World Development System

Chapter 284

Chapter 284

Chapter 284: 284

John sniggered a bit and spoke in his mind, 'Now you care about rights, Give me my damn mecha . Both of us share the same body so there is no difference . Okay, See ya'

John immediately muted Sarah so that he doesn't have to hear the grumbling .

Meanwhile, Sarah sniggered and changed the price tag of Mecha, [Since you like your mecha so much I will create a pitfall for you . For now, lets just increase the price to 400 Million points so he doesn't think too much about the Pit I created . ]

John then spoke as he didn't see any changes in the system and asked Taylor, "Okay, now you can continue, What changes have you witnessed in Sky and is there any harmful gossip in the Parliament . Even if it is the rivalry between ministers, it is ok . "

Taylor was a bit hesitant but still decided to speak, "Well, I don't bother between the rivalry and conspiracies of new ministers against each other as all of them are working for the benefit of Sky, however, most of them are not concerned in the rivalry but more focused on improving their portfolios as a lot of high ministerial posts are open and would be announced on your crowning ceremony in a month . As far as gossip is concerned there are 2 issues that plague the ministers and bureaucrats . First is the launch of Sky Central Bank with Sky Dollars issued recently, though they are convinced of its power because of the borrowing capacity from the banks for the benefit of Sky However, they believe you should personally decide the policies of the Central Bank and should keep a close eye on it for the first few years since if there is any problem detected later on it could affect our economy and no one has previous experience in Banking-finance since the bank is a new concept for ministers and it would take some time for them to understand it . It would be preferable if you could write a book on the concept of banks for them to understand it in a short period of time . "

Taylor gave a document about the evaluation from Ministers about banks and continued, "And as for many of the scholars and bureaucrats who have migrated here since they weren't able to find positions in their own country because of Nepotism by nobles \u0026 corruption have come to a conclusion that because of Sky Dollars we would have to inevitably give up our Printing Technology to other countries or face a lot of spying as well as assassinations as they would want to get this technology no matter the cost . Not to mention we may also face pressure diplomatically if Merchants get accustomed to using Sky Dollars and countries start to feel the heat . The problem is that we will hoard all the money from other countries as merchants get accustomed to Sky Dollars and that will be noticed by other countries . Because of this, we will hold the other countries at ransom during conflicts since we will control the gold and hence control the conclusion of the conflict . So we may face a lot of resistance . "

John nodded as he understood the problem, "Okay, you can assign one of the trusted persons as the President of the Central Bank as he learns how to operate such a big organization and at the same time I too will keep an eye on the changing policies of the Sky Central Bank . If I detect any problems I will issue a special decree to change the policies to immediately stabilize it . Meanwhile, you shouldn't run the Banks solely in the form of Business because Our Banks will run on Credit and trust so that the common men can benefit and should never lose their trust in the Sky Central Bank . This is a very important message which you have to pass it on to the new president of Sky Central Bank and if there is any problem he can directly contact me . Okay, to ease the pressure of Bank managers I will write an internal book with guidelines so that they can follow it when they face problems . But this book shouldn't be released to other countries . Do you have anyone who you want to suggest as the New President of Sky Central Bank? And what was the second gossip?"

Taylor was sweating beads but still spoke, "I do have someone who is good at following orders and understanding the intentions of leaders and Ministers . Most Importantly he is good at Administrative matters, Handling big organizations and most importantly managing people . Currently, He is the head of Background checks at the Administrative HQs named Billy . I also have a report from the National Security Bureau as they worked with them quite frequently due to the nature of work and the collaboration required . They believe that he is a person of conscience when it comes to bigger matters like saving the lives of numerous people . During our resistance against Sky in the previous war, he and his team were the ones that helped NSB (National Security Bureau) in finding out the spies to stop their chaos . "

Taylor gritted his teeth and spoke, "As for the second gossip, I do not know if I should speak this but a lot of Ministers and Bureaucrats worriedly gossip in private that our kingdom is without an heir which is very worrisome not to mention that Milord you are currently unmarried . They worry that In your absence there will be chaos in the kingdom . However, since this is Milord's private affair no one dares to comment . These worries were relayed to me very discreetly . "

John sighed as he nodded and thought, 'Arrgh, It seems Master Melanie is using those ministers so that I marry Eva . Though the worries of Ministers are right since the Bureaucrats and Ministers would not get influenced easily on non-worrisome talk . Arggh, what do I do . I can't reject her bluntly . '

John then spoke with an amused expression, "And who do they believe should I marry, right now to allay their fears . "

Taylor firmed-up as if this was his mission and spoke, "Well, some are of the opinion that you should marry Eva while some are of the opinion that you should marry her Highness, Diana . " josei

John snorted and spoke, "Ridiculous, didn't you guys think that you should first ask Eva, Diana or others opinion on this matter before speaking to me . "

Taylor was a bit scared but he sighed and thought, 'I have done my work Master Melanie, Sir Vlad, Now you guys can't blame me for not informing His Majesty . Anyway, I expected this answer from his Majesty as he is more focused on the development of Sky currently . But even I am worried that Lord John is not married . A kingdom without heirs is a very worrisome matter to the ministers . Anyway, I better focus on Officials matters for now . '

John meanwhile sighed and thought, 'Well, I can only drag this matter for now . '

Taylor nodded and spoke as he changed the topic, "What should we do about the security of banks . Currently, we have 1211 Branches all over sky and security is scarcely spread which worries us in case a robbery occurs . "

John nodded as he spoke, "You guys should only keep a nominal amount of gold at the village Branches to fulfill the needs of Villagers and small merchants over there so you wouldn't have to spread the security resources . And to solve the problem of money deficit if there is a big deal between merchants . Keep the most money in nearby cities with heavy security whereby money can be transferred in a few hours to the said branch if they want the money at the same branch . In short, you should concentrate the resources in Cities from where the money can be transferred in on a daily basis to the said villages . As for village branches, as they grow they can hire Magicians and we can provide special police personnel or the one who retired later on . Currently, let the local police branches to secure the Village Bank Branches . We will slowly and steadily reform according to my Book on Banks but since we are offering Interests on Deposits it should attract a lot of people . Anyway, let the local police to guard the banks in case of shortage of personnel . And while transferring large amounts of money, you can hire the local policemen, Hunters and mercenaries for protection . The men who are hired will have to be noted down in official notes after confirming their identity since the money can be robbed by internal men as well . "

Taylor flashed as if a bulb was suddenly switched on, "Yes, We could always use the local police branches and also hire hunters if we are short on personnel . Okay, I will forward this proposal and increase the policemen required as the Villages, towns and cities transform . Milord, what should we do about loans from new businesses without any foundations . Currently, we are providing only loans to Local big and rich farmers or established businesses like the Morgan family, Jack's family and other prominent figures in the chambers of commerce as they have considerable assets in the North-frontier city and so we can recover it if they default . But Now a lot of new businesses are forming in the North-frontier city and they are in need of loans . It is particularly so for the new educated class from the Rose Institute, Many are formed by a group of Magicians and Commoners . But they don't have any collaterals or resources to set up their business . "

John laughed and spoke, "You should first look at their business plans and models and if the business plan is good and feasible against the risk involved then you should look at their backgrounds . If their background is ok then they can earn back as they will inevitably repay the loans by working here so you can pass their loans if they have good potential . Additionally, I had already made the bankruptcy laws so you can follow them for now . Taylor, this time I noticed that our Construction sector has done their work on a very fast-speed unlike what I expected . Are they cutting any corners? I don't want any problems in the rail project which I have personally endorsed . "

Taylor smiled as he too remembered his conversation with Ryfon with regards to speed and spoke, "No Milord, Actually, this thing was imitated by Ryfon after he watched one particular Company buying Cement in bulk from us and remodeling houses for some rich merchants according to their needs . After Investigation we found that it was a normal company . It was formed by a group of students, Elves, Earth Magicians and a Group of Merchants who funded that company initially . This company at first re-designed the Manors and palaces according to the customers' needs with the help of Elves and then used the High-Grade Earth Magicians to level the ground according to their needs where very heavy labor was required which took a lot of time and money since it was dangerous . So after Ryfon learned of this, he too incorporated and hired a bunch of Earth Magicians and Elf designers at high salaries to reduce the time required in the construction sector while at the same time improving the designing wherever his intervention was not required . "

"Additionally, the new Super Mulberry Cement is working quite well and hence the changes you noticed this time around after reading the reports on rails and roads . Because of the use of High-grade Earth Magicians, the heavy labor of 10 days is reduced to 1 day because usually, they needed to fully plan the number of resources required and transport men before changing particular geography in the area and this has also saved a lot of labor costs as Lord Ryfon was always worried about work-related injuries . And this has made him quite bold in increasing the speed of his work . "

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