Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 50 Meeting The Future Father-In-Law Part 1

Chapter 50 Meeting The Future Father-In-Law Part 1

Xue Ning immediately gives him a polite bow, trying to extricate her hand from Jingwei's grip. However, Jingwei holds on firmly, refusing to let go.

This does not go unnoticed by his father, his brother, and the multitude of nosy household staff that are watching with bated breath.

"Hi Father, this is Xue Ning, my bodyguard." And future wife. That part is left unsaid, but from the way his father narrows his eyes, he gets the implication and does not like it at all.

,m "Nice to meet you," Xue Ning says politely, before giving Jingwei a glare that was a lot less polite. Why is he still holding her hand so tightly in front of so many people? Couldn't he tell that his father is this close to bursting a blood vessel?

"Father, do you want the good news or bad news first?" Jingwei asks with a charming grin, ignoring the way Xue Ning is trying to discreetly break free of his hold without making a scene.

His father's eyebrow begins to twitch, a tell-tale sign of his anger. Before Jingwei can continue, his old man grabs a seat cushion and flings it straight at Jingwei for his cheeky attitude.

But the cushion never hit Jingwei. Xue Ning's arm had stretched out instinctively to shield him, and the cushion hit the palm of her hand with a loud thud.

But she felt no pain, because it was a soft cushion wrapped in a silk case.

Sun Haowei may have been well-built for an old man, but there was no real danger in his throw.

The real danger is that indescribable look in Sun Haowei's eyes at her actions.  Xue Ning realises that she might have caused more trouble for herself, judging by the quiet hush that fell over the room at her actions.

She flushes in embarrassment, but she refuses to cower meekly. She merely gives Sun Haowei another polite bow before stuffing said cushion into Jingwei's arms, taking this chance to break free of his handhold.

Would this be enough reason to fire her? She wonders to herself. Does a bodyguard protect his charge from the person who hired him in the first place?

Meanwhile Sun Jingwei just stares at her in awe, as though she's a goddess that hung up the moon and stars.

The older staff all give each other discreet smiles; it seems that this time, Sun Jingwei had chosen someone well - he had picked someone truly special. To protect him from his father's wrath even subconsciously… It is heartwarming to behold.

But it is a pity she would not be here after tonight. There is no way a prideful man like Sun Haowei would have let that action slide.

"Father, I will explain," Tianwei cuts in smoothly to break the awkward silence that had fallen on everyone. Jingwei is still making lovestruck googly eyes at his bodyguard, who is staring blankly at the wall as though she wants to blend into it.

No one wants to catch the eye of his father; Sun Haowei looks like he choked on a lemon, he glares at the both of them as though they are responsible for destroying his entire collection of Ming dynasty vases.

He is torn between glaring at his son, or glaring at the woman he brought home.

"You'd better start now," his father says warningly.

"The woman that tried to drug Jingwei has been arrested and is now currently in police custody, thanks to Miss Li's efforts." Tianwei starts, giving Xue Ning a nod of acknowledgement. If she wasn't there, his idiot brother would probably have been kidnapped or murdered in the restuarant.

"We have also gotten confirmation of her identity - it's the same woman that appeared in Jingwei's…sex video." Tianwei says, taking a quick look at his father's face just in time to see it scrunch up like a blended lemon.

There were a few things in life Sun Haowei hated more than being reminded of his son's multiple scandals with women.

"...And now she's back to chasing after you? Is she trying to film a sequel?" His father demands.

"No Father, you got it wrong - she didn't leak the film!" Jingwei explains. "I thought she did and she thought I did - "

"Foolish!" His father slams an angry hand on the armrest. "Where is the proof that it wasn't her doing?"

"Father, she's out for revenge because she thinks I secretly filmed her and leaked the video, so she -"

"And you believed her?" Sun Haowei barks out, furious at the gullibility of his youngest child. "She's just trying to manipulate you into not pressing charges!"

"I'm not forgiving her!" Jingwei protests. "She bribed someone to spill hot soup on Xue Ning! I would never forgive someone like that!"

Xue Ning finds herself the centre of attention yet again thanks to Sun Jingwei's words.

His father lets out a wheeze, much like an angry, winded bull in a bullfighting pit that still wanted to charge at the matador.

She has a feeling she's the matador. Jingwei shifts slightly towards her, as though trying to shield her with his own body. If they were alone, she would have told him not to bother. He was the equivalent of the red cloth!josei

"Idiot son," his father hisses, hyperfocused on his son's actions. "Have more care for your own life!"

"I do - I'm just telling you, it's possible that she isn't the main mastermind of this incident!" Jingwei explains hotly, a hand sneakily trying to hold Xue Ning's own. "We're both victims - and Father, you know that something like this would affect the woman more right?"

"Of course, but I don't care about her circumstances," Sun Haowei states flatly, "she's a criminal."

"Father, what Jingwei is trying to say is that we could use her to extract more information about the main mastermind. The woman in question is clearly not in the right state of mind to execute such convoluted plots on her own." Tianwei explains, because his younger brother and father are just going in circles.

He'd seen that woman, and her behaviour was alarming to say the least. She kept on smirking at Jingwei and Miss Li from the police car, even after they went out of view.

This wasn't anything too concerning on its own, but when paired with the sudden car accident, it became terrifying!

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