World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3295

Chapter 3295

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Wang Dao saw the Crystal emperor, but he was even more shocked by Qin Shuang’s identity, as if Qin Shuang was the master of the Purple Yang Divine Palace. How many beautiful novels]

"Half-ghost Old Man, do you want it?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Forget it, there isn’t much use for me to come here. I’m just here to concoct pills." Wang Dao waved his hand.

"Then keep these!" Chen Xiang took out a few pieces of Myriad Tao Divine Soil Crystals. "Help me refine some pills, give some to her. She wants to step into the Aoshi Holy Stage, and needs to strengthen the World Defying Stage Fierce Fighting Soul’s pills."

"This... No problem, but it will take some time. " Wang Dao accepted Chen Xiang’s Myriad Tao Divine Soil Crystal, and then took out something to inspect it. This was artificially crafted, but he didn’t say anything.

"What are your plans now?" Wang Dao kept the Myriad Tao Divine Soil Crystals and asked.

"Return to Heaven Old Super Realm." Chen Xiang said: "Those guys won’t find us that easily, you don’t have to worry too much."

"That’s true. Otherwise, you wouldn’t dare to come here." Wang Dao curled his lips.

"Oh right, Half-ghost Old Man, help me check where that bastard Hong Qianyi is." Chen Xiang said: "I will finish him before returning to the Heaven Old Super Realm."

Wang Daoduo’s speed was very fast, in just half a day’s time, he managed to find out that Hong Qianyi had also returned to the Heaven Old Super Realm.

There were a lot of Myriad Tao Divine Soil s in the Divine Soil Restricted Area. As a member of the Heaven Old Imperial Family, Hong Qianyi was also a descendant of the Super Yang Old Ancestor, so he believed that there was hope for them as descendants of the Super Yang Old Ancestor. Although it was refined by the Super Yang Old Ancestor, it was not a problem for them to use it for cultivation.

"That’s great, that guy took so many bounties, then hid in Heaven Old Super Realm, I will definitely find him." Chen Xiang looked at Qin Shuang, who had killing intent written all over his face.

"You come to me every once in a while. I’ll give you the dan." Wang Dao said.

Qin Shuang and Chen Xiang left the Heaven Fire City, and proceeded towards an ancient Transmission array.

"There are a few Transmission array s that are heading to the Heaven Old Super Realm, and these Transmission array are all public. They know that we are from the Heaven Old Super Realm, so they will definitely be guarding the vicinity of the Transmission array, so we cannot use these Transmission array s to go back." Qin Shuang said: "I’ll bring you to a place where only I know the Transmission array."

"You are the granddaughter of the Super Yang Old Ancestor, you know quite a few secrets of the Super Yang Old Ancestor." Chen Xiang said.

"Of course, my grandfather is still alive. I must find him." Qin Shuang sighed: "There are some things about him that I am not sure about. For example, where he is now, I do not know."

"Sooner or later, I’ll find him." Chen Xiang laughed.

"I hope there are clues in the Purple Yang Divine Palace." Qin Shuang looked at the Purple Yang Excalibur, then asked Chen Xiang about the situation when he entered the Purple Yang Divine Palace last time.

Qin Shuang understood Purple Yang Divine Palace the most, so he felt that entering this place would be much easier this time. At least he wouldn’t get lost and run around. josei

After finding out about the situation inside the Purple Yang Divine Palace from Chen Xiang, Qin Shuang heaved a sigh of relief, "It’s not destroyed inside, that’s great!"

Qin Shuang was worried that someone would barge in and cause damage to the Purple Yang Divine Palace. Inside were some precious things left behind by the Super Yang Old Ancestor, and they were extremely important to her.

Chen Xiang followed the path Qin Shuang pointed out and very quickly entered a mountain range. Finally, he arrived at the deepest part of the mountain range and found a Transmission array.

"So secretive!" Chen Xiang had entered the belly of a mountain, and then went through a tunnel in the middle of the mountain to go deeper into the ground to build an underground stone room before he finally saw the Transmission array.

This Transmission array was not very big, it could only let five people stand on it. It was still hidden very well, it was not easy to find it.

"If you don’t hide it well, it will be easy for others to find it." Qin Shuang said: "There’s a kind of guy here who specially searched for this ancient Transmission array."

The two of them stood on top of the Transmission array, and Qin Shuang began to pour spirit force into it, wanting to use the Transmission array.

The Transmission array already had the ability to absorb energy, so it quickly absorbed enough energy from Qin Shuang’s body.

"It’s about to start. Don’t just walk around." Qin Shuang warned.

"Don’t worry, I’m not a kid. I won’t mess around." Chen Xiang laughed, then his eyes flashed, and a white expanse appeared in front of him.

After a while, it was pitch black in front of them. Qin Shuang took out a glowing stone and lit up his surroundings, they had already arrived at a stone room.

"The Transmission array here is also very secretive. In the future, we can return back to the Myriad Tao." Qin Shuang said, then went to open a stone door. "Come, let’s go to Purple Yang Divine Palace, there’s still a lot of road to walk!"

Chen Xiang laughed, "This is the Heaven Old Super Realm, not only can we fly, we can also use the power of teleportation ... ..."

Qin Shuang had actually forgotten. She had just returned from Myriad Tao, so she did not think of this.

Chen Xiang brought her and teleported to the entrance of the Purple Yang Divine Palace. From there, they would enter the ground below and then they would see a giant fireball with the Purple Yang Divine Palace inside.

The two of them were very strong, so their journey was very smooth. Not long after, they arrived at the main entrance of the Purple Yang Divine Palace, where Qin Shuang had stabbed the Purple Yang Excalibur into the hole and opened the main entrance of the Purple Yang Divine Palace.

"I used to play here often when I was young. There shouldn’t be any changes inside!" After Qin Shuang opened the door, the place he directly entered was not the empty and huge plaza, but the extremely beautiful hall.

"Why did you come here directly? Those Thief Race people and I will go to another place." Chen Xiang felt that this was unbelievable.

"That’s because when you entered, you did not trigger a mechanism, and only those who are familiar with this place know of it. It was at the gate, and when I opened it, I used a Purple Yang Excalibur to trigger it." Qin Shuang looked around, then pulled Chen Xiang to one of the walls of the hall.

"Why are you here? That was the door I went through last time, and after walking through a long passage, I found those Crystal emperor. " Chen Xiang said: "Is there an entrance here?"

"Of course!"

Qin Shuang caressed the mighty golden dragon carving on the wall, and in the end, her fingers stayed on top of the golden dragon’s scales, releasing a burst of strong World Defying Stage Fierce Power. She pressed down hard, and a hole appeared on the dragon’s scale that she had pressed down, then she stabbed the Purple Yang Excalibur in, and a very small door immediately appeared on the stone wall, allowing only one person to pass through.

"So there were actually so many traps!" Chen Xiang looked at the door he entered from last time and was extremely confused: "Why would the Crystal emperor be placed at such an easy place to find?"

"It is easy to find, but without Purple Yang Excalibur, you won’t be able to find it." Qin Shuang said: "There shouldn’t be anything important over there!"

After Qin Shuang brought Chen Xiang through the narrow passage, they arrived at a study room. The bookshelves inside were all empty and were a little messy, as if they had been robbed.

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