World Development System

Chapter 201

Chapter 201

Chapter 201

Jim grunted as he heard Anak’s proclamation, "Who does he think he is? That proclamation in itself is a nailed coffin for that guy .

Jim ordered Joss and continued to make preparations, "Hmph, bring the ballistas,"

Joss smiled as he looked at the behavior of some mercenaries, He had a tone of mockery as he saw the mercenaries, "It seems some mercenaries intend to fight from within the castle . "

Jim hmphed and mocked them, "Hmph, getting intimidated by a nobody General . "

Joss nodded and gave his opinion, "Ok, we will split in 3 groups . One group of 10,000 soldiers and the other 2 groups lead by me and Joss of 5000 . The group of 10,000 soldiers will be the bait . The real attack will be carried out by the elite magic knights lead by me . I will circle them and come from behind . Currently, we are at a disadvantage because we don’t have archers who can fight on horses while they also have sturdy armors which will be difficult to penetrate so this time we will attack them with magic attacks and this is also our reason for our need to use a bait . Killing that General would certainly change the winds of war in our favor"

Prince Hector’s subordinate roared as he saw the actions of Jim, "What are you doing? You need to protect this point . If you go out then it is a total massacre . It would be better to defend . "

Joss looked at him as if he was stupid, "It would still be a massacre if we don’t find solutions for those Ballistas . They have bigger range and hence our fall is certain if we don’t attack them . Do you really understand battlefields?"

With a red face, the man nodded and understood their dilemma however he wanted to defend this base to the bitter end before Prince Hector’s army arrived at the borders with reinforcements .

’I guess I can’t stop them anyway . Their ballistas would anyway come in handy . ’

Jim told before he left, "You understand what to do right? I will be leaving first . "

Joss nodded as he smiled and looked at Jim who left earlier from the gates, Joss then turned to Prince Hector’s subordinate as he smiled and asked him, "Do you want to get some glory on this battlefield?"

Hector’s Subordinate asked suspiciously . "Really? How do you plan to make me achieve this . "

Joss smiled and said something in his ear which really surprised him, "Really? Are you sure we can pull it?"

Joss smiled and left with his 5000 men, "Well, it’s your choice . However, we have a big chance of pulling this out . "

He nodded as he smiled and agreed, "Okay, you can count on me . This would certainly please Prince Hector a lot . While I might as well get a big promotion for this decision . "

Without saying anything, Joss smiled and left for the battlefield after hearing his agreement .

As soon as the Mercenaries exited the Gate and left to target the Ballistas, they were instantly bombarded by the Ballistas which were aimed at them from the start . The first mercenaries who came out were blown to shreds immediately .

Looking at the situation, the Mercenaries tried to spread out so as to reduce the damage created by the ballistas .

The Mercenary head leading 10,000 troops cursed instantly after facing the ballistas, "Damn, these guys won’t even give us a second to breathe . "

A lot of Mercenaries were able to see the Enemy general for the first time . Most of them shivered as they saw the Enemy General with a Black and White Masquerade mask without any expression or emotions .

While a lot of the mercenaries were excited to claim glory on behalf of their Mercenary Group .

One of the heads laughed as he charged with his horse, "This battle will be a stepping stone for our group . We would rise to become one of the biggest Groups in Aelius after this battle . Come charge with me . That enemy general is our war trophy . "

However, as soon as he charged with his men . They were showered with Big and mini both the ballistas . Half of his men were immediately obliterated as he gasped in shock, "Damn, what are these devilish weapons . Even our armors can’t resist them . "

Looking at the unusual movements of his enemies, Amber was quite confused . John was observing as he saw a group led by Jim and his men . John failed to spot Joss who came out late with his men when the battle started . He was currently focused on Jim .

He ordered Amber after spotting Jim, "Amber, make sure to finish those pests in front . There is no need to hesitate on using runic Magic Ballistas . Today, you will be in charge of the remaining men here . Their lives are your responsibility . "

John faced Marsh and spoke, "Marsh, you along with 600 other Magic Knights will come with me . "

Both of them nodded and answered, "Yes, Sir,"

Amber immediately took control of the army and started giving out orders .

His first order was to use the runic ballistas as he started targeting group leaders and to crumble the enemy’s morale .

One of the mercenaries who noted an observation remarked, "Damn that asshole, he is certainly targeting the leaders deliberately . "

There were a lot of explosions being heard at the Battlefield as both the mercenaries and NF town soldiers marveled at the fireworks created by magic and Ballistas .

John smiled as he immediately headed for Jim’s group of 5000 troops . Looking at the situation, Jim was flabbergasted as his men faced Arrows from their enemies . At this time, John didn’t clash with them head-on as he started kiting his enemies from the sides while using the mobility of Horses .

This time, the true usage of stirrups, horseshoes and the Mini-ballistas was seen . The men fell down slowly but surely . The morale of Jim’s men was at an all-time low as they couldn’t even clash with them head-on . At this time, they were already down to 3400 men . Jim decided to escape as he saw that the situation was dire and futile while they couldn’t chase them . He was very cautious as he led his men .

He thought, ’I need to be cautious, that guy certainly is an expert from the way he is controlling his army . It’s as if he is in a training ground currently . Why isn’t he fearful of this war? Even the veterans would be cautious of war . I guess he has a strong mind and hence his order when he decided to attack without any hesitation . ’.

He cursed as he saw men falling one by one, "Damn it, everything is going different from the plans . "

At this time, he saw that Joss’s men had already circled behind John’s men as he gave a signal to Jim that they should ambush him .

He thought, ’Finally . he has started to act . Good, maybe we still have a chance . ’ josei

After hearing about Anak’s feat in the previous battle, he was cautious this time around as he let his men clash with John and others first .

Watching Jim and his men leaving the Battlefield, John decided to chase them as they wouldn’t get another chance like this to kill enemy Head .

John thought as he chased him, ’Hmm . . . this guy is surely good at running away . Let’s see how he runs away this time . ’

John charged and ordered, "Come, We have to catch that rat . Previously they were able to escape . We can’t let it happen again . "

As John looked back, he spotted Joss who seemed like a normal man but was leaking out killing intent towards John’s direction . He only looked at him for a glance as he smiled and immediately decided to chase Jim .

He smiled and murmured, "Lets see what do you have in store and see if both of you guys can really fight me . "

Jim smiled as he ordered his men to charge at John after watching Joss . With a cunning smile, he spoke,

"Charge! Now is our chance to teach this bastard a lesson . Even if 100’s of us fall right now, Killing this man would be a feat in itself and collapse this ragtag bunch . Or else we would just be waiting for our deaths in front of this devil General . You all know the fate everyone who battled previously, right?"

John charged ahead as he moved with his Pure Dark Red Sword . His men were left behind after John charged almost immediately as he saw a chance .

Like the wind, his sword moved which left a bloody trail of red light that shocked Jim and his men as they looked at the masked man in horror . John attacked without stop, currently, he was using all of his skills which enhanced his sensitivities .

None in his path survived as John moved and attacked with a space slash to a group of mercenaries charging towards him . Anyone who came into the path was slashed in two .

One of the soldiers exclaimed as he saw the red light in this battle, "Woah, what is that?"

A lot of Soldiers in the rear were horrified after watching the previous moves of John . All they could see was a red and black light that moved at an incredible speed which was unnoticeable to nearby men .

Jim watched that space slash in horror, he thought, ’What the fuck is that attack? I have never seen such an attack that can cut multiple enemies into two via a single slash . Is there anyone who can use such sort of attacks? The men are being cut into two like a vegetable against a sword . This guy is definitely someone new . I better be cautious about that move . ’

Jim thought as he saw John’s movement and moved back, ’I can’t fight this guy head-on . His movements alone are on whole another level . I can fight with him for 2-5 attacks with my magic . Joss has to make a move within that time . That is our only chance’

After some time, he looked at Joss who was behind John and his men as he gave him the signal to fight .

Smiling, he removed both of his swords and charged with Wind slash to stop his charge . Watching the attack, John too used a Firewind slash to intercept his sword . John smiled as he looked like he was simply toying with Jim . There was clear mockery in his eyes as John easily intercepted the other sword with a small knife in his other hand without using any magic .

Jim was fully flabbergasted as he clashed, ’What is with this guy’s strength . This guy is clearly playing with me . ’

Watching this, Jim had a grave face as he could clearly feel the humiliation after this first clash where he was stopped by a mere knife .

John with a playful tone teased Jim, "How about this? if you can withstand my next 2 attacks then I will let you go . You clearly aren’t my match so it isn’t fun playing with you . "

Jim didn’t answer as he focused on his duel with John . However, he agreed without saying anything .

John smiled again as he again playfully attacked him with Fire-wind magic which just scratched Jim on his cheek .

Jim sighed with relief as he thought, ’One last attack and I can escape this hellish battleground . This General is clearly on another level . This guy is certainly not Vlad from the way he can use Fire and wind magic as well . We have to uncover this guy’s identity . ’

John smiled as he saw hope in the eyes of Jim for the first time .

’Good . ’

John again deliberately attacked on Jim’s cheek with Dark magic . Dark magic was clad with the knife as he simply scratched his cheek again with his fast move . The knife was at Jim’s throat but John took it back with a teasing laugh . John smiled as he left him .

However unknown to Jim, the poison on John’s knife only activated with Dark magic which penetrated inside Jim’s body .

John shooed him away with his hands, "I guess you can leave now . "

With Humiliation for a second and excitement for being alive, Jim sighed with relief as he waited for Joss to come .

John smiled and crushed all the hopes of Jim who was sighing with relief . In a devil-like tone John reminded him after a big pause, "But . . . . ! I can’t guarantee your life since you are poisoned . If you want to live, you have to kill me and take the antidote from my body . This poison was made by Grand Potioneer, Melanie so you should understand its potency . " John pointed towards the slash on Jim’s cheek as he mocked Jim .

Very soon, Jim’s face changed from excitement to despair as he heard him, Clearly, John was playing with the whole time . There was immense anger on his face .

’This fucker dares play with me?’

Jim roared as he moved, "You dare play with me . "

John laughed as he moved to shrug him off, "Well, you see it was fun playing with you . Wasn’t it fun when did the same with others . Wasn’t it exciting to feel the same treatment as your victims? I liked watching your face having both Hope at one second and despair the very next second . "

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