World Development System

Chapter 233

Chapter 233

Chapter 233: 233


Currently, John was in a serious meeting with Emena, Mist, Alison, Taylor and all the other important ministers .

After hearing about Black Death,

John nodded and spoke, "Hmm . . . it seems they have started to resort towards using Black Death without caring about anyone and blame it on us when a lot of people die . I expect the Radiant Church to bring out its cure and gain people’s goodwill and start a crusade against us . They at least want to make propaganda against us for the long run . "

Taylor nodded and spoke his hypothesis, "Yes, I too feel the same, I think the Royal family too is thinking of using this to cast us as evil and voluntarily gain soldiers to fight their wars without any backlash . Eventually, we will be blamed for this disease when a lot of people die at Dolores . "

Hearing them, Mist smiled and spoke, "A good in-depth understanding of this ploy . Well, you guys don’t need to worry . If the blockade is over or if you can get your ships towards our ports, we can help you out with Holy water of Raven tree . The cure for this would be expensive but I think you guys can bear it . Previously, we too faced the same problem when the Radiant Church tried to infiltrate us with tacit support from the Royal family however we had solutions regarding them . Meanwhile, Alison here can delay the effect of this disease so we need a comprehensive plan . I think your cannons can be useful in bringing Holy water from Ayananore . "

Emena then took out the Holy water of Raven tree and gave it John, "I think this water here can help you understand how to deal with Black Death for now . "

John then signaled Amber and asked him to give the powder of Black death as he wanted to personally experience how this disease affected his body . "Give that powder . I want to see it personally . "

Amber was quite confused when John made the request .

John sighed and spoke, "Since we have the Holy water of Raven tree, you don’t need to worry about me . Additionally, I am a magic knight as well, so no need to be cautious . I personally want to see how this disease affects the body . "

John sighed and immediately took the Black Death powder and sprinkled it on himself .

He suddenly got a notification, [Harmful parasites trying to enter Host’s Body . Parasites trying to consume magic power -1 . . . -1 . . . -1 . Parasites trying to magic power -1 . . . -1 . . . -1 . . . Analyzing the Parasites . ]

[1% . . . 15% . . . ]

[100% . . . Analyzation complete . Parasites Eliminated . ]

[Low-level parasites designed carefully to survive on the magic power and later on the life force . Only the people with low-level magic and those without magic power are affected by these parasites as those with high magic power mutate the cells and develop resistance . ]

[Finding cure against the disease Black Death . ]

[Holy water of Raven Tree . . . Highest grade medicine . Works in seconds . ]

[8:5 combination of The Yellow Radiant Flower and Green mystic water . . . Upper Middle-grade medicine . Works in a day . ]

[4:7:9 combination of Yellow berries, White Rose Flower and Brune wine . Lower-grade Medicine . Works in 2 days . Needs 3 doses every day . ]

Along with it, 9 other formulas came inside John’s mind which varied based on the usage and their effect .

John smiled as he heard the analyzation of Sarah .

Watching John smile,

Mist was bewildered a bit but keeping his composure, he asked, "Did you find anything relevant?"

John smiled, "Yes, I think I already got the gist of this disease . No need to worry about me, I am safe . Meanwhile, I would like Minister Alison to help to prevent the spread of Black Death disease via his medicine . We will pay you immediately via our best wines which have not yet been introduced to the market (both the aristocratic market or normal market . ) "

Amber and Taylor looked at Emena and others to confirm the safety of their king .

Mist sighed and spoke, "He is safe, no need to worry, he is safe . It seems it was because of Lord John’s high control in magic power that there is no presence of Parasites . "

John immediately ordered Taylor to prepare a lot of ingredients which would be used in preparation to tackle Black Death .

After checking the list, Taylor sighed and spoke to spoke, "Milord, it would be very hard to find Yellow Radiant Flower in huge quantities as the Radiant Church has the monopoly over them . However, we can get quite a sum if we try the Black market . "

John smiled and answered, "No need to worry, you can get other materials which have little to no value in huge quantities, See the set of yellow berries, White Rose Flower and Brune wine . I have written all the sets . See the ones which can be bought in huge quantities and their prices as well . I will be heading to the Institute’s lab and prepare some experiments . Bring the ingredients of all set though . "

Mist and Alison were quite shocked after watching him write the set which required the Yellow Radiant Flower . Mist smiled and murmured, "I guess he already figured out how this disease worked . Previously we too always suspected that Radiant Church used their unique Radiant Flower for a cure . This guy has quite the acute senses, No wonder Melanie took him in as a disciple . "

Mist nodded and signaled Alison, "Start the Preparations, Alison, We have to make those cures for delaying the effects . "

After watching the relaxed expressions of everyone, Emena was quite skeptical but didn’t decide to say any further as she understood that things were in control for now .

Emena thought and murmured, "I guess he is planning to buy a lot of those Flowers from the black market if push comes to shove . "

Taylor then approached Emena and spoke, "Princess, we have prepared a mansion for you . If I may, you and your men can stay there . "

Emena nodded and spoke, "Yes, I was anyway planning to tour this Kingdom . A lot of things here has fascinated me . I want to know how to make those Water pumps . "

Taylor was about to deny her delaying but John immediately spoke, "It’s okay Taylor, They have helped us escape a disaster this time around . We need to treat our benefactors with sincerity . You can give the blueprints to Princess Emena . However, we will take 7% royalties if they are used commercially . Well, they would be copied eventually when people understand their mechanics so it’s okay . "

Binz was quite surprised as he understood the value of Water pump in initial stage which would reduce labor in the kingdom and increase productivity, He immediately spoke, "We accept . "

Binz looked at himself and then at Emena, "Aah, Sorry, I spoke without thinking . "

Emena spoke, "Well, it’s okay, I only wanted it for my Mansion at Ayananore . It would be easy for the servants at the palace and my mansion to free up themselves . "

John turned to Taylor and spoke, "I will be giving a lecture at the Institute regarding Black Death and its cure after experimentation . So make all the preparations . I currently have a gist on how to solve this crisis . So prepare accordingly . You can ask Joseph and Jack in Trade Ministeries to get the materials in huge quantities . Meanwhile, prepare those ingredients in small quantities for my lab at the institute . "

John smiled and murmured, "This time, The radiant church and the Royal Family has given me a chance to attack them . "

Taylor immediately asked as John was about to leave, "Lord, what about that Diplomat, Anin and Duke Norman’s recent expansion in the north via other borders?"

John thought a bit and spoke, "You can handle that Diplomat for now . Currently, we need to have recognition . however, make him aware of our rules or else we can’t help him . Try bribing him with our Wines so it would be easy to control him . As far as Duke Norman’s expansion is concerned, don’t bother for now . We will see when our borders meet . We will back-off from Dolores after handling the Black death . I anyway want a buffer between Aelius and Sky . This is also one of the reasons why I released that Baron . "

Emena and Binz were outside headquarters as they talked,

Emena asked Binz, "This city gives quite a fresh feeling . What do you think about Lord John, Binz . "

Binz nodded and spoke, "Yes, I see a lot of happy faces . As far as Lord John is concerned, I think he is quite strong as I felt it instinctively . However when it comes to his people . I can see that he genuinely cares about them . We benefitted quite a bit this time when we got the Blueprints of those Water Pumps . I can also understand why Minister Mist and Alison were enjoying here unlike other places . "

Emena thought as she remembered about her cousin, "Ohh yes, I forgot to inform them about Joanna who was cured of malaria recently . "

Binz smiled and spoke, "I don’t think we need to inform them . They wouldn’t have sent those medicines without checking thoroughly . "

Binz smiled as he sensed some people keeping a watch on them . He sighed and thought, ’I guess they are here to keep us protected . Anyway this time we might as well enjoy our time . ’


Henry was currently meeting with Duke Rose,

Duke Rose smiled and spoke, "It seems you have decided to take up my offer?"

Henry spoke with a grave tone, "Yes, I didn’t join Count John as he offered me quite a very good deal because I would have been called a traitor by my comrades which I wasn’t and I took your offer because I want to payback Duke Fjord for what he did to Lucy . "

Duke Rose nodded and asked, "Don’t you want to find your son?" josei

Henry nodded and agreed, "Yes and that is one of the reasons why I joined you . I wanted to use your spy network to locate my son . "

"What will do if I found information about your son and find him?"

Henry, "I will work for you without any hesitation as long as it isn’t against my interests (i . e . me and my son . ) . But I won’t be swearing any other oath in this lifetime . "

Duke Rose smiled and spoke as he knew that this would work, "That’s okay for me, I don’t doubt your loyalty . We do have some information on your son . From our sources, I think your son is currently at Rose institute under Josephine . Some of my spies were able to identify him . It seems he decided to court John as he is currently at war with Fjord . It seems your son seeks revenge for her mother’s death . I guess John didn’t know that Lucius was at Rose Institute or he would have certainly brought that up when he offered you to join him . Take this report to get a better understanding . "

Duke rose smiled and asked, "So what is your decision?"

Henry too quite shocked as he read the report . He closed his eyes and spoke, "I guess that is his fate . It would be better if he lives there since there would be fewer worries . Okay, I have made my decision, I will join you completely from now on . From now on I would like to be deployed in Navy or northern land army near Fjord’s borders . "

Duke rose smiled and spoke, "You don’t need to worry, I have a perfect position for you . You will be leading a small fleet in the navy . As you gain more achievements, you will be promoted simultaneously . "

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