Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 3 Meeting Young Master Sun

Chapter 3 Meeting Young Master Sun

The party was in full-swing when Xue Ning returned to her post. She thanked Qiu Tong for holding down the fort while she was away and got back to work, mentally hoping that that man managed to feel better. Even without looking clearly at his face, his body language showed that he was someone that needed a night at home petting a dog more than a night at the club, but who was she to order him around?

Looking at the raucous party-goers, she knows that her first impression was right. That man never stepped in the club. The crowd was halfway to plastered, dancing wildly to the pulse of music reverberating through the club.

Everyone who wanted a drink had already gotten one, making the dance floor a bigger attraction. The bar was situated slightly further from the stereos, so Xue Ning could enjoy the sight of people humping on each other without destroying her eardrums.

Her eyes, however, are another story. She winced as she saw yet another couple makeout on the floor, hands wandering under their outfits. Please God, Buddha, any heavenly entity, please let them make it to the private rooms on the second floor. She doesn't want to see this, but all heavenly powers were clearly busy granting the prayers of others, for she sees a sequined top loosen and fall to the floor, much to the hooting delight of the crowd.

She averts her eyes from the half-naked woman, only to realise with horror that more people were taking off their clothes!

She turns to Qiu Tong and complains. "Why are they topless?"

Qiu Tong shrugs. "They are drunk? They want to show off their boobs? Who knows? If I paid over 10000 yuan for a pair of bigger boobs I'd flaunt them too."

Xue Ning facepalmed and groaned into her hands.

Qiu Tong pats her in consolation. "Hey don't feel bad. Your boobs aren't shabby either. And yours were even free!"

Xue Ning splutters, turning red as she is torn between thanking her for the praise and smacking her for her comment. Working at Opal Horizon for the past six months really caused her to broaden her horizons for what constituted acceptable comments and behaviour.

Qiu Tong snickers, but she must take pity on her for she sends her to serve drinks to the VIP and VVIP customers in the rooms above instead.

"It'll be less overwhelming than this crowd," she says, "even if they were to go wild, it's confined in one room so just ninja your way out of the room and shut the door!"

"Got it," Xue Ning says, preparing a selection of drinks for their esteemed guests. If they weren't drunk yet, they will be. She steeled herself and went upstairs, balancing the tray in her hands.

"Hello?" She knocked on the first room and entered, and immediately wished she didn't.

"Oh baby, you feel so good… fuck…" The man groaned as he thrusted into the woman moaning under him. Xue Ning's retinas burned at the sight of his naked butt on display. She'll need bleach for her eyes.

"Sorry for interrupting. I'll come back later." Xue Ning replies robotically, face flaming red as she turns around and slams the door firmly behind her.

She will revisit this room much, much later. When they were hopefully done and passed out on the couch. And were fully clothed.

"Excuse me, your drinks are here." The second room was better, but not by much. She was greeted with what seemed to be a group of drunk university students doing makeshift karaoke.

"Ayyyeee that's great!" One of them, who seemed to be the ringleader, said. He reached for a glass with shaky hands, downing it in one gulp. "Ah fuck, this is such good shit."

"Goooood shit should be appre-appreciaaated, you loser!" Another one chimes out. He grabs a cup and takes a small sip. "Like this!"

"Don't forget guys! We can drink all we want - because we aren't paying!" A girl screams in delight. A chorus of cheers greeted her statement.

"Thank you Sun Jingwei for being born, you absolute rich bastard." They whooped and hollered in delight. Great. They were getting rowdy already. And did he just mention the infamous Sun Jingwei? Was he the host of this party? Nevermind, it wasn't her business - but if someone pukes on her tonight, she's going to mentally bill him for her shitty work night.

"If you want anything, do order it from the ipads." She quickly mentions after settling the glasses on the table.

"Noooo don't go!" One of them warbles, grabbing her arm. She easily twists it out of the way. Handsy drunk customers were sadly, one of the hazards of the job she had to get used to.

"Do you wanna be my girl?" He continues pleadingly. Xue Ning stares at him. His eyes weren't even focused on her - they were drifting to the light on the wall. He was sloshed alright. One had to be to even bother hitting on her when there were tons of more attractive women in the vicinity.

"No, thank you," she replies firmly. "I have a boyfriend."josei

She was depressingly single, but that random student didn't need to know that. Hell. Even her parents didn't need to know that, but they did.

"Buuuurn!" His friends laugh at the prompt rejection. The boy was briefly crestfallen before he laughed in good humour.

"I'll be going now," she hurriedly makes her way out of the room, but not before she hears them say "If you were Sun Jingwei, she'd say yes!"

Sun Jingwei again. Why was everyone so obsessed with him? She gave herself a mental shake and went to the third room.

"Excuse me, your drinks are here." She said, preparing to place them on the table.

"Thank you, darling." A relieved voice greets her. Her eyes widened in surprise. There wasn't a naked person in the throes of passion, or a group of rowdy drunks.

It was that man from the alley. Mr You Don't Look Drunk.

Xue Ning froze and took a closer look, only to find the man's eyes locked on her own. She flushed at the image he made, lounging on the leather couch as though he had all the time in the world.

The warm yellow light illuminated his stunning features. Strong brows, pronounced cheekbones, a tall nose bridge and a jawline she could use to cut her vegetables on.

And his eyes. They were still on her. She had the vague feeling like she was being mentally undressed. She narrows her eyes at his impudence, but he is an important customer. If she wants to kick his ass, she'll have to do it after work hours and in a ski mask.

As though sensing her particularly violent thoughts, the man lifts both hands in a conciliatory gesture. He still has his arms wrapped around two beautiful women though, so it's not much.

"Won't you come and sit with me?" He asks.

"No." She replies curtly, before realising he is still technically a customer that could lodge a complaint. "I mean, it would not be proper. I have other guests to serve."

"That's too bad," He replies, with only the slightest hint of whining in his voice. Somehow, she has the strangest feeling that he actually sounds like he means it. What a good actor.

"You already have two beauties hanging from your arms," she points out politely as she sets their drinks up. "One mustn't be too greedy, yes?"

"Oh? You're lecturing me?" He leans forward, and his half-unbuttoned shirt falls further to reveal a tantalising glimpse of tanned skin and the hint of muscles. Xue Ning tears her eyes away from his body only to see his smirking face. "You have a lot of nerve."

"I have enough," she replies easily. "Do remember to drink some water afterwards." His eyes flashed with obvious amusement.

"I hope you enjoy your night with your guests." She continues, knowing that he'll understand the implied 'without me' unsaid at the end.

"Thank you then… Snow," His eyes darted to her name tag on her uniform, lingering on the curves of her breasts before they focused on her face again. She rolled her eyes internally. What a perverted playboy! He already had two scantily dressed women literally hanging off his arms and he was still eyeing her?

Insatiable. Guess whatever nervousness or tiredness she saw back then must have been long gone.

"She's right, Young Master Sun! Pay attention to us!" The woman on his left side tittered in a grating voice.

Young Master Sun? Nah it couldn't be. Sun wasn't a common surname, but it wasn't so rare… right?

"Are you more interested in this woman than us?" The one on the right side chimed in, pouting all the while.

She stared at him, while slowly inching backwards, the same way one would flee from a sleeping predator. The door was so close, just a few more strides…

"So what if I am?" He asked, stopping her right in her tracks.

What. The. Fuck.


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