World Development System

Chapter 203

Chapter 203

Chapter 203

Without speaking anything more, Joss smiled as he left the borders with his 30 men and headed to Gritos where it was safer . However, he had a grave expression after watching that General’s last move when he escaped that ambush .

Joss thought, ’That guy knows a lot of weird magic . I better be alert against this general . Well, this operation was still worth it since we were able to plunder Jim’s Gold, I didn’t lose many men while others became cannon fodder . Overall a good operation . I am sure Duke Fjord would reward me handsomely . ’

Prince Hector’s subordinate shivered as he looked at Amber and his army slowly cleaning up the battlefield and charging in their direction however he was chained by fate because he was ordered to guard this station or he would be executed by Prince Hector’s men .

He cursed as he watched the battlefield, "I am Fucked . Why did I decide to work for him . "

There was complete chaos inside the walls as the soldiers fell down one by one . Most of the mercenaries were counting on the reinforced walls and the ballistas which had arrived just recently today .

The head cursed as he thought, ’If I surrender, then there will be internal chaos and those mercenaries will start targetting us and the city, damn it . I guess this general would still leave the soldiers alive if I surrender later on . Yes, I should bet on it . ’

As John and his men entered the walls, they immediately started targeting their enemies one by one with their mini-ballistas and other weapons .


Amber was shocked for a second while as he thought that they would take them as POWs while Marsh kept a poker face as he too agreed and lead his men to complete the order .

John and Marsh lead their men to target all the mercenary camps slowly while Amber led his men to kill the guards of Dolores belonging to Antonio and Prince Hector .

The walls and the border town were burning as the battle and chaos raged on between them . The burning walls could be seen from all sides near the castle . The mercenaries were looting each other while some were trying to run away . There was no order in them .

One of the mercenary heads exclaimed, "Damn what are their armors made of? My arrows can’t even penetrate them . " Very soon he was killed by an arrow shot by Marsh as he saw that he was slowly gathering mercenaries . During this moment, Joss looked at the Border town from a distance as he saw John’s men surrounding the town and rounding up all the mercenaries . The burning walls gave a deep impression to him as he felt that they were quite lucky .

Joss looked at a Treasure chest and remarked, "Good, with this, our work here, is done . It’s good we didn’t wait for long and only looted Jim . "

Many people started deserting the town after looking at the grave situation where all the mercenaries were being killed one by one .

One of the guys roared, "Damn it, this General is a demon, No worse than demons . He is killing everyone, even when one of our guys disguised as a soldier . He was killed without single remorse . You will pay for this incident . "

John shrugged and shot an arrow, "Hmph . . . No need to spare any of these guys . " josei

but this time John’s men were rounding them up on most of the exit points as they killed them without a shred of mercy .

The whole town was burning as the head of the army kneeled in front of John and begged for mercy after watching the carnage which John’s army bought with them .

The Head shivered and spoke to John, "We surrender, General Anak please spare my men . We were simply forced to do this . "

John smiled as he watched his hypocrisy, "You see, you guys were already warned but you still dared to defy my orders . This will have consequences . Hypothetically if I back off now then everyone will take me as a pushover so blame your decision . Had you guys not interfered when were chasing Jim and his men then I wouldn’t have bothered with you but you made the wrong choice making me as your enemy . And if I was at the opposite end, would you have spared me and my men? I am sure Prince Hector gave you clear cut orders . "

With a shocked face, he shivered and asked, "Do you really intend to kill all the soldiers and mercenaries over here? Don’t you care what will happen later on? It will become a matter which even you can’t handle . "

John smiled and showed cold-blooded ruthless eyes as he spoke, "Yes, And why should I care if you guys die or survive? In my eyes, you guys are no different than mercenaries since you decided to shelter the mercenaries who were responsible for 2 massacres . You guys have blood in your hands for those two massacres . The soldiers here, all knew about the activities which took place and hence no mercy to any of you . You guys could have left the army if you knew about the activities here . Though crude, This will also serve as a warning to all of my enemies . Battles are not child’s play . There will be consequences of each action . "

Without letting him continue, John used his knife and penetrated his throat . The head died in shock and horror as he watched that cold ruthless face and heard Anak’s decision to kill all the enemies .

With sharp eyes, John looked in the direction of his men and asked with a strict tone, "Is it clear to everyone?"

Everyone answered in unison as they got to work, "Yes, General . "

A lot of people from Dolores watched the burning town from a distance which was made recently,

One of the traders remarked as he watched the burning walls, "It seems something big has happened there . Wasn’t that place out of limits by Baron Antonio and Prince Hector . What do you think happened there?"

One guy spoke after puffing his cigar, "Yeah, Previously some men from the army were moved there . They used to patrol the borders from that check post . However, from the rumors, I heard that it is a den of Mercenaries . My biggest guess is that Mercenaries have started their usual acts of looting each other . "

The trader looked at him with surprise and spoke, "Shh . . . Everyone knows that it is a den of Mercenaries . From the looks of this . I think they were finally attacked by Count’s men . It’s good that my son already left Antonio’s army after that previous declaration at the eastern port by Commander Eric or he would have faced the same fate . "

He nodded and answered, "True, we need to be careful about what we speak since an army is approaching Dolores . I hope the war doesn’t spread here, I will be leaving for Duke Rose’s domain since there are new opportunities nowadays . "

Very soon the Border Patrol town fell as it was burning high in the sky with no rescue in sight . A lot of mercenaries were screaming as they tried to run from John and his men .

After 3 hours, all the mercenaries and soldiers of this town died in cold blood . There was no pity in the eyes of John and his men after they witnessed their cruelties towards the commoners .

John ordered his men as he hanged the bodies of Jim and the Head at the southern gates of this border town, "Take everything of value back to NF city . Gold, food, metal . Don’t leave a single thing . It will come in handy . What is the battle report?"

Marsh took out a report and reported immediately, "We lost 214 personnel, 141 dead and the rest very heavily injured who would take months to return after this battle . It would be very tough to bring back all the things with 2500 men only, milord . "

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