World Development System

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

The Baron again reminded about another matter, "Quite true, additionally, did you hear about Francis? That count has even offended the Radiant church this time around . I heard he even didn’t bother about the letter written personally by Pope David . I heard from my father that because of the previous incident, the radiant church is going to fund Duke Fjord from behind the scenes . This also has the personal approval from the Pope, He has personally sanctioned it after the last fiasco, it was decided during their last meeting of the cardinals and Pope . There were no objections about any of the proposals from Pope David in the last meeting . This message is intentionally being leaked by Pope David . "

"tch . " The count expressed his annoyance as soon as heard this from the Baron . But he still didn’t stop influencing other people .

The Count continued, "However think about it guys, do you think this count only has Duke Fjord to worry about? He also has to worry about Prince Hector, Duke Black wolf and Now the Radiant Church . Do you really think he will worry about small pawns such as us? I would rather try to be a fish in these muddy waters to make some fortune, who knows what can make us rich?"

One of the other viscounts who was influenced by him expressed his opinion, "This is true, what count Mike says is true, no risks, no gains . I would rather try to change my fortunes in this campaign . And that Count isn’t such a big shot that he can fight on all the sides . Additionally, Duke has the best ships on the sea . What do we have to fear when we have those ships? This time we have less to worry about and more to gain just by supporting the Duke . "

Some people agreed while some people like the baron were still skeptical .

Grim looked at the gossips that were quite frequent in recent parties and smiled as he spoke to one of his men, Jonas, "Looks like your plan is quite good and going well, That guy Mike is quite good . It is always better to pay people to do good influencing before a war starts . We will also start our propaganda in the Domain and why we are starting the war to the masses so that people actively take part in this war, Additionally we are now getting funds from the Radiant Church so we need to use it well or they would just bite the dust in the coffers . "

Grim’s Strategist, Jonas spoke, "Yes, I particularly selected men who are good with words in the upper class and that guy Mike is quite a good influencer when it comes to the greed of Lords . As for Propaganda, it is, of course, inevitable and Duke agrees as well, The first casualty in any war is the truth and use of propaganda . Do you really think common people will pick up weapons when they are told that we are going there to loot instead of some flowery things like revenge? Well, it is for most of the wars . "

Grim agreed and nodded, "Any news on Ralph, Jonas?"

Jonas sighed and answered, "Nah, It seems like he has ghosted himself so that people can’t track him, He was last seen going west towards the capital with a big entourage and he disappeared with his important men in the middle of his journey . It looks like he doesn’t even intend to take part in this campaign . This has also pissed your Father, Lord Fjord . We have been keeping eyes on him for a long time as we have ascertained that he was the one who conspired against Evan last time around based on the rumors . We have been remaining very careful against him from now onwards as he might do the same to us when the war starts . A lot of Evan’s loyal men have died these days in suspicious circumstances, Most of them had grudges with Ralph . All of these things point towards Ralph . "

Grim made a frustrated look as he spoke, "What is he exactly planning . It tenses me more when he isn’t behaving as he should usually and is making us guessing in the unknown . Anyway, we have rallied enough Lords and knights after all these Parties . Father will soon announce the start of the campaign . "

Duke Fjord asked one of his ministers, "Where is Ralph? Why isn’t he present at the time of such an important announcement . Does he really not care about becoming a duke anymore?" josei

The Minister informed him of Ralph’s latest movements, "My lord, he was last seen going west and there is no news on him since then . It looks like he has already given up on this war . "

Duke Fjord sighed and came on the stage as he had already decided to make the announcement today .

"I thank all the lords today for coming here and supporting us . Today is an important day, as this will mark the beginning of our war against that upstart . That upstart has no respect for hierarchy nor any noble etiquette, well we can still ignore it as he is an upstart . But that upstart even dared to slander a Lord’s honor i . e my son’s honor over a slave but my son still kept quiet . But this was not enough as he even brazenly assassinated my Son because he felt that this was not enough as he was stabbed and murdered in cold blood with the heinous poison of the demons . This time I will not remain quiet as this father has lost a precious son this time, he had a lot to achieve, he did not deserve to die there but on a battlefield and this time my son will be avenged until one of us survives . Previously I didn’t announce this news as this would reduce the morale of our army and I had to resort to lies . But about the previous incident in the sea where we lost 50 men, that incident is quite true . This was done by that count and his allies, he and his men had ambushed our men when we were doing regular patrols on the eastern waters . This time we will not be quiet . WE WILL TAKE OUR HONOR BACK AND PAY THAT UPSTART IN KIND . MEN, REVENGE FOR EVAN . REPEAT AFTER ME, REVENGE FOR EVAN . "

The crowd roared in cheers as they heard Fjord’s soul-stirring speech, The crowd roared and repeated after Duke Fjord, "Revenge for Lord Evan . Revenge for Lord Evan . Hang that Count . Hang that upstart . "

Grim smiled as he too joined the crowd that bayed for revenge, He asked Jonas, "Quite a good speech, did you write it, Jonas?"

Jonas shook his head and pointed towards one direction, "Nah, it was that guy, Count Mike . All he asked was about the injustices we faced from that Upstart and here the speech was ready, all I did was deliver the letter to your father . Look at his proud face, you will understand it immediately . "

Count Mike was making a haughty and cheerful face as he joined the crowd . Grim spotted him and saw his face and immediately understood why Jonas said that . He thought and spoke, "Quite a useful man . I think he will be quite useful in future power struggles . Try to get him on our side as much as possible . "

Jonas smiled and spoke about his circumstances, "I have always been trying that from the start . So you don’t have to worry . His only problem is greed as he asks a lot when he sees an opportunity . That guy knows his value, however, he knows about his ability aswell as he is a weak man when it comes to combat or money . So he is trying to get Money as he can’t achieve the first . "

Grim smiled as he heard and spoke, "Well, greed is good . We can control him with that . I have decided, I will invest in him . "

Jonas nodded and spoke, "Okay, Lord, you don’t have to worry about it since investing in him is no problem . Anyway, It seems Lord is returning and it seems that this speech has influenced a lot of people this time around . We can expect a bigger crowd when the war starts . "

Grim shook his head and spoke, "Well, don’t expect much, we will only start targetting them actively in the seas from now on while keeping out a watch for Duke Sapphire if he makes any move . A lot of war preparations are already done, all is left is execution . "

Jonas laid out one of his hypothesis, "I think after we start, it will be a chain reaction and others will start targetting them as well . We can expect a much bigger war this time . I wonder, how the Royal family will manage this time around . "

Grim had a cold look as he looked at all the nobles present here, "This is war, so anything can happen . All we can do is act on it or wait for it to end . I guess Ralph fled with the same thinking, Hmph, Pussy, always dreaming of getting big things without any effort . In the end, he will realize the hard way that only his strength would matter even after all those conspiracies in that crazy head of his . Anyway, lets go . "

Jonas nodded and left with him .

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