "Sorry Miss, I don't see how it -"

"How much do you earn a month working here? I'm guessing 13000 yuan? I'll give you 20 times that amount if you do something for me."

"What would that be?" Xiao Hui asks cautiously.

"Pour hot soup on that woman's lap," That woman says callously, "just make it look like an accident."

"I can't -" Xiao Hui protests, aghast at her demand. Hurt a customer? Hurting Sun Jingwei's date? She'd be lucky to be alive at the end of the night.

"20 times is too little? 50 times then, here's half of it," The woman shrugs easily, handing her a thick wad of cash. Xiao Hui's eyes widened impossibly at the number of zeros on each note. With this amount of money, there'll be nothing stopping her from getting the life she deserved to have!

"I…. I see, very well. Then let's work together, Miss…?" Xiao Hui trails off, realising that she still doesn't know who this strange woman is.

"You don't need to know my name," the woman smiles mysteriously, revealing her gleaming teeth under her bright red lipstick. They shone ominously under the soft yellow lights of the restaurant. Xiao Hui had the strangest feeling; it seemed that they were sharper than knives.

"Just make sure the deed is done, and I'll be here to transfer you the rest of the money by tonight. Of course… if you back out, things will look terrible for you. You know that right?"

That question was accompanied by a coquettish tilt of her head, but there's no mistaking the warning in that woman's voice. It wasn't a question, not really.

"Yes, I understand," she says hesitantly, ignoring the warning bells blaring in her head. There was no way for her to go back on her word.

If she did not do as this woman asked, there was no way she could explain away the stack of cash that mysteriously found its way into her hands. It would be her word against this woman, and no one would take her side. She'd be fired without a second thought.

All she had to do was pour hot soup on a woman she didn't really like, and she could retire in a life of relative luxury. She could do it. She had to. She ignored the pangs of her conscience screaming at her to reconsider.

"Good. I await your good news." With a cheerful parting wave, the woman turns back into her room, humming a cheerful tune, leaving Xiao Hui standing alone in the walkway, a heavy wad of cash in her hand.

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