World Development System

Chapter 282

Chapter 282

Chapter 282: 282

John nodded as he continued drawing the diagrams and asked, "So, what were the results from their research . "

Taylor hesitated a bit and spoke, "I think you won't like some of their results . "

John nodded understanding as he smiled and spoke, "Continue, I can understand that there will always be some problems . One must have an open mind if you want to improve continuously . "

Taylor nodded seriously and spoke, "According to them, In your reign, our country will be peaceful and progress to leaps and bounds but after you die our country could face many problems both externally and internally . Currently, you are the binding force for everyone in Sky but the historical wrongs and the influence of the Radiant Church and other countries are very difficult to change . According to them, Sky neither has a history neither do we have something in common like race and this would expose us to external threats who would cause internal discord if you are dead i . e people from Radiant Church, Aelius and other bordering countries, etc would start causing problems . Currently, our only binding force is the common language Skye you created and prescribed in the institute as you had already predicted this earlier and also our war of independence which can take deep root in the minds of people who can become future patriots regardless of species and only based on morals . "

Taylor continued as he saw that John was expecting this sort of answer, "According to researchers, This generation and second generation won't have a problem but they worry about the following generations who will live in peace and never know about our hardships . According to your instructions, the research team was formed of all the various species and this was their conclusion . According to them, even if you have a capable heir in the future, some people influenced by other countries will see it from the lens of species or would compare him with you to put him down which would mostly be fanned by external powers . Though the state will be stable in your heirs' reign but his successor will certainly face problems as the princes would fight for the throne .

So, in the opinion of researchers, we should make the new language you created previously to be mandatory to be taught in all the schools since the children are young and also for official duties after one year and semi-mandatory for this year . The common language will slowly become a binding force for Sky in the Future and help the ministers and citizens face future problems collectively . "

John meanwhile thought, 'Though uniting people through language seems crude for now However, this was also the suggestion provided by Sarah to unite Sky swiftly and efficiently . Okay, that is the way for now . It seems these researchers thought a lot as they also considered my heirs and hence came to the same conclusion as Sarah for the solution . '

John nodded as he smiled and spoke, "It's good that they came to this conclusion, or else I would have to write a big column in the institute to explain our populace and scholars of the future problems which we may face from other countries but many wouldn't understand about It now as a lot of people lack such social foresight . Now that we have this research it is good to explain it to everyone and I am sure this will become a big catalyst in uniting all the races in Sky at least . Okay, bring a decree and my personal stamp . And also we will publish this column in all of our institutes on this research for scholars so that they can debate and also so that our country does not face such a calamity in the future after reading this historical research and be able to sense any of the said problems in the future . They should always remain vigilant against such schemes to remain united . However, Aelius most likely won't exist in a 100 years or become fragmented due to certain characters if they make any mistakes and give us a chance if they wish to invade us again in the future . "

Taylor too nodded and thought the same on the fate of Aelius as he spoke, "Milord, I am sure they will attack us in the future to wash off the previous humiliation they suffered . So most likely we may invade if the need arises by their mistake in the future . "

Taylor smiled as he thought of his conversation with a Demon and human from the cultural research department and spoke, "Actually this result was only possible because our researchers took the sample spaces from other countries as well which had a grudge against each other and came to this conclusion, or else they wouldn't have noticed this problem since many heads in various departments were cultivated by you personally and the people here have a different mentality, Milord . Even I was quite surprised and become a bit angry after watching the results but understood the significance since those results were facts and cant be changed so we have to solve the future problem now with the long term vision . There was also a good result from other research by the Cultural Institute . "

John nodded satisfyingly as he continued making the diagrams in a rather very fast speed, josei

After watching him nod, Taylor continued, "After the Previous results, the researchers were worried about the food habits and clashes between species due to food habits but there was a good result due to your distribution of multiple recipes in the populace which has spread to the villages . Slowly the taste buds and food habits of our populace are changing and becoming more common So overall it was good according to our researchers . This is the result of the Hope Restaurant and other places you built previously . According to them, we can build the foundation of our country around Food, Language and our war of independence where all the various species fought to remove slavery as an anecdote . And yes also the first Kingdom in the history of this world to remove slavery under your lead . This will certainly increase your prestige as well as the prestige of Sky among the populace of all the countries . I am sure our countrymen would feel proud to have this honor for their country . The land of Freedom is what we will call ourselves in other countries . And No businesses and people over here own slaves . "

John smiled as he completed the diagrams of Harvesters, Ploughing machines, Excavators and other machines which would require in farming and handed it over Taylor to be passed on Tornwall, "Hahaha, Good, so we do have some things in common . A very fine result due to diligent work . Okay, Reward the researchers from the cultural department with 15,000 Gold coins and the various heads with an additional 500 gold coins for their hard work . As for the various common food recipes, you shouldn't worry about them being leaked because those idiots and spies from other countries would only take these common recipes and use it in their royal restaurants to get a better income against their rivals . Here at Sky, Restaurants can save their secret recipes and unique sauces to build themselves . As for us i . e . Sky we should have a long term cultural perspective which will be beneficial for us in uniting people in subtle ways . Are there any problems in living habits? And also take these diagrams as well and give it to Tornwall or Tim so that they can build production lines here in the mainland as well as Aurora . These various different types of machines can be powered by all the forms of energy we know currently so there are multiple diagrams of the same machines . Anyway, I have written all the instructions so you can immediately give these documents to him . And make a copy and seal these documents in our Classified records for now . They may get published in a few years after people research it thoroughly . "

Taylor nodded as he thought deeply and spoke, "As far as living habits are concerned, we have not detected any problems because the general populace mimics their leaders and the leaders of various departments are mimicking the Lord's Palaces and Manor from food to clothes and also the use of toilets to keep good hygiene . Basically most of the things are mimicked if possible . "

John nodded as he thought while speaking, "Okay, What are the statistics of our newspapers and how many printing companies have been established and also tell me about languages used in the newspapers . "

Taylor nodded and spoke, "Milord, according to your instructions, Currently we have 3 big Newspaper companies and 2 small companies in North-frontier city . All the languages are used in the newspaper for now . First Publisher is North-frontier Times, It is run by 12 Businessmen . It seems that after watching the humongous Advertising Fees and income of Black and White Publishers they thought it was quite a good opportunity and after learning that Large Printing Machines were sold by your private company Sky Manufacturers at various conditions they were quite happy to launch North-frontier times and get a pie in the advertising sector . As far as Political news is concerned, they only report the various speeches by the leaders and department heads so that people can grasp the intentions of their leaders . "

"Meanwhile as these companies are new they don't comment on foreign leaders apart from reporting their public speeches and they would only follow up with Black and White publishers when they start attacking foreign leaders . I have placed a scrutiny team and hence the owners and reporters there are quite sensitive to political news and won't dare to report fake news at least for now . As far as political and corruption scandals and cases are concerned, The North frontier times have only published 3 political scandals that were investigated quite heavily by them and only disclosed after multiple verifications by their investigating teams . They had even asked for consultations from Professor Glenn and hence have gained courage in reporting as long as they reported truthfully . So they have gained quite a bit of popularity among the locals . One of the cases was related to one of the police officials who was recruited recently in taking multiple bribes from the businessmen or he would harass them on multiple occasions . That Police official was a fallen noble from Aelius . Previously, he was a knight who was noticed by one of the officials due to his education and the various departments lacked men so he was recruited among the prisoners . The bribes were not noticed initially but after one merchant resisted initially then he was continually harassed by that official in the name of quality inspection . This fiasco interested one of the reporters from North-frontier times so he started investigating it and then one day that merchant lost his cool and hit the police officer and got into a fight because of continuous harassment and since he was a farmer previously without knowing the laws . It was ignored for now as a minor dispute . "

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