World Development System

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Ambassador thought as he remembered, "Looking back, It seems Prince Lukav was also present there . He also said that it was the best alcohol he ever drank in his life . He was quite happy with both the wines"

Lionheart furrowed his brows as heard about Lukav, "I never heard of him traveling there, why was he there, do you know any particular details? And why weren’t our men successfully able to tail him?

Luke spoke, "He was invited there by Count John that is what I heard from his own mouth so I guess he wanted to take a look at this town as he came in a disguise . Well if that foolish count sells that weapon to Prince Lukav then we can have a legitimate reason to oppose him"

Lionheart murmured, "I would rather hope Lukav doesn’t get his hands on those weapons and cause more trouble for us . It would be better if he dies at the hands of his own brothers after doing going against us all those years ago . "

"That son of mine has bought me enough humiliation all these years . and It seems we have to be cautious of that count since he is keeping good relations with that count . "

Luke acted as if he didn’t hear anything from the king .

’I guess the grudge between them is deep, even dad never speaks anything about that incident . It seems only a few people know about it and those who know keep their mouths shut about it . ’


The Day of Prince Hector’s Banquet,

The banquet was taking place in the Northern part of the Aelius Kingdom .

People from all over the kingdom were coming in their most luxurious carriages . Today’s audience also meant where their allegiances lied .

Viscount Rob spoke, "Today’s Sun festival will be quiet eventful, don’t you think so?"

Marquis Chris thought, "Yes, it seems that upstart had a plan when to counter Prince Hector and hence his announcement just before this Banquet . I guess he intended to target this Banquet as people will refrain from joining Prince Hector’s conspiracy against him . I guess many are feeling that they would be burned as pawns if they follow Prince’s orders this time around . The very big reason behind their hesitance is the Royal family’s announcement 5 days back which made them think that this weapon might be quite powerful that even the Royal family gave enough face to that upstart while also giving him various benefits while neglecting Prince Hector . "

Count Casey, "I guess you are right, this was also one of the reasons why I decided to sit on fence this time around . As I don’t want to get burned in this fight between that Count John, the southern forces and the whole northern and western front . Though Duke Norman might get offended, however, this time I am not alone in defying him . I perfectly know the difference between a suicide and a well-calculated plan . And in this case, I would be doing suicide if I decide to bear the burnt and be the vanguard for others . " josei

Rob gave his hypothesis, "I guess Baron Mendez might still be envying your position and from his nature, you might well know how he pussies out when taking important decisions,"

Chris rebuked and spoke disdainfully, "Well, you don’t have to worry about him, I am quite sure he is only acting to get more benefits from Prince Hector and Duke Norman . "

Casey smiled, "Well, let’s see how it unfolds and what are the cards prince is prepared to show to keep his face after such a big humiliation, I am sure many of his allies would want an answer to keep faith in prince Hector and one of the reasons to support Prince Hector for the throne . It seems unlike what we guessed, Baron Mendez is more enthusiastic this time around unlike his previous self before the start of the banquet . " Casey commented after watching Baron Mendez coming to the Banquet .

Chris laughed as he spoke, "I am sure he was offered something big as he is making that happy face .

As I said earlier, I would have loved to be in this position if I was Baron Mendez, however, we don’t know what actions Duke Sapphire Rose might take as he too has a lot of interests in soap trade and now after hearing about those Ballista I am sure he would not like to see his ally in deep trouble . "

Rob reminded them, "Well, he is usually known for his generosity and backing up his allies if possible, you still haven’t forgotten how he backed up Marquis Ray during his previous wars . He also helped him a lot politically and diplomatically during his younger years . "

Casey rebuked, "Hmph, That Half-elf still would be sore in the eyes of Royal family, That Half-elf only became the duke because of conspiring against his brothers and grabbing the throne . "

Rob "I don’t think we know anything concrete about that as I heard Sapphire’s brothers conspired against each other which was one of the reasons why he was able to legitimately take the throne . And even if he conspired against brothers, isn’t it common in big Aristocratic households and this only proves the mettle of Duke Rose . "

Chris spoke as he spotted a man with Prince Hector, "Anyway let’s see who is that man with Prince Hector, I am sure that man might be important as he is introducing him here . "

In the Mansion, Prince Hector introduced that guy who stole the blueprints and gave it to Royal Family, "Guy’s let me introduce everyone here to a newcomer, he is master Sylvan, Recently we made a deal with him and from now on he will be researching and making new types of soaps with us . There is another good news for everyone . Because of the increasingly competitive market we have decided to ally with Duke Blackwolf . We have decided that we will cooperate and research on soaps as a team from now on . We have already decided to launch new types of soaps 15 days from now so I hope everyone is hopeful . "

Casey laughed as he realized something, "It seems, this was one of the aces he was hiding from that upstart, I guess Prince Hector’s men were still able to bribe someone from that Upstart’s workshop . From this, it can be seen that he is intentionally provoking Count John . "

Chris sighed as he too concluded, "Looks like it is true, from the way Prince Hector is openly flaunting his spying prowess I guess he is still feeling proud . Let’s see if this guy called Master Sylvan is assassinated or not by that Count . "

Rob noticed someone and remarked, "Hey look, even Duke Norman and Princess Mary is here today, I guess Duke Norman wanted a pie out of that North-frontier town . "

Chris rebuked as spoke, "Even that lackey of Duke Blackwolf, Finance Minister Justin is here today to attend this banquet, I guess some alliances are already made and some are already forming,"

Rob, "Hey, why would Duke Norman support Prince Hector when he was interested in Miss Diana as well . "

Casey rebuked him as he spoke harshly to Rob, "Rob, Were you seriously living under a rock all this time? Of course, it is for political gain and Isn’t it normal for kings to have multiple wives, even Duke Norman has 3 wives . I guess that is also one of the reasons why they weren’t opposed to Prince Hector trying to get Miss Diana’s favor . And the most important part of this fact is Miss Diana is that she is the only child of Duke Bluesea so I guess he saw a lot of potential gains . "

Rob wondered as he spoke mindlessly, "I see, however, I don’t think my mother would be happy if she saw my dad with another woman . "

Chris sighed as he explained to him, "Well, that is because your father married into your mom’s family . Rob, you are quite dense when it comes to certain matters it doesn’t need to be said to understand some things . "

Rob jolted as he understood and remarked, "Aah, right, I forgot about that . It looks like there will be a lot of plans going to take place today from the way people are gathering here . "

Casey spotted Prince Lukav arriving and spoke to the lot, "It seems even that madman is here today, I guess things will get interesting from now on . A lot of unknown characters have shown up over here at this banquet . I guess that Ballista has stirred up a lot of waves and people in and out around the kingdom . "

Chris sighed, "Well, from the way he is waving that Invitation like a hand fan it looks he wants to make a mockery of Prince Hector today, I heard he was previously at Count John’s place . And from his good mood, it looks like Count John acceded to his demands or maybe who knows . As for waves, it already took off long back I think . "

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