World Development System

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

This arrow traveled in no time as it traveled 500 meters as it pierced Sylvan’s brain as he was giving a speech . The Arrow blasted as soon as it made contact with Sylvan’s brain . The whole scene was gore as his brain burst in blood and meat . The only last reaction of Sylvan was happily giving his speech as he didn’t even realize that an arrow pierced him until the last moment when he actually felt pain . Watching this everyone in the crowd was surprised including all the Dukes and their Guards . People were in silence as they didn’t know what to make of the situation as this was the first one for them .

Grey smiled as he saw people’s reactions from the Hotel’s roof half a kilometer away . He patted the mini-ballista, disassembled it and packed it in his bag as he left in a calm manner so as not to raise any suspicions of anyone . He was in a disguise this whole time during his operation .

Grey thought as he smiled, ’This mini-ballista is quite good as it is specially made from Magic Steel . This will come in handy for a long time . ’

Guards of Prince Hector were a little bit away from Sylvan . Everyone was in shock as Prince Hector was the first to react to Sylvan’s Assassination .

He roared towards Alistair, "What the hell happened here Alistair? Tell the guards to check for any suspicious individuals over here . Which great man did we offend that a combat oriented Knight specializing in Magic attacked us? Could that small count really get help from those secluded men?"

Alistair was in shock only until he realized what happened right now, "Master, I don’t think that is the case, because the force with which this projectile traveled was several times faster than any archer including magic knight could do it . I think we had been done in, this time around . "

Duke Blackwolf was quite shocked as he asked his guard, "Hey Fen, could you defend me if that projectile had come towards me . "

Fen proudly spoke, "Of course I can, I would need to use some earth magic and my shield to protect you because that projectile was very lethal just from the point of view of force and power alone . However, Protecting you won’t be a problem . It would be difficult if 4 such projectiles from 4 directions targeted you at the same time . However, it would be manageable as long as I am in very close proximity to you with the help of Dirk . Additionally, you have that armor with that special rune so I guess it is ok as long as a shower of such arrows in not upon us . "

Blackwolf nodded as he immediately ordered, "Okay, We are leaving immediately . It seems he made another weapon and used it here to show his power and humiliate Prince Hector . However, that projectile was very special from the way it burst on contact with Sylvan . "

Blackwolf frustratingly asked, "Argh, this is such a headache . "

Fen nodded and spoke, "This weapon seemed to come from a long distance in the west . I guess that the projectile was crafted especially for assassination purposes . Not many people can craft such a powerful rune on arrows . I guess Duke Sapphire’s Runemaster helped that count with that projectile or it may be that Demon Vlad who got that projectile by his nefarious thuggery means . This weapon would be very useful for our men if we can get it . "


Prince Hector roared and cursed angrily, "It’s that upstart for sure, he killed my men so brazenly . Catch that assassin as soon as possible I will make sure he experiences a fate worse than hell . "

Prince Hector then spoke gravely to Alistair, "I don’t want to hear any excuses . I guess that Upstart really likes to keep his face . Damn that upstart, All my plans are undone . Go and capture that assassin . "

Alistair seriously spoke to Prince, "Master, I can’t leave as I fear that this a bait by that count to assassinate you in revenge for our previous actions . Who knows how many of those projectiles are there in their arsenal so it would be better to remain cautious . However, you do not have to worry as I have sent my men to check the direction from which the arrow came from . "

Alistair meanwhile murmured, ’I guess he really one-upped me this time around . This count is quite interesting . It would be quite hard to please Prince Hector this time around . Maybe I should bring in some woman to his chambers tonight as I can escape his wrath . It would have been interesting if I was serving that upstart’s strategist, he has a lot of Toys with which he could carve out a new kingdom . I guess this is fate . "

Mary meanwhile just arrived as she saw the horrible scene of Sylvan’s head bursting out . "What was that weapon? I have never seen a weapon doing this much damage in an instance unless it is combined the magic of magicians and what is with its speed? Is that count really capable of creating such horrifying weapons of War . "

Alistair explained to her, "Not to worry Mistress Mary, That projectile was specially made, it was runic and very few people in Aelius can make a projectile this lethal so I don’t think we need to be alarmed . I guess that count wanted to say that he is not a pushover judging by our previous actions . I think the weapon itself was also made by a Magic metal if my predictions are right . "

Norman came and said to Alistair, "I guess he will be a big bloody thorn based on his current actions . Until now he has never backed down whenever someone tried to humiliate him or show him power . Can we use it against him?"

Alistair thought and nodded, "Quite a brilliant observation Duke Norman . It can be used only if the Royal family interferes or someone more powerful like Fireabyss Royalty, however, It could backfire if he runs away to another kingdom or is strong enough to retaliate like Lorr family of the past . To be very honest, that guy could be quite an asset to a kingdom . If he is very powerful, I don’t think the Royal family will make a move this easily unless they are sure . "

Duke Norman smiled as he spoke, "Where would he run? He is landlocked and surrounded by beasts on the north . As far as strength is concerned, could he really fight with the Royal family with that small piece of land or 60000 of his population? Royal family alone has a military of 1 . 2 million soldiers . "

Alistair didn’t fail to remind him, "That army is scattered, though . Well, lets leave it for later . "

Meanwhile, Grey long left the hotel he stayed at and was in a different disguise to be cautious . Grey thought as he saw Alistair’s men in civilian clothes searching for someone asking people on who stayed in the nearby hotels as he murmured, "It seems their reaction is quite slow, maybe the effect of this new weapon and shock . This will come in handy a lot for our men, I never had such an easy operation in my life, didn’t even get the chance to use my lovely swords, I wonder how will Dearil and Martin react to such developments . I saved quite a lot of time to escape with the weapon plus it is quite accurate if you are proficient in it . These new projectiles with runes were very good to be honest . I could have fired from a longer distance as well . I guess it is always better to remain on the safe side . Mission over, back to North-frontier town . "

Grey left the City of Gritos smoking his cigarette while the whole city was in turmoil, "Good riddance . I guess I need to thank that Count for this new baby . It made my job a lot easier . However, it seems Lord Vlad spent quite a lot as I can see magic steel used on this mini-ballista . Maybe I should do more missions frequently, I can ask for more projectiles for this weapon from Vlad this way . "

One of the hotel owners answered the Knights in their investigation, "I think there was a suspicious man with a thick brown beard but he had quite unusual hair as they seemed black yet silver and he also had a mark on the left side his face . He only stayed at this hotel for this morning . He left as soon as he saw chaos breeding in the city . He was on the terrace looking at the town . I guess he was scared after watching that scene and hence decided to leave the city . Well, I only judged him based on his appearances . " josei

The knight furrowed his brows as he confirmed, "Are you sure he had silver hair and had a mark on the left side of his face?

The knight thought, "I guess that black hair was his disguise . "

The hotel owner asked confusingly, "Yes . What’s the problem?"

The knight sighed as spoke to other knights, "I guess he already left the city . Now it would be quite hard to track him . I hope I don’t get scolded by Lord Alistair . From the looks of it, this assassination was done by Grey of Bluesea house however we can’t confirm it as no one saw him . Well, we can still look for other places to confirm it . Come lets go . "

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