World Development System

Chapter 145

Chapter 145

Chapter 145


The next day there was a hubbub in the commercial area as well as the residential areas very early in the morning after the newspapers were distributed to everyone in the city including the nearby village . These days a lot of people traveled from nearby cities with their bicycles to North-frontier City . Many ambitious individuals had even enrolled in the Rose Institute and had a basic literacy to read at least . Currently, a lot of people were able to read the newspaper because of its popularity and hence the enthusiasm among the common populace to educate itself .

Glenn sighed looking at the changes that took place in the city . Currently, he was watching the commotion and gossip among people after reading the daily newspaper .

Plato spoke, "I wonder how those old men at the institute would react watching your hold on power and influence just via the Black and White press . "

Glenn smiled as he heard Plato and spoke: "I am sure they would be quite angry as I intentionally employed a lot of people who weren’t given opportunities because of their stances or their offense to a certain noble . They also revealed a lot of scandals which the Imperial university had covered up because of monetary or political gains . I wonder when we can write about the Royal family . "

Plato thought a bit and gave his thoughts, "I guess there is still time as we aren’t in a fully antagonistic relationship with the Royal family and hence the wait . Meanwhile, this new guy Ealdron is quite good at evoking the emotions of people . Just this piece on Henry could evoke a lot of emotions from people . It is written as if he is one who suffered the cruelty of Duke Fjord . "

After reading the morning newspaper .

Like always, one of the shop owners read the newspaper looking for any government tenders, he spoke angrily after reading the first page, "Who does he think he is, after such a long wait we finally got peace and economic solution thanks to Lord John and because of this Duke’s greed he wants to destroy North-frontier city . God, he is even willing to use his son’s death so that he has a legitimate cause to invade us . Just looking at the way he treated his former officer I am sure he thinks nothing but only about himself, I am sure he was the one deliberately send his son to create a here . I am sure he is eyeing the trade route between the north-frontier city and Ironwood Forest as a lot of trade is taking place over there just a few days ago . Nowadays, even small traders like us are able to earn a good amount of money because of this trade route by pooling money . "

Another shopkeeper spoke after reading it, "I don’t think it is only because of money, but there are other intentions as well, I think it is most likely because of the new weapons that the Lord introduced a few days ago to warn the ones who have malicious eyes on us . I think it is most probably because of the results Fjord got when his navy tried to loot the Morgan Fleet and faced the ballistas and hence his greed for such a strategic weapon . The only place they are better currently is because of their warships and experience in the sea and hence he may be trying his luck right now to get them . "

An Old man who had a big cloth shop spoke after reading the newspaper, "I don’t care about them but I for surely care about this land, I will help in my personal capacity if the North-frontier city is in a crisis . I wish I was young, then I would have joined the army immediately . I was never able to become a knight . And hence I became a small-time trader . However, it was good, since it would have corrupted my morals after watching how brazen they were in the cities all over the years, at least the ones in power are full of greed . I guess the good ones faced the same fate as this guy Henry faced . However, This time I will send my Grandsons for sure . Look closely in the newspaper, even Count John made a speech as he hopes to recruit young people in his army, However, he is not going to forcefully recruit them as he values their choice but he hopes people come together in these tough times . An unselfish Lord, I won’t mind sacrificing my life for such a lord . Previously I was in the Imperial city and only transferred here after this Land was sold by Baron and was worried about it since it was most likely abandoned by that Baron . It was such a boon I never expected . "

The first spoke after reading another piece, "Look at the hypocrisy of Radiant church as well . They would willingly ignore that arrogant guy Francis as he is the disciple of Cardinal Saint Paul but they would be sure to punish anyone who isn’t in power as they sinned or more likely didn’t agree with them . I am sure a lot of people are looking at this which includes the followers of Radiant Church itself . I guess this also one of the reasons why they wanted the Printing technology of our North-frontier Town so that they can control the flow of information . Look it is also reported that they have also stopped giving Medical services to our Town after the last debacle . It’s good that Lord already had plans in case we faced such situations and we are already getting all the types of medicines from the hospitals built by Lord John . I recently heard they even found the cure for the deadly Malaria virus which would only be cured after giving a hefty amount of money to the chiefs of the Radiant church . Many times they would even convert people as they were hopeless and didn’t have a choice . "

The second shopkeeper spoke, "Yeah I too heard about Malaria . It will be launched in full after some days . Lord has also announced the policies for recruited soldiers . It seems any slain soldier’s family would get a lifetime of pension and free studies to children till adulthood . I guess Lord wants to increase the goodwill among all the people . I never heard about these policies in other kingdoms . "

Ambassador Luke worriedly looked at the newspaper and the reactions of people . He thought, "I guess I underestimated the power of these newspapers and the printing press . I am quite surprised that so many of the people in this town are able to read and write . I don’t know where we should start worrying . I guess he always had plans to set up the newspaper printing press but instead he first invested in the Rose institute as people could become educated and that is when he can use the real power of this printing press . I guess it is still better than the Radiant church getting the printing press or this would have become a recipe of disaster for us . And it seems they were the ones who downed Fjord’s ship earlier . At least one good news . "

Luke called his subordinate and gave him the orders, "Make sure to give this letter only to Master Eanred or King Lionheart . Take my token as this will help you go through to the inner Royal palace . "

The subordinate nodded and left taking his orders, "Okay, Milord . "

Bishop Robert thought after watching the first political piece from the North-frontier Times, "Just as I thought, This would be a big weapon . This count sure is a dangerous guy as he too knew about the power of this printing press so early in the game and hence he was cautious as he built the Rose Institute first . It seems they really downed Fjord’s ship earlier . This war will be costly . I thought Fjord was merely lying when he made the previous announcement . We too need both of these weapons . Arrange a meeting already . "

Pallet frustrating spoke as he was eating at Hope with Simon, "What are these guys making a commotion for? Isn’t this just a small matter and most of the things are already known to most of the people, right Simon?"

Simon rolled his eyes as heard Pallet and angrily spoke, "It is only known to us as we are important people . Most of the times common populace don’t even get an ounce of such information . Are you an idiot or what? How the fuck were you even able to get a recommendation and join my team . This is a natural reaction when people get to know about so many political happenings at once . "

Simon watched Joe, who too was eating at Hope and at the same time eyeing them, "And Yeah I know you are spying us . No need to hide, we aren’t doing any illegal activities here . I am here just because of this fatty . He likes spending his monthly earning here every time . "

Joe thought irritatingly who was eating in a natural manner, ’These guys are on the priority list with grading A+ . I can’t be careless against them . I guess I am quite lucky, free lunch at Hope is quite good . And Damn, I get discovered even after the harsh training with Jake’s team . I guess I will tail them if they meet any suspicious individuals . And yes this fatty likes the food here at Hope . Maybe we can bribe him in future with the good incentives if he has any critical information . ’

Joe spoke in a calm manner after hearing Simon, "You talking to me? I am only here for my Lunch . Don’t overthink yourself being somebody big . I have to look after my cases . "

Joe left after completing his lunch and told his subordinate to look after these men in case of any suspicious movements .

One of the customers of Tornwall’s shop asked Tim who was working, "Tim, what are you doing? You look quite happy nowadays . Is there some good news?"

Tim scratched his horns as he spoke, "Well, I just learned to craft runes from Master and since a few days ago I was successfully able to craft the Ballistae projectiles with magical runes so you can guess my reason for my happy mood . Recently I also learned a lot of other skills as a forger from Master . Master being able to give me so much of his precious in such a busy schedule is very inspiring . I too will become like Master and the best craftsmen in the whole world . I will also trave . . . . "

Tim wanted to speak more but he kept his mouth as soon as he saw his Master’s Glare .

The customer then asked Tornwall, "It seems you are quite busy with Clock tower nowadays Tornwall . You and Ryfon both haven’t gone to Hope for the wines as well . Are you planning to visit anytime in the future?"

Tornwall smiled and spoke, "Well, I guess it’s a little busy these days since there is an increase in orders from Lord’s Mansion for Ballistae factories . The domain will get busy these days . So I don’t think I would have time to visit Hope anytime . Well, I still have my Barrels of those new wines at home so I don’t worry about wine nowadays . I guess this is one of the privileges of being the chief forger of this town . "

He sighed and spoke, "I guess your workload is because of Duke Fjord . Well, We too are preparing to train the local militias with the new skills provided by Lord John . See you later Torn . If something new comes up, inform us, I will visit you later . "

Tornwall then watched Tim, sighed and spoke, "Kid, you should learn to keep your mouth closed . Since you are my disciple, you will have a greater responsibility in the future . We can’t reveal anything right now as we are already in a war . Treat it as a war even though it hasn’t started . We will have big responsibilities . It’s good you kept your mouth shut after my glare . You along with me would have died if you had revealed anything about Aurora Island . " josei

Red who came just now spoke from Tornwall back, "Whom are you lecturing? You too have a loose mouth, it is only these day’s that you are controlling your uncontrolled mouth . "

Tornwall laughed as he heard Red and spoke, "I guess my disciple takes after me . Well, there are difficult times ahead so we need to be prepared already . Get back to work everyone, no chit-chat . "

Tim nodded and spoke after hearing Tornwall, "Yes, Master . I will keep these teachings in Mind . I was too excited after I heard that I will go to that Town . "

Red too left for his own share of work on Ballistae after grabbing his lunch .


At the Northern Radiant Church Headquarters, there was a meeting taking place,

Bishop Robert Sighed as he looked at the newspaper and spoke to his subordinate, "It seems they have finally started to use this weapon of propaganda . This is also one of the reasons why I wanted this technology so badly in our hands . I could have used it to increase my own influence to become the next pope . I hope our Churches at the North-frontier city don’t get ransacked after this piece . "

"What was the reaction of people in North-frontier city?"

The subordinate nodded and spoke, "It seems a lot of young men have decided to join their army . Just in a day, they were able to recruit 3000 soldiers out of 15000 candidates . However, even after this news, people are still willing to migrate to North-frontier City . It seems the Royal Family is intentionally doing that while North-frontier city as well as is happily taking these people . Most of their food supplies currently being supplied through the IronWood forest or the Imperial Capital . The Royal family is quite happy in selling them excess food right now for a profit . I don’t understand them . "


There was also meeting taking place in the Radiant City’s Church,

David read one of the newspapers and slammed it, "Damn, they are using those newspapers to malign our image in public . What do we do about the matter of Francis? This upstart is really getting on my nerves . "

St . Paul thought and spoke, "It seems he took this action because of our decision to fund Fjord this time around . I guess this is one of his ways of retaliation and using propaganda to make a negative image of ours . I guess everyone is starting to use their Trump cards now that the war is coming . Ominous time ahead indeed . "

One of the Cardinals spoke, "I don’t think we need to worry about this newspaper . Even if the common people know about it, what can they do about it? Isn’t it all about power at upper circles . "

St . Paul nodded and added, "As for Francis, He will not be seen in public for some time . People will soon forget about him, then he can come out . If it comes to worst we can simply change his identity at least in public . I will make sure of it . As for our internal matter, make it seem like that count used drugs on Francis forcefully to make that speech against his will . The very fact that he is a pharmacologist will help our case . We will ban those drugs coming out of his domain claiming it is sinful . "

Pope David asked about another important matter, "Didn’t we ban our services in North-frontier city . Have there been any results till now?

The Fifth Cardinal named Rene calmly spoke after hearing David, "No, instead there is a new problem . What do we about the typhoid medicines which that count has released to his populace just now recently after our ban? Usually, people would beg us to cure them and would willingly convert in return for our help . Now, this is a serious problem . And there is also the serious problem of that new uncurable medicines for Malaria . "

Calvin agreed and spoke, "True, there is the problem of those medicines which are coming out of North-frontier city . They have completely taken over the nearby markets . Many people are losing their faith in Radiant Church . We have lost a lot of people in the north-frontier city and their nearby villages . The charity is decreasing at a steady rate nowadays in that place . I hope it doesn’t spread to other domains . It looks like Royal Family, doesn’t intend to do anything in this matter . They are quite happy watching our situation . They are also ones who provided those pharmacologists to that Demon Count . "

Rene Added, "Meanwhile, that count is earning hell loads of money . At the same time, The royal family is encouraging poor people to migrate to North-frontier city . Isn’t this fatal for us? I hope this doesn’t backfire us . We are also funding Fjord this time around . This war will be very costly looking at the past report where Morgans downed Fjord’s ship in the seas . "

Pope David angrily knocked the table cursed, "Goddamnit . How the fuck did that Count found out the solutions of these diseases so early after our suspension of services . Even the grandmasters spent their entire lifetime to research just one disease . If this continues for long he would touch our foundation, he has to die . After Lukav no one has managed to anger me to such an extent . "

Pope David crushed the newspaper as he said those words .

Cardinal Rene spoke gravely, "Yes, that count is really an anomaly, previously we could at least buy those grandmasters off with money and flattering words or kill them if necessary . It would be quite hard to deal with this Count . Quite an unexpected enemy we have found this time around . I guess this count always researched diseases from the start as he viewed us as his enemies and hence his precautions . There is Grand Potioneer Melanie, it was good that we were able to force her out of the court after exposing the Royal Palace . As for killing that count, haven’t you tried that already? Our only chance would be to strike him during this war . "

St . Paul suddenly spoke after hearing them out, "Maybe, we should seriously start funding Charlie as he is quite a clever and cunning guy . What do you guys think?"

4th Cardinal, Gabriel who was one of the oldest cardinals spoke for the first time after hearing them out, "Hmm . . . yes we should hedge our bets . Even if the Royal family tries to reduce our influence we can still fund their progeny to control them behind the scenes . It was good that Lukavv didn’t come to power or else it would have been difficult times for us ahead . And now there is another lunatic in that count as well . I think he would prove to be our biggest enemy to date . "

Pope David heard and nodded, "I agree . There are difficult times ahead . Felix will be our first choice, Charlie from now on will be our second choice . For Felix to emerge victories he needs to kill Lukav and that is uncertain in the near future . We will hedge our bets to contain both of these Lunatics . We need a bigger lunatic for both of them Charlie would be a good addition . Wasn’t he involved in that scandal 10 years ago where he started selling common populace to fund his entrance in the Royal circle . "

Calvin thought as he heard Pope David, ’I don’t think there is any other bigger lunatic than you in this whole kingdom . Of course, there is Felix and Lukav as well . I guess I will continue this job as long as my life is not in danger . ’

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