Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 54 Not-So Incriminating Pictures Part 2

Chapter 54 Not-So Incriminating Pictures Part 2

Xue Ning's heart was about to beat out of her chest! What on earth was Sun Jingwei trying to pull! Even if he was in love with her (big if still), how did he expect her to marry into his family when he's outright making sure he pisses off his father as much as possible?

Sheer insanity. If they weren't right in front of his father, she would have elbowed him in the gut.

Meanwhile, the room was enveloped in tense silence. The staff continued to watch dumbly as one of their Young Masters straight up held the hand of his woman right in front of his disapproving father, daring him to react.

"They're all over the Internet," Sun Haowei spits out. Xue Ning pales immediately, does this mean her family back home will see it?

Maybe they won't. Maybe the signal tower would just vanish into thin air. Hah. Fat hope. Her hands are starting to sweat from nervousness, but Jingwei still holds her hand firmly, his thumb rubbing small circles into her hand to calm her down.

She's dreading the phone calls she'll get in the morning.

"Father, I have an idea," Tianwei cuts in, his eyes glinting. "We can use this to our advantage."

Everyone turns to look at him with curious eyes.

"Since everyone believes that Jingwei and Miss Li are romantically involved, any denial on our part will just make us look like we disapprove of Miss Li. That will not reflect well on us or the company, because people will think we're looking down on someone of her status."

"...Go on," Sun Haowei says, peering at his son through his beady eyes, sharp even with age.

"I propose we let Miss Li move in with Jingwei to his apartment." Tianwei continues.

Jingwei shoots his brother a delighted look. He knew it! His older brother would always have his back, even when it comes to his love life! When Xue Ning and him finally tie the knot and have children, they'll name one of the kids after him.

Meanwhile, Xue Ning choked on air. What on earth was Sun Tianwei saying? She always thought he was rational and intelligent.

Sun Haowei's face blackened almost immediately. Letting his son, and the woman he is in love with who happens to be the daughter of his past friends, live together? Over his dead body.

"Nonsense!" He roared. "Tianwei, I expected better of you! What kind of thoughts has your brother been filling you with!"

"Father, please listen," Tianwei pleads, "this is for everyone's sake. There were two attempts on Jingwei's life already tonight; it'll be safer for Miss Li to guard him when she's staying with him. We can use the rumours of their relationship to their advantage."

Sun Haowei seethed, but could not refute his eldest son.

Tianwei continues. "What's more, with Jingwei settling down, public opinion of him will shift for the better. A man in a committed relationship will always sound better than a drunk playboy getting into trouble."

"You feel very strongly about this," Sun Haowei points out, his eyes narrowing. His eldest son was up to something.

"Father, I am willing to continue this talk with you privately, but for now, we should let Miss Li and Jingwei rest. They both had a long day," Tianwei points out. Jingwei gives his older brother a grateful look, because while Xue Ning was too composed to fall asleep in front of his father, he could tell that she was getting tired.

"Hmph," his father grunted. Jingwei took it as an agreement and quickly pulled Xue Ning away from the room with a hasty goodbye. Xue Ning was bewildered, she barely managed another bow in goodbye before she was pulled out of the room and along a ridiculously long corridor.

The entire floor was marble, and there was a dark red carpet lining the middle. Was this a palace or his house?

"Wait, where are we going?" Xue Ning asks.

"I'll bring you to see Lady Yu! She has everything prepared for your arrival." Jingwei smiles at her, swinging their linked arms idly. "So, what do you think so far?"

"...Your father doesn't like me," Xue Ning says, a bit glumly. It was rare for elders not to like Xue Ning - her behaviour usually rubbed teenagers and her peers wrongly, but old people tended to like her straightforwardness.

Jingwei's mouth fell open; that clearly wasn't the response he was looking for. She continues, "I'd better go, he might just fire me tonight."

"Then I'll rehire you," Jingwei says firmly, his hand squeezing hers. "So stay."josei

"Are you sure it's a good idea?" She asks. "Your Ge is already courting death by proposing we live together."

"Nah, Father won't do anything to my brother, he's the favoured son." Jingwei says cheerfully. "If he gets pissed off enough to leave the family, my father will be left with me to inherit his business and empire! Which is crazy. He'll never allow it."

Xue Ning lets out a tired laugh. Jingwei has a point.

"So… what is your brother planning actually?" Xue Ning asks. "Is he really expecting us to live together as a couple to improve your playboy reputation?"

"And to protect my life," Jingwei adds. "But that's Ge for you, his plans always have more than one benefit. He's smart like that. Oh look! That's Lady Yu! Good evening!"

Xue Ning gives the mentioned Lady Yu a quick bow, and she returns it easily. Lady Yu was apparently a matron in her early 50s, her long hair tied up in an elegant bun. She was dressed similarly to the rest of the household staff, but she had a petticoat instead of the usual skirt.

Lady Yu was clearly the one in charge of the household staff, and she gave Xue Ning a polite once-over, her face betraying no thoughts.

"Please bring Xue Ning to her room to freshen up!" Jingwei says to Lady Yu, before turning to Xue Ning. "I'll go and see how my Ge is getting on - I'll join you for supper later. See you!"

"Wait, you're not accompanying me?" Xue Ning asks.

,m Jingwei smiles. "Aww, you'll miss me right? Don't worry Xue Ning, I'll be back before you know it." He even shoots her a finger heart and a wink.

"On second thought, nevermind," she says, face scrunching up at his cheesiness. She waves a hand at him."Scram, begone, go. Goodbye."

"Goodbye, Young Master Sun." Lady Yu repeats politely before gesturing to Xue Ning. "Shall we, Miss Li?"

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