World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3804

Chapter 3804

"Is it really that strange for her to become a Beast-creation Race Emperor? She is the daughter of the First Beast-creation Ancestor, so it should be normal for her to become the Clan Emperor! " Chen Xiang felt puzzled when he saw Old Tang being so shocked. ≤,

"Do you know that Long Yue’s origins are very special?" Old Tang frowned. "I just didn’t expect her to live until now."

"Why can’t I live until now? She’s alive and well. " Chen Xiang said.

"Do you know who Long Yue’s mother is?" Old Tang asked.

Chen Xiang shook his head. He had asked the First Beast-creation Ancestor before, but got no answer.

"Long Yue’s mother is from the Star-creation Race, and she’s a very bad woman at that." Old Tang sighed, "At first First Beast-creation Ancestor didn’t know, but when he found out, he killed it."

"So that’s how it is. No wonder Long Yue’s feelings for her father are so contradictory." Chen Xiang sighed, Long Yue was sure that he knew what his mother did.

"But Long Yue is the daughter of the founder and First Beast-creation Ancestor, she shouldn’t have been able to obtain her for so long." Old Tang said, "She definitely inherited some of her mother’s power, so it will cause her to turn evil."

"Not really. She’s still alive and well." Chen Xiang really did not expect Long Yue’s mother to be the founder of the Star King Mountain. In other words, the Smoke Charming was part of the Star-creation Race and her position was very high as well.

They both had Hell star s in their hands, and now that they were going to the same place, who knew what would be inside.

"Let’s go wake up the Infernal God first." Old Tang said.

After journeying for a month, Chen Xiang and the others saw the Evil Hell Mountain, a tall mountain in the middle of a large river.

After arriving here, Old Tang told the others to wait outside, and then he and Chen Xiang entered a cave in the Evil Hell Mountain.

"Do you want to go in from here?" Chen Xiang asked: "Maybe it’s a trap or something?"

"No, there’s only one cave in the Evil Hell Mountain, this is definitely the place." Old Tang smiled. "We can enter without worries."

Chen Xiang followed behind Old Tang and walked into the pitch black cave.

The cave led straight to the belly of the mountain. Not long after, they arrived at a stone room inside the belly of the mountain.

There was a circular pit on the floor of the stone room. Old Tang took out a round formation plate and placed it on top of the hole. He then spun around, only to see a staircase leading down from the floor.

"Go down!" Old Tang was the first to leave, followed by Chen Xiang.

After walking for a while, they reached the bottom. Then, they walked through a passageway until they came to a stone wall at the end. There was another depression in the wall.

Old Tang did the same as before. He took out an array disc and placed it on the hole, then turned it around and opened a door.

"The Hell Divine Lord should be inside." Old Tang said.

After Chen Xiang and Old Tang entered, they saw a black bed placed in the middle of a spacious stone room. josei

"Let’s not go over first. There might be a trap." Old Tang immediately pulled Chen Xiang, preventing him from walking forward, he carefully checked his surroundings.

"To be able to come here, one must use an array disc. If this array disc can come here, then there shouldn’t be any traps." Chen Xiang laughed.

"Not necessarily!" Old Tang took out a few Tao-creation Holy Crystals and sprinkled them on the ground.

When the Tao-creation Holy Crystal was released, the surroundings were suddenly filled with a black mist, followed by a burst of scorching energy.

"Retreat, it’s a poisonous fire!" Old Tang shouted.

Chen Xiang anxiously retreated out of the stone room, and after Old Tang exited, he anxiously closed the stone door.

"There really is a trap!" Chen Xiang took a deep breath, if not for Old Tang, he would have definitely walked over earlier.

"Will it burn Hell Divine Lord?"

"Don’t worry, the Hell Divine Lord will not be burned to death like that." Old Tang said, "We’ll go in after the fire energy has been completely incinerated."

"There might be other traps." Chen Xiang did not know how strong the poison fire was either, but to be able to be here, it was definitely not too weak.

"I don’t know, I’ll test after I enter." Old Tang shook his head. "As long as we’re careful, we’ll be fine."

Chen Xiang nodded.

Four hours later, Old Tang and the others who had opened the stone room entered with Chen Xiang.

Old Tang made Chen Xiang hold his breath, at the same time, he channeled his energy to resist the poison, to prevent himself from getting poisoned.

"There shouldn’t be any other traps." Old Tang said after a careful inspection.

Afterwards, he and Chen Xiang carefully arrived beside the black stone bed.

"How do you make the Hell Divine Lord’s attribute?" Through the mist on the black stone bed, Chen Xiang could see a person’s pitch-black figure lying on the stone bed.

"Let’s take a look at the stone bed. Is there any place where we can place the formation plates?" Old Tang held an array disc in his hand, not knowing what to do.

After that, Chen Xiang carefully checked the surroundings of the stone bed, but he did not find any pit.

Old Tang checked the stone bed a few times but found no direction.

"It might even be on the stone bed!" Chen Xiang said as he looked at the stone bed.

"No, this black mist is poisonous gas, do not touch it." Old Tang shook his head, thinking that it was impossible for him to be on the bed.

Afterwards, they searched around the stone room, but couldn’t find any place to place the formation plates.

"Old Tang, can I have my master take a look?" She’s a formation master, so she might be able to see something. " Chen Xiang said.

"Of course you can!" Old Tang hurriedly said.

Chen Xiang immediately let Xiao Xianglin out.

Old Tang couldn’t help but be shocked when he saw such a beautiful girl coming out. He thought that Chen Xiang’s master was an old man like him.

After Xiao Xianglin came out, he politely greeted Old Tang and then brought up the matter of taking a look at the formation plate in Old Tang’s hands.

Old Tang also passed it to Xiao Xianglin.

Xiao Xianglin looked at it carefully for a moment, then said: "The black stone bed has a sealing force, which means that the black mist is extremely toxic, and can cause people to fall asleep."

"Yes, how do you know?" Old Tang was surprised.

"The method of using this formation plate is not to place it somewhere, but to absorb the poisonous fog." Xiao Xianglin smiled slightly: "I saw it from the runes on the array disc."

"Awesome!" Old Tang exclaimed, "Then how do we use this formation plate?"

"As long as the formation plate absorbs a bit of the poison, it can activate by itself." Xiao Xianglin said: "We can give it a try!"

Old Tang walked over, using the formation tray in his hand to carefully touch the mist enveloping the black stone bed.

Just as the formation plate touched the mist, it created a strong suction force, causing the mist on the stone bed to immediately flow into the stone plate.

In the blink of an eye, the black poison mist on the black stone bed was completely absorbed. A fat middle-aged man with a big stomach was lying on the stone bed snoring while wearing a loose set of black clothes.

"This guy is Hell Divine Lord?" Chen Xiang looked at the fatty and said with a little surprise.

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