Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 317 You’re Fired

Chapter 317 You’re Fired


Thankfully, other than the realisation that Captain Mu might discover some unwanted truths in the near future, the flight was enjoyable, with minimal turbulence and interruption.

They arrived at the airport and were whisked back through the VIP entrance, where security guards waved them through, raising an eyebrow at how the metal detectors blared non-stop as member after member of the party walked through them.

Even the middle-aged woman had a knife on her person, and their luggage was full of weapons tucked in between the clothes. But that wasn't the weird thing, it was the slew of bandaged, bound men that had to hop through the metal detector since they couldn't walk through it. Sun Jingwei's guards caught them before they could fall.

"Nice digs," Zhong Qing whistled appreciatively at the VIP service as he was held up. First the private plane, now the VIP entrance. He was treated better as a rich man's prisoner than he was a poor man's leader! "This is the first time I've been treated so well!"

His other companions that had gone through the detector were also stunned and impressed, even if they were still wrapped like dumplings.

"You guys are pathetic," Wei Yan scoffed as he watched these criminals gossip among themselves. These idiots were too easily taken in by wealth and privilege. They didn't know Sun Jingwei was a bastard! He vowed to unmask Sun Jingwei's fake kindness and let the world know about his real nature.

Luo Lan turned to look at him and gave him a pitying look. "At least we're not jobless. You had an iron rice bowl - a diamond rice bowl, and you still lost it."

Wei Yan growled, ready to argue further, but the security guard told him that it was his turn at the detector. He wriggled and bounced through the metal detector, expecting someone to catch him on the other end.

No one caught him, and he landed on the floor with a loud thud!

"What the fuck! Why didn't anyone catch me!" Wei Yan demanded, as he glared hotly up at the bodyguards, people that used to be his colleagues. His nose winced in pain.

His soon-to-be-ex colleagues looked at one another in surprise.

"I thought you were going to do it?"

"No, I thought it was you."

"It's definitely not me."

"Sorry Wei Yan," the first one apologised, hurriedly helping him up. "We all assumed someone else would catch you, since we weren't specifically assigned to you."

Wei Yan snarled. "You guys are the worst!"

Before he could continue to complain, Jingwei spoke.

"Okay everyone got through! We can go back now! And Wei Yan, don't forget, you're still fired."

The other bodyguards blinked, staring at Wei Yan in surprise. Captain Mu didn't let the team know about Wei Yan's issues or his termination, so this came as a shock to them.

"You got fired? It's only been a week!" One commented, the corners of his lips moving upwards.

"Didn't you say you were going to do your best? How did this happen?" Another asked.

"Congratulations, you've broken the team record. Fastest termination from a client," was the next deadpan response.

The fact that the client was Sun Jingwei meant that Wei Yan would have a black mark on his resume. Not only was he a ridiculously high profile client, he was also notoriously easy-going, bantering with staff and letting insults roll over him, like water on a duck's feathers. He wasn't like his anal-retentive older brother!

Thanks to Sun Tianwei, Captain Mu's face now boasted a pair of impressive dark eye circles. He was regularly driven up the wall by Sun Tianwei's sky-high expectations and need for routine, rigour and respect, while Sun Jingwei never cared much for propriety.

When he got assigned, Wei Yan even bragged to his cohort about how he got chosen for this mission because of his skills, and how it would propel his career to greater heights. He and Sun Jingwei were close in age and he fully expected for him to become Sun Jingwei's bosom friend, so that his future would be bright.

So how could Wei Yan get fired like this? What on earth did he do? Did he push Jingwei into a ditch? Dump itching powder all over his clothes? Try to fuck his wife?

No matter what it was, it was a colossal fuckup!

"Don't worry, I'm not that much of a bastard to leave you with nothing. You'll get your severance package." Jingwei continued, in a tone meant to be comforting, but it pissed off Wei Yan even more.

"Stop pretending to be a good samaritan, you asshole! How dare you fire me? I'll quit instead!" Wei Yan yelled.

"Fair enough, no severance package then," Jingwei shrugged. "Best wishes for your future!"

"What? No wait - " Wei Yan began, trying to backtrack. He wanted - needed - the money for his future, since Sun Jingwei definitely wasn't going to give him a stellar referral after this debacle! "You can't fire me!"

"I just did. I admire your spine and dedication to cutting ties with me," Jingwei continued patiently. "Captain Mu, I trust you've already made the relevant preparations?"

"Yes Sir. Wei Yan no longer has any access to our accounts or security systems. We have also confiscated his company phone."

"In that case, it's time to make him sign the NDAs. We'll release him from the rope and send him on his way." Jingwei said cheerfully. "Everyone needs to fly the nest eventually."

"That's not how the idiom is used," Xue Ning scolded.  She did feel bad that Wei Yan was getting the sack, but he had created so much trouble with Chun Fei and her parents, making it impossible to trust him.

Wei Yan spluttered. He never thought Sun Jingwei was actually going to go through with it - this was the man that made decisions on impulse and changed his mind so easily! "Why are you so cruel, you bastard? And you, Miss Li, are you just going to let him act so heartless?"

Xue Ning shrugged casually, even as she twitched at Wei Yan's words. A leopard never changes its spots - this manipulative man wasn't done yet! "Do you want to be heartless? Can't say I disapprove."

Jingwei stared at Xue Ning, and then at Wei Yan for one incredulous moment before throwing his head back. Peals of helpless laughter escaped his throat, and everyone stared at him, wide-eyed in surprise.

"HAHAHAHAHHA oh my goodness... old habits really die hard for you eh? Here you are, trying to make into the bad guy and manipulating Xue Ning into helping you!" Jingwei exclaimed, pretending to wipe a tear from his eye.

He then stared back at Wei Yan viciously, and Wei Yan suddenly held his breath at the sight. The puppy-ish delight from earlier faded, and he realised he forgot something pivotal - the man he taunted like a pet dog was actually a wolf!

Just because it was obliging and kind, didn't mean he was not dangerous.

"I - " Wei Yan wanted to apologise, but Jingwei held up his hand.

"I've heard enough. Not only has your attitude remained incorrigible, you're still up to your old tricks! You refuse to take responsibility for your actions, blaming everyone else for the consequences of your own actions. Even tying you up didn't improve your attitude."

"I cannot trust you to watch my back, and I have no need for a bodyguard I cannot trust." Jingwei declared with grim finality. "Captain Mu, make him sign the non-disclosure forms and send him on his way. I do not want to see him appear in front of me or my wife ever again!"

"Yes Sir," Captain Mu said. He easily cut through the rope that bound him, and Wei Yan fell to the floor, feeling pins and needles all over his body as he regained some sort of feeling in his limbs.

No one helped him up. While the bodyguards were a unit, no one was willing to offer aid to someone that was cast out from their circle. They didn't want to attract Sun Jingwei's negative attention!

"Come on, get up." Ming Guang said. "Sign the form, and go home."

"But my money! You're really not giving me my severance? I'm going to complain online!"

"Should have thought about that before you mouthed off to Jingwei." Ming Guang muttered.

"You're evil! You made me say it! I won't forgive you!"

"You wanted to quit instead of getting fired. I'm just fulfilling your last wish. But if you wish to complain, I'll see you in court. Shengli could do with an easy case," Jingwei replied with a raised eyebrow. Xue Ning found it unfairly hot.

"You - "

"Security, please escort this man to the exit," Jingwei ordered with cheerful finality. "I'm done with him."

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