Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 85 A Bet?

Chapter 85 A Bet?

Jingwei spluttered, but could not truly refute the claims.josei

"You did say 'bring it' and it involved my spit!" Jingwei explained. "My brain just made the connection on its own and spiralled down the gutter faster than my company's shares plummeting when I had a scandal." He continued to confess.

Xue Ning did not look appeased or impressed by his honesty or his comparison. She crossed her arms in front of her, and that had the interesting effect of emphasising her already full chest to Sun Jingwei.

Sun Jingwei gulped and reluctantly tore his eyes away from her curves that were still visible through his T-shirt. Suddenly, he remembered how they felt against his chest when they had fallen on the floor together.

The room felt very warm all of a sudden. He stretched out his collar with an errant hand.

"Besides, it's not as though you didn't like what happened in the ambulance. If my brother didn't interrupt us, I think there would be more clothes flying off," Jingwei added, purposely not looking at Xue Ning directly.

At his words, Xue Ning's face blushed red enough to rival the tomato paintings, resisting the urge to press her thighs together as she recalled how intense everything felt in that moment. Her body clearly remembered it all too well, and wanted a repeat.

His masculine scent, the strength of his hands and arms on her waist, pulling her closer to him and how good it felt when their lower halves grinded together.

They would have gotten carried away. Deep down, she knew that too.

"That was a special case! It won't happen again!" Xue Ning declared fervently. Her body was just feeling the urge to procreate, it would pass with time. She wasn't an animal that couldn't resist her base urges. Unlike Sun Jingwei.

"Did you forget that I also said something similar before?" She added haughtily.

"How could I forget?" Jingwei replied, but instead of sulking like she'd expected, he stepped closer and gave her a slow, knowing smirk.

He knew that Xue Ning had been eyeing him more than usual, he caught the quick glances to his neck and arms and his chest muscles, glances and stares that she forgot to hide, or couldn't hide, when they were together.

He knew this, because he was always watching her, more than she was watching him.

She wanted him. He was sure of it. Now, whether she wanted to want him or not was an entirely different question, one that he was sure he could influence the outcome of.

"Don't worry though, I won't hold it against you when you change your mind," Jingwei murmured into her ear, deliberately pitching his voice lower and letting a warm puff of air gently tease the shell of her rapidly reddening ear.

He had noticed that Xue Ning was always more flustered after when his voice was deeper.

"If I change my mind," Xue Ning corrected, trying to sound calm and unaffected. She turned her head slightly away from his. Her heart was beating increasingly faster thanks to their sudden close proximity, and his voice rumbling in her ear, promising her a good time, wasn't helping matters.

"Don't think you can seduce me into bed just because we're living together!" Xue Ning said hotly. "I'm not that easy. I'd skin you alive."

"I have no complaints as long as you do it personally," Jingwei laughed lowly in her ear. "But that's fine with me. Xue Ning trust me when I say that in the end, you'll be the one wanting me in your bed. And I won't even make fun of you for it. Too much anyway."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, shoving him away. Enough was enough; he was just trying to psych her out. Xue Ning refused to surrender.

"You think very highly of your seduction powers. Why? Do you think all women will fall for your handsome face and hot body and sexy voice?" She demanded, gut twisting at the knowledge that Sun Jingwei could have his pick of any woman. Urgh.

"So you think I have a handsome face, a hot body and a sexy voice?" Sun Jingwei repeated eagerly, his eyes brightening with delight.

"Is this what you're focusing on?"

"That's what you said! You think I'm handsome, hot and sexy!" He easily ticked each attribute off with his finger, waving them above her head. He was grinning so happily that one would think he struck the lottery.

Oh wait, he was already rich enough to begin with. Xue Ning swatted at his fingers irritably.

"You are insufferable," she grumbled.

"Yes, but I am also handsome, hot and sexy. So much so that you'll want me in your bed sooner than later," Jingwei said, deliberately towering over her with a hand against the wall, still smiling that infuriatingly handsome smile as he gazed at her dotingly.

"Want to bet on that?" Xue Ning asked, her mouth working faster than her brain.

"With what?" Jingwei asked, amused and interested. No matter what, there was no way he would lose. "I'm sure money is out of the question for you."

She rolled her eyes. Of course he knew she had no money. He just visited her apartment. If burglars entered trying to find money, she'd just laugh and search with them.

"Hmm. Seeing that we're now living together - house chores." She declared after looking around the entire house. "The loser needs to clean the toilets by themselves."

"I have housekeeping for that!" Jingwei protested. "In fact, I hired housekeeping for the entire house!"

"Scared to lose?" Xue Ning retorted, staring up at him. "Also I guess that means you don't do house chores." She frowned at the thought, crossing her arms in disappointment. That was expected, but the news was still unwelcome.

Jingwei was suddenly reminded of his father's and brother's comments regarding their situation.

"Jingwei's apartment is big, but it's nowhere as big as this mansion. Miss Li will have nowhere to escape from him and his inconsiderate behaviour. They'll probably split in a year,"

"You'll break up in a month. Assuming she even wants to date you after seeing how useless you are at home."

"I can do house chores! I love doing house chores!" He declared, looking into her eyes, ignoring the enticing swell of her breasts, desperately trying to avoid the prophesied outcomes.

"I'm a great househusband! Don't break up with me!"

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