World Development System

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

Calvin the Templar knight nodded and gave his suggestion, "That guy Charlie is quite cunning like Prince Felix, However Unlike Felix, he will be harder to control if we fund him . However, he would be a good bet for us as he has a big grudge against Prince Lukavv as well . "

David didn’t pay any heed as thought controlling Charlie was easy and spoke, "We can manipulate him using women . You should know he is quite weak when it comes to women . "

Calvin again stressed, "However, he is also someone who values his own life more than anything else . We should at least carefully hedge our bets . And aren’t we overthinking about a mere count? Though he has big guts . I guess he is only vying for attention . " josei

David didn’t agree and gave orders, "Well, it’s okay, we will fund Charlie as well . it’s okay as long as both of these thorns are removed as both the count and that lunatic are would be big menaces for us in the long run . We can still support Felix after both of them die . Plus my instincts are saying that this count could be very dangerous . I heard from our seers that they weren’t able to see anything through that count about his future even with multiple tries . All they could see was fog . So this Count is a big anomaly considering the unknown future . The future of this kingdom becoming uncertain day by day . It has not been like that before the arrival of that count . Plus our spies have reported that King is again gathering those seers . So I am sure something is brewing up . This order wouldn’t have been given without Eanred’s approval . "

Calvin coughed and reminded, "I think Prince Lukav is already a big menace for us after such a long time . Hmm . . . So seers can’t see him . Well, I will inform our men of the current plans . "

David nodded as he let him leave, "You can leave for now . And Right now most of the Cardinals would be in agreement with my previous proposal of helping Robert and providing funds to Duke Fjord after that previous fiasco by that Upstart . Even Saint Paul is quite angered this time around . So this would be perfect for us to use this pretext . Even the other guys who are against this would be quite enraged by the treatment that Francis got this time around . So prepare for an emergency meeting of Cardinals . "

Calvin nodded and left to prepare, "Okay, I will prepare for the meeting and inform the Cardinals . "


After 15 days, Henry woke up from his coma,

He was being constantly treated by Dearil’s men during this time . He had 24 hours of surveillance on him in case of an emergency .

Henry reacted after 15 days .

One of the demon men who was watching him reported to his head, "He is reacting after a long time, It looks like he is out of his coma . Should we take a look at him, Sir?"

The Head didn’t even look as he was busy and spoke: "No, Call me only when he wakes up . "

The head didn’t pay any attention to his man and was busy with his own paperwork .

After somewhile Henry woke up,

Henry looked at his own bandages . He was a bit confused looking at his own situation but he soon gained his composure and spoke to the man looking after him, "How come I am here and still alive after such falling from such a height? I wonder who saved me . So who are you?"

Henry saw that a demon was waiting upon him . He was a bit cautious at first and thought, ’Nah, I shouldn’t doubt them . I would have died long while back if these men meant any harm to me . Looking at the bandages it looks like these guys saved me . I should thank them first . ’

Henry continued and asked him, "Do you guys know where are we and which one of you saved me? I am the knight of Duke Fjord’s order of knights and I am sure he would reward you generously for saving me . Wait, what is the situation of Lord Evan . Damn, this will be big trouble . "

Henry realized that Evan most probably died as thought about Evan .

The man got confused as he saw Henry was asking so many questions, "Arrgh, you have a lot of questions . Just stay here and rest . I will bring Lord Dearil over here, he will clear your confusion . He is also the one who saved you . You can ask him your questions . First, let me report about the situation to my superiors . "

The head of the departments soon reacted after watching that Henry woke up,

The Head heard about the situation and reported to Dearil about Henry situation and him waking up .

Dearil thought as he heard his man, "Hmm, I will take a look at him first, Don’t say this to Jake first . Inform Master about him . Come lets go . "

The Head nodded and reported about other situations and left to inform John and Vlad, "Okay, We also have one of our men keep a lookout for him in case his injuries take a toll . "

After one hour, Dearil reached Henry’s quarters as he saw him getting dressed in formal clothes . It looked like he was okay after having breakfast and coming out of the coma .

Dearil saw Henry okay and asked him, "It looks like you are already ready to leave after meeting your benefactor . Aren’t you in quite a hurry? Can I know where are you intending to go right now?"

Henry saw that Dearil came and understood what happened, "Ohh, it looks like you guys were the ones who saved me . I don’t think I have anything that I can give you guys as you saved my life, However, I would like to offer my sincere thanks to you guys for saving me . As for me going, I would be going back to the eastern domain to meet up with my colleagues . "

Dearil smiled as he heard about him going back to Duke Fjord’s domain, "You might want to hear me before going to Duke Fjord’s domain . It is concerning the situation and circumstances after Evan’s Assassination by prince Hector . I think you must harden your heart before listening to this news . Lord John also wanted to meet you personally as he can give you all the accurate news . "

Henry furrowed his brows a bit and asked, "What sort of news? Did something happen to Duke Fjord’s domain?"

Dearil sighed as he heard him and broke the news to him, "Your Wife Lucy is no more . "

Henry got angry as he heard this before leaving and asked him with a roar, "What are you saying? How did Lucy die, What happened to her? Are you joking with me?"

Dearil slowly narrated the events to him, "She actually killed herself as she didn’t want to get captured by Duke Fjord’s men, Darius in particular . So indirectly, she was killed by Duke Fjord’s Personal knight order or Darius in particular . There is one more point . It was Darius who was leading the men on Duke Fjord’s orders . Darius even tried to **** her first to exact revenge for his brother, Marcus’s death but he lost his eye while Confronting Lucy . However, she died saving your Son Lucius so he could escape . Currently, his whereabouts are unknown . So the thing is Duke Fjord judged you as a traitor on word of one of the guys from your team, I think his name is Sebastian and hence the current situation of your family . While Duke is using Evan’s death also as a pretext to attack us . While we were the ones who killed Evan as per Duke Fjord conclusion, however, the thing is, it is Prince Hector who carried out this conspiracy . "

Henry gritted his teeth as heard about this betrayal and asked with coldness filled in his eyes, while immense rage-filled in his voice, "How long was I unconscious for and how much time has passed since that incident? And why did you guys save me, were there any other intentions from your side?"

Dearil furrowed his brows as he heard him and spoke with anger, "You were unconscious for, I think around 15-20 days, as for your Wife’s death? I think it is around 12 days as we got information 12 days back only . "

Dearil continued with anger, "Hmph, as for saving you, it was not my idea, it was Jake who saved you previously as he said that you didn’t seem like a bad person . The only other intention from me would be to expose Prince Hector, I guess Jake’s anger overwhelmed rationality and that is why he didn’t save Evan . As for me do you think I will save my enemies willingly without any benefit?"

Henry kept his tears bottled inside and angrily cursed, "12 DAYS . . . i . e they concluded I was a traitor in 1-2 days only? This is how I get fruits of my Loyalty by being called a traitor, With dishonor and the death of my wife, orphaning my child . Since they dared called me a traitor I will make sure how a Loyal traitor pays them back . Damn, Why didn’t I listen to her when she was alive and kept remaining in a fool’s paradise that I would be treated respectfully and awarded for my years of hard work and loyalty . Fuck! Why was I such a fool?"

Henry cried as said the last sentence and cursed as he heard about the event from Dearil . He cried for a long time .

Dearil too sympathized with him as he knew about his circumstances .

He thought, ’The very fact that he still believed and cared about House Laguna after waking up is more pitiful . A knight’s oath? Is it worth it for incompetent Lords who don’t even respect their own men? Heck, even incompetent Lord would be better as long as he respects his men . ’

After calming down and drying his tears,

Henry continued in anger, "As for Darius, he will wish, he shouldn’t have been born for even laying his eyes on Lucy . As for that hypocrite Duke, he will regret making an enemy out of me . He thinks I will always remain a pushover?"

Henry then gazed Dearil and asked him, "do you guys know where is the body of my wife and have any other information on whereabouts of my child, Lucius?"

Dearil thought and answered, "I think you will have to meet my Master or Lord John if you want more confidential information . "

Henry thought with a calm mind, nodded and asked, "Please arrange my meeting with Lord John as soon as possible . I would very much appreciate it if I can have one . "

Dearil spoke in a hurry and left, "Well, you should rest for now . Master and John most probably got information on you so you wouldn’t have to wait for long . I will be leaving for now as I have to attend some matters . "

After watching Dearil leave,

Henry thought about his wife but he had a look of determination as he thought about his son .

Henry thought as he tried to process all the information he got from Dearil, ’So it was that kid Jake who saved me last time around . Even though I didn’t save him or his family when Evan persecuted them . I guess I was too afraid of being discovered . I guess my family suffered because of my sins of following such a master and ignoring so many injustices done by Evan . As for Darius and Sebastian, they will certainly want to die if they are caught in my hands . ’

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