World Development System

Chapter 240

Chapter 240

Chapter 240

One of the devils smiled as he sensed one of the demons trying to gauge them and asked his comrade, "Why are you so much interested in this Auction here?"

The other devil smiled and spoke as he continuously looked at the Auction Platform, "Well, I feel a bit of external magic power coming out of this place . So we might as well have a look at this place . "

"Well, we need to be careful of demons, we are far out of our homeland and don’t want to be caught because of your curiosity . "

The other guy smiled and spoke, "Yes, but a look won’t be dangerous, right?"

The other devil sighed, "I guess this is ok as well . This count has anyway attracted the interest of a lot of people on this continent . "

"What do you think, should we contact this count?"

The other devil thought and spoke, "Well, there is no harm in it, from the rumors I heard that he is pretty easy going unlike the demons who cry after every contract we make with them . They cry foul for making losses and slander us every time . Anyway, let’s first see what they are up to and then later make our decision . "

Very soon the Auction started on time,

One of the Commoners commented after watching the security and a number of important people attending this particular Auction .

"It seems something big is going on at this Auction . don’t you think so after looking at the security?"

"Yes, I too feel the same . The Atmosphere here is a bit tense unlike the previously held Auctions . Additionally, today I can see a lot of ministers as well . See, even Jean the municipal Minister is here . "

"Anyway, from the looks, we can expect a lot of different things as well as valuable items which can be bought by anyone . "

"Yes, this time, there will be a lot of items definitely since it is such a grand auction today so we can look forward to it . "

At this time, Jack was also present who was keenly waiting for this auction for a long time .

He smiled as he saw Kevin, Thomas and Michael who were new entrepreneurs of Sky Kingdom, "I guess a lot of rare items will be presented today to make this event livelier and hence the big crowd which includes a lot of people today . "

Very soon the first item was presented,

The first item to be introduced was the Longevity Pill in a batch of 3 which had disappeared for decades after Melanie resigned from Court .

The presenter smiled and spoke as the item came into view of everyone, "As you can see this is a pill, We are opening the Auction with the introduction of Longevity Pill . I am sure every one of you is aware about the history of this pill . But this time it is a bit different . As every one of you know, Lord John is a disciple of Grand Potioneer Melanie . This Pill was personally refined by Lord John himself with a change formulae . This Pill can increase the Life of a person by 25 years, this has been personally verified by various Appraisers which we hired previously . "

Suddenly there was a hubbub in the crowd when they heard of this Pill .

One of the rich men in the crowd couldn’t stop as he heard the announcement and exclaimed, "WHAT! Longevity Pill and that too with 25 years of increased lifespan that is personally refined by Lord John himself?"

Alison furrowed his brows as he looked at the Longevity Pill, "Why are these guys fussing so much over a longevity oil which can only increase 25 years . alison

Having a lifespan of 1000s of years, it was quite natural for Alison to react in such a way .

Mist understood his mindset and explained to him, "Well this may still be quite useful to our elders . So let’s not spite about the reactions . Those old fogies would react the same way when they heard about this pill . "

Alison nodded and spoke, "Hmm . . . Yes, we may as well try to get our luck .

Alison looked around and spoke, "Well it will be tough considering the interest of demons and dwarfs . "

Mist, "Well, it’s expected as demons explore a lot of taboo magics to increase their power and hence lose lifespan . Anyway, let’s focus on the opening item . "

The Presenter immediately announced, "The starting price would 500 gold coins with a minimum increase of 50 . "

Immediately a person from below spoke as he looked at the pills, "550 Gold coins . " josei

"700 . "

"800 . "

The Demon ambassador roared immediately, "1000 . Who dares fight against me for this pill . "

Luke snorted and spoke, "Hmph, Elison raise the bid . "

"1100 . "

The dwarves too joined the bid, "1200 . "

"1500 . " suddenly one of the merchants screamed from below .

He was quite aged .

He murmured, "I will have it no matter the cost . Previously we never got the chance to get our hands on such items but it is possible at this auction when everyone gets a chance to participate . "



5000 Gold coins .

Very soon the Price reached 7000 Gold coins which Luke bid .

"8000 . " said the old merchant with red shot eyes as if he was determined to win at any cost .

There was a look of astonishment on the faces of a lot of people they heard him .

"Interesting . ", spoke the devil with a smile who was continuously observing the situation .

"Yes, if it was any other place then he would have been robbed immediately or killed for offending a noble . "

"Well, he would even be able to participate in such type of auctions if that was the case . "

Luke was pissed very much as he heard from Elison that they didn’t have enough money currently, "Damnit, why didn’t you guys bring enough money?"

Very soon the third hammer rang and those batch of pills were won by the Merchant .

"And these batch of pills goes to Merchant Bill . "


As soon as he got the pills . He immediately took one of the pills without any hesitation .

He spoke, "I got these pills after such a long time . "

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