World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3112

Chapter 3112

Chen Xiang silently listened to their conversation, which helped him understand this place better.

"What guy?" Ji Xingyuan did not know, he only knew that there were still some strong people here.

"It’s that group of red-clothed people." The green robed elder said softly, "These people are crazy. You have to be careful of them!" I heard that this time, they have ambushed many powerful individuals. After being ambushed by them, they will all be eaten. "

"What?" They eat people! " Ji Xingyuan was stunned, he was enraged.

"Yes!" Especially someone like you, who looks young and strong, they love to eat. " The green robed elder looked at Chen Xiang, and laughed: "Of course, for a weak fellow like him, they would have no interest in him."

Chen Xiang curled his lips, he did not expect that the moment he came, he would encounter such a damned thing, a group of man-eating fellows hiding in this place.

"I still have to go and take a look." Ji Xingyuan looked at Chen Xiang. He had promised Chen Xiang, so he wanted to bring Chen Xiang to the entrance of the cave.

"Whatever." The green-robed elder said, "Then you must be careful. Take care!"

After the green robed elder left, Ji Xingyuan’s expression became serious, and said: "That group of fellows are really crazy."

Chen Xiang asked: "Why do they want to eat people?"

"It should be because they want to break through but have no other choice, so they can only take this evil path!" Ji Xingyuan clenched his fists and said, "Chen Xiang, if there’s an unexpected situation, you need to think of a way to escape, I want to exterminate that group of people. These kind of people who commit many evil deeds must not be allowed to live, they are a disaster." josei

"Alright, I understand." Chen Xiang didn’t really understand much about it, but he knew that many people in the No Tao Place were unable to break through or truly reach the top.

Over the years, only a few people had successfully broken through the shackles of the Myriad Tao, and the Half-ghost Old Man was one of them!

Ji Xingyuan led the way forward and after half a day, they arrived in front of a small mountain.

This short mountain had a stone door, and on top of the stone door, there were all sorts of Spirit grain.

"Because there’s a cave here, the entire mountain is very sturdy. No one can destroy it. Old Wang is truly powerful." Ji Xingyuan couldn’t help but exclaim as he looked at this mountain.

The trees near the short mountain were all damaged. There were many remnants of berserk auras. These days, there were always strong warriors attacking the mountain, but they didn’t make any progress.

Chen Xiang walked quickly to the door and asked Feng Ke’er: "Xiao Ke’er, do you recognize these Spirit grain?"

Upon seeing it, Feng Ke’er said excitedly: "I know him, and moreover, he is extremely familiar with him. Looks like this Half-ghost Old Man is a very powerful being, I have never seen him personally before, so I guess it seems like he is the one who created these Spirit grain."

"If Chen Cai was here, he would probably be very excited as well." Chen Xiang said: "Do you have a way to break open these Spirit grain, and let me in?"

"There is a way, but it will take some time ..." If you want to break it violently, then you will be able to succeed immediately. You only need to use the Heavenly magic sword to destroy the Spirit grain on the door. " Feng Ke’er said: "Your Heavenly magic sword can penetrate the protective layer above and directly destroy the door."

"NO!" I need to control this door. If it is destroyed, the people hiding in the surroundings will be able to enter. This is not good, I will wait for you. " Chen Xiang wanted to completely control this cave, even though he did not know what was inside.

Chen Xiang placed his hand on the Spirit grain on top of the gate and gently caressed it, carefully examining these Spirit grain.

Suddenly, a few auras came over, causing him to become shocked, Ji Xingyuan hurried over to his side.

"It’s them!" Ji Xingyuan said in a low voice.

"Who is it?" Chen Xiang looked around, but did not see anyone.

"Red Cloaked Person... There are some other experts as well, all fairly famous. Ji Xingyuan said angrily: "This old fellow, the next time I meet him, I must teach him a lesson. He actually tricked me."

"That old man doesn’t look too bad!" Chen Xiang also thought that it was strange, that Ji Xingyuan had been tricked.

"Of course this old fox isn’t bad, but he is very cunning." Ji Xingyuan scoffed, "Don’t let me meet him!"

Five red-clothed people appeared. They looked very old, and the wrinkles on their faces were a bit scary. They were all very tall, and looked quite robust.

Besides these five red-clothed people, there were over a dozen other people. Three of them were middle-aged, and the rest were old men.

An old lady laughed: "Ji Xingyuan, you’re finally here! You should have a way to enter this cave, since you are Wang Dao’s good friend, you should be the only one in the world who can. "

"That’s right!" Ji Xingyuan, for everyone’s benefit, you better open this door quickly! " An old man said coldly, "We’ve all waited so hard. We’ve been hiding around here for so many years just to wait for you to appear."

"Ji Xingyuan, if you don’t want to die, open it quickly." The man in red spoke, his voice low and husky.

Ji Xingyuan was very angry, and said: "I also have no way of opening it, it’s useless even if you force me."

He had originally planned to come here quietly, but now he had been discovered by these people. It was clear that this was what the green-robed elder had told them.

"This is your friend! "Heh heh." One of the red-clothed men laughed strangely and immediately rushed towards Chen Xiang.

Ji Xingyuan was instantly enraged and also attacked to deal with it.

After the red-clothed person made his move, the rest of the people also followed suit. They had clearly already made their plans, and their targets were all Chen Xiang.

In just a few blinks of the eye, Chen Xiang was already caught. Although Ji Xingyuan was strong, the number of strong enemies he had to face was too many.

"I’ll kill you!" Ji Xingyuan bellowed, he suddenly became extremely terrifying, his face was filled with veins, and a berserk Qi continued to surge out from his body, as though he was holding back his anger, and now he was exploding with it, "Look at this brat, let’s deal with him together." A red-clothed man said, and then he joined hands to attack Ji Xingyuan.

At this moment, there were only two people looking at Chen Xiang. They both grabbed Chen Xiang’s arm and used a great amount of power to lock Chen Xiang, preventing him from moving.

The furious Ji Xingyuan was still extremely terrifying. Even if all ten plus strong practitioners joined hands, they still wouldn’t dare to be careless, as they were worried that they would be killed by Ji Xingyuan.

"Do you two think you can catch me?" Chen Xiang sneered.

"Oh? Are you really that strong? I wanted to ask you, why are you so weak? And you’re even together with Ji Xingyuan, just what kind of background do you have!? " The old lady asked, using all her strength to pinch Chen Xiang, wanting to hurt him, but Chen Xiang did not react at all.



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