World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3292

Chapter 3292

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Chen Xiang only sensed this aura and decided to fuse with the World Defying Stage Fierce Soul. "(800) Fiction/--"

After the ball of light came over, he anxiously released his strongest spirit to envelop the ball of light, causing Chen Xiang to be fully prepared, he had previously eaten so many Myriad Tao Divine Soil pills, his strong body allowing him to release a very strong spirit, thus he was able to catch the ball of light in an instant.

"What is this World Defying Stage Fierce Soul?" After Chen Xiang’s spirit had enveloped the ball of light, he saw a faint shadow of a dragon inside. He had never heard of the Berserk Battle Soul of a dragon.

"This kind of Dragon World Defying Stage Fierce Soul should be very strong, I have never heard of it before!" Chen Xiang was surprised, that World Defying holy dragon had such a powerful World Defying Stage Fierce Soul, he never thought that it would be such a coincidence that they could come across such a powerful World Defying Stage Fierce Soul in such a short amount of time.

After Chen Xiang wrapped the ball of light with his Spirit Qi, he anxiously brought it back to the Divine Sense Sea. As long as he could ’get’ it into his Divine Sense Sea, then the World Defying Stage Fierce Soul would be his.

Not long after, the struggling World Defying Stage Fierce Soul was successfully dragged by him into the Divine Sense Sea, and Chen Xiang immediately used his strongest power to fuse with this World Defying Stage Fierce Soul. Under Chen Xiang’s suppression, this mysterious World Defying Stage Fierce Soul gradually became docile, and in the end, was successfully merged by Chen Xiang!

After Chen Xiang succeeded in fusing them, when he felt the powerful energy brought about by the World Defying Stage Fierce Soul flood his entire body, he couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

"I really didn’t expect it to go so smoothly. My luck really isn’t bad!" Chen Xiang laughed.

"You ... Did I succeed? " Qin Shuang looked at Chen Xiang, slightly unable to believe it, because Chen Xiang had only just started not too long ago. Furthermore, he had only eaten a Huakuan Dan, yet he found a World Defying Stage Fierce Soul that he was satisfied with, and dragged it back to fuse with it.

"Of course, right now I am in the middle stage of the World Defying crazy realm." Chen Xiang laughed proudly.

"You aren’t going to fuse with the Madness soul of the first level of World Defying Stage Soul River are you?" Because Wang Dao had previously said that the World Defying Stage Fierce Soul could be strengthened later on in life, she suspected that in order to break through, Chen Xiang had used it to fuse with the weakest World Defying Stage Fierce Soul.

"No, I found it on the third floor, and it’s a ’pretty’ dragon." Chen Xiang stuck out his tongue: "The Dragon World Defying Stage Fierce Soul on the third floor shouldn’t be weak, right?"

After Qin Shuang heard it, he opened his sexy lips slightly. He was so shocked that he couldn’t even speak, a wave of jealousy welled up from the bottom of his heart, because how could it be so easy for Chen Xiang to fuse with such a powerful World Defying Stage Fierce Soul. Looking at the smiling Chen Xiang in front of him, it seemed like he could fuse with such a powerful World Defying Stage Fierce Soul easily.

"Xiao Shuangshuang, what’s wrong?" Chen Xiang saw that Qin Shuang was frowning and his face was filled with hidden bitterness.

"The World Defying Stage Fierce Soul you have fused with is very strong ... That is an existence that belongs to the top of the Mad Battle Soul, and is commonly known as the Arrogant Mad Dragon Soul. " Qin Shuang said with a serious face: "This kind of arrogant dragon soul is normally only found by World Defying Stage Soul River of the fourth floor, but it’s extremely rare, and already close to the level of legends."

Qin Shuang looked at the gigantic World Defying holy dragon that was coiled on the ground not far away and said softly, "The reason why this guy is so powerful is because he was born with the Arrogant Dragon Soul!"

"I don’t understand World Defying Stage Fierce Soul at all. Teacher will tell you, I have never used the first World Defying Stage Fierce Soul I fused with before. You have all fused with the World Defying Stage Fierce Soul, so you should use it frequently during battles, right?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Damn you... The World Defying Stage Fierce Soul is extremely strong, it can give you a very powerful strength, but you actually do not use it, it truly is a waste of money. " Qin Shuang really did not expect Chen Xiang to be such a weirdo. "The reason why my power of the cold energy is so great is because I possess the berserk battle spirit of the profoundbing, and subsequently fused with the berserk battle spirit related to fire, thus allowing me to fuse the two into one."

"Oh right, what’s your first World Defying Stage Fierce Soul?" Qin Shuang was rather curious about Chen Xiang’s World Defying Stage Fierce Soul. "Did you find it on the third floor, World Defying Stage Soul River?"

"Of course, I’ve been looking for a long time." Chen Xiang said: "My first World Defying Stage Fierce Soul is a sword, I do not know how to use it. When I am fighting, I want to activate it, but I cannot succeed."

"What?!" It’s actually a sword! " Qin Shuang was stunned yet again. Chen Xiang’s World Defying Stage Fierce Soul had surprised her yet again.

"Yes, it’s a small sword. I don’t know how to use it, do you?" Seeing Qin Shuang’s surprised expression, Chen Xiang knew that the World Defying Stage Fierce Soul was definitely not simple, and quickly asked.

"You really are wasting such a precious resource!" Qin Shuang shouted in a depressed manner: "Don’t tell me you don’t know that sword and World Defying Stage Fierce Soul are a type of berserk battle spirit? Both the divine tool and the divine beast are World Defying Stage Fierce Fighting Soul! "

Chen Xiang shook his head, he was also shocked that he did not know.

"Then how do I use it? I can’t use it at all!" Chen Xiang curled his lips: "What’s the use!"

"I really don’t know how you managed to survive until now. You don’t need to use such a good item." Qin Shuang was very speechless, "Did you know... In the World Defying Stage Fierce Fighting Soul, the Raging Dragon Soul is something out of legends, and it’s rare to see, and the Raging Sword Soul is also the same, but it’s a little more than the Raging Dragon Soul. This is the World Defying Stage Fierce Fighting Soul that many dream of, and now that you have these two powerful World Defying Stage Fierce Fighting Soul, you actually do not know how to use it. "

Chen Xiang scratched his head and laughed dryly: "Also, no one has told me before, how would I know!"

Qin Shuang now believed that Chen Xiang had always cultivated by relying on pills and medicine, and no senior had wholeheartedly guided him before. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been so ignorant.

"Alright, you should understand by now, right?" Qin Shuang scoffed, "I’ll teach you how to use these Berserk Fighting Souls right now!"

Chen Xiang hurriedly nodded.

"The first is the Arrogant Mad Sword Soul. This is the Ares-class Mad Battle Soul among all Mad Battle Souls, it is the most powerful one and also the rarest! You need to have a sword, and also have this sword placed in the Divine Sense Sea for a long period of time. You need to use the Berserk Sword Spirit to refine this sword, and fuse the Berserk Sword Spirit into this sword. "

"So that’s how it is!" Chen Xiang understood.

"The Berserk Sword Soul is only a soul body, he needs a body to unleash it, this kind of Berserk Sword Soul has a spirit, if he sees that your sword is very strong, he would be happy to refine it, and can easily integrate with your sword." Qin Shuang said.

"It seems like I have spent a lot of time. Otherwise, I should have finished refining it by now." Chen Xiang summoned his Heavenly magic sword. His Heavenly magic sword was very strong.

"That’s right!" Qin Shuang really wanted to attack Chen Xiang, to think that he had wasted the Raging Sword Soul for such a long time.

"Where’s the Raging Dragon Soul?" Chen Xiang asked. josei

"The Raging Dragon Soul is even easier. Don’t you have a World Defying Green dragon? Just merge with the World Defying Green dragon. " Qin Shuang said: "Oh right, how did your World Defying Green dragon become a Fire Dragon?"


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