Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 40 Police Interview Part 4

Chapter 40 Police Interview Part 4

"I see, who else knows about this?" Officer Tang asks.

"My older brother said he would look into this." Jingwei replies. "He's been following my case from the beginning."

"I see," Officer Tang says. Perhaps he wouldn't need to bring this up. Sun Tianwei was notorious for being meticulous, going through every detail with a fine-tooth comb so that he could nitpick it to perfection. If Sun Jingwei had informed his older brother, chances are his brother would have a contingency plan created the very next day.

In fact, Sun Tianwei would be a lot more efficient in solving the issue than the overworked, underpaid and frankly exhausted police department.

"There's also one more thing. We also got tailed by a black car on the way to this restaurant, but we lost them halfway thanks to someone's ridiculous driving." Xue Ning gives Jingwei a look from the corner of her eye, just in case anyone has any doubt about who she was referring to.

"You mean my ridiculously incredible driving that no one can imitate," Jingwei corrects. "In your words, I could have been an F1 driver in my other life."

"Forget 'other' lives, your driving shaved off years of 'this' life of mine," Xue Ning states flatly, pointing at herself. "I might never sit in another car again. Only public transport for me from today onwards."

"You just sat in a car! Did you already forget that I drove us here?"

"Yes, and then we got ambushed by a madwoman who was your one-night-stand! And I didn't even get to drink the soup! It's such a waste…" Xue Ning laments.

"Let me get this straight," Officer Tang says, resisting the urge to rub at his temples. The hair there was already greying from stress, and he just got more stressed from their words.

"The both of you realised you were tailed, somehow managed to lose the tail, and instead of reporting it to the relevant authorities and going somewhere secure, the both of you still proceeded with your dinner plans?" Officer Tang asks, raising his voice near the end, sounding like a disappointed parent.

"We were hungry," Jingwei says sheepishly. "But when you put it that way Officer Tang, it does sound really stupid doesn't it."

"In my defence, I did tell him it was stupid, but he didn't listen," Xue Ning adds, in case the officers thought she endorsed such nonsense.

"Yes, Xue Ning is clearly my smarter half," Jingwei says, smiling winsomely. The mentioned smarter half merely rolled her eyes at his words, muttering denials under her breath.

"Yeah, it's obvious," Lin Rui says thoughtlessly, before realising he spoke out loud. Officer Tang shoots him a death glare, but Jingwei just laughs in smug amusement. Finally that junior official has acknowledged that Xue Ning was his other half! He has surrendered.

Now if only the woman he wants to make his other half would agree to his statement, but instead she's busy pulling up the car chase video to show Officer Tang. Jingwei could only sigh and admire the furrow between the eyebrows.

"We also have a video of the car tailing us, if you wish to see it." Xue Ning says, blatantly ignoring the strange glance Jingwei gives her, going straight back to business.

"That'll be much appreciated." Officer Tang says, glad that someone here was still focused on the important things.

He watches the video, raising an eyebrow at how the black car tried its best to keep up with Sun Jingwei's brand of reckless driving.

"You do realise this happened in broad daylight?" Officer Tang says, giving Jingwei a meaningful look.

"...Yes." Jingwei agrees. "But there are extenuating circumstances! You've seen the video! And now with this arrest, you know that I wasn't trying to race cars or cause an accident!"

"I know, but I just need to let you know that others might not see it the same way, even after we let our superiors know about it," Officer Tang says warningly.

Jingwei nods, becoming serious for once. Xue Ning has no idea what they are talking about and makes a mental note to grill him for information later.

"Meanwhile, I would advise the both of you to keep a low profile, at least until we catch all the perpetrators responsible. Especially you," Officer Tang continues, levelling a firm glare at Jingwei who is trying his best to look like he is busy listening and not shooting Xue Ning adoring glances.

"We will, thank you for letting us know. And thank you for hearing us out." Xue Ning says, bowing politely in thanks. She nudges Jingwei, and he does the same.

"Yeah Officer Tang, thanks for coming! Sorry for taking time away from your wife. But, you know, I'm always glad to see you. Say hi to your wife for me!" Jingwei says cheerily.

Officer Tang barely restrained his eyebrow from twitching in irritation, a feat only made possible when he thought of his dearest wife waiting for him at home.

"Thank you," He replies as calmly as he can. "I'm sure she'll be happy to hear from you too."

"Alright, time to go home then," Jingwei says, stretching his arms before realising something important. "Oh wait, Xue Ning, we need to get you to the ambulance."

"It's fine! I can go by myself." Xue Ning replies, stifling a yawn. It had been a long day, and the adrenaline was wearing off now that the main threat was in police custody.

"Nonsense, I can accompany you!" Jingwei says cheerfully, refusing to be dissuaded, standing up to tug her out of the room.josei

The both of them then make their way through the hallway, never more than a foot apart from each other, their hands half-clinging to each other, their faces turned towards each other as they continue to bicker about something or another.

Officer Tang observes this and gives a thoughtful hum. This was new. Out of all the times that he has interviewed Sun Jingwei before, this was the only time where he was sober and… happy, even when he had people threatening his life.

He didn't know who this Li Xue Ning was, but it was easy for anyone who had known Sun Jingwei's past behaviour to see the vast difference her mere presence made to Sun Jingwei's attitude. It was like she uncovered the layers of grime that hid the joyous, witty man Sun Jingwei truly was underneath it all.

Even if he wasn't a diehard romantic like his wife, he finds himself strangely rooting for them to work out in the long run. They fit well - they were a lot better than the women Sun Jingwei used to surround himself with, fellow drunks that enabled each other to behave worse than they normally would.

This woman had a good head on her shoulders. She'd be good for him, assuming Sun Jingwei doesn't screw it up.

"Officer Tang, should we be going now?" Lin Rui asks meekly.

"Yes, we should," Officer Tang says, shaking himself free of such errant thoughts. Why was he even thinking about this? (Because his wife would want to know every tiny detail and would be supremely disappointed if he failed.)

"And don't think I'll forget about your behaviour today! You're in for more training courses when we return!" He continues to lecture.

"Yes Sir!" Lin Rui gives a hasty salute.


As they leave the makeshift interview room, Xue Ning turns to speak to Jingwei.

"Should I be worried that you're so chummy with a police officer?"

"What can I say?" Jingwei shrugs casually. "I am a people person, a sheer delight to be around."

"Right, then why does he look so constipated whenever he has to talk to you?" Xue Ning asks, disbelieving. "He seems perfectly fine with me."

"Don't fall for his charms Xue Ning, it'll only end in heartbreak," Jingwei says in mock sadness. "He's a married man devoted to his wife."

"And how do you know this?" Xue Ning asks, half-afraid of the answer. "Please don't tell me you and her…"

"Hey! Get your mind out of the gutter!" Jingwei replies, laughing at the horrified look on Xue Ning's face. "I don't go for happily married women, so don't be worried. Or jealous."

"Me? Get jealous? Over you? Pigs will fly." Xue Ning scoffs. "You should be more careful; Officer Tang might just shoot you for talking about his wife."

"Hey, it's not my fault his wife is a fan of mine," Jingwei whines, flinging an arm around her shoulders to pull her closer. Xue Ning bats it away half-heartedly. "I am just that handsome, I can't help it."

Xue Ning pauses in her footsteps and turns to face him, her sharp eyes roving all over him, before they finally focus on his face, considering.

"What is it? Do I have something on my face?" Jingwei asks. The way Xue Ning stared at him was going to make him blush, and that wasn't how he wanted things to go - he was supposed to be the suave one making her blush!

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