World Development System

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Joseph as well was happy since he got a good source of information and the same was true for John because he understood the importance of knowing the information when it came to people who were targeting them .

"Miss Diana your men can collect the soaps at North-frontier town in Northeast, you guys can come by sea or land and it will cost you 3 gold coins per soap . Meanwhile, you guys can expect new items coming from the factory in the future" John thought and deliberately said to them .

"Interesting" Vlad whispered slowly which only the maid could hear .

While Diana then signaled to Vlad and he gave a box of money to John and other documents to Joseph .

"Miss Diana I see you that you have quite a variety of luxurious food from Fire Abyss . I would recommend you visit John’s Mansion as they have quite a variety of unique and delicious food there . I can only say that I have not eaten that food anywhere else . For your information John himself is a good cook as well . " Joseph thought and gave Miss Diana a place where she can have the new delicious cuisines since she seemed like a picky character when it came to food and he also thought to add more troubles to John after watching John acting dumb in front of obvious confrontations in the ship this time around . He obviously understood why John did that so he would like to see him tough spots as John always liked to act cool in front of others .

John furrowed his brows and this time he glared at Joseph with a pair of angry eyes . He obviously understood what Joseph was trying to pull here and he didn’t like it when it came to cooking . Joseph conveniently ignored John’s glare and smirked while Vlad was trying to understand what was going on .

Diana meanwhile was quite interested since John could cook and had made new cuisine’s so she had decided that next time she would visit North-frontier town with Vlad as she was anyways traveling Aelius kingdom .

"Okay, I will certainly visit your mansion John and taste the new cuisine’s I hope you entertain us well . " Diana thanked Joseph and John and both parties bid their farewell .

As John and Joseph were going out of the Auction from the back, the noble who competed with John for the sword saw both of them come out of the auction .

He had already noticed Diana and her two servants had already left after the duo of John and Joseph left the auction . Now he understood why both of them came from the back of the mansion . However, he didn’t act in front of them as he understood that both of them were invited by Diana as he saw Vlad coming to lead them out .

Vlad saw that the noble was looking at them and the same was the case for John . Vlad smiled at the noble after he saw him looking at John with angry eyes .

After looking at Vlad he decided to first inform Third Prince Hector and then take action later on after getting his instructions . Prince Hector was not in Pearl City and he was busy with Royal gathering or else he would have come over here today .

This noble’s name was Bard and was the third son of a Marquis in the west of Aelius kingdom . He always hoped to Join the Knight order of a Prince since it was his brother who was going to inherit the title of Marquis and he hoped to win the higher title than a baron by fighting with Prince Hector in the next war with his men .

He left without saying anything, Joseph only later saw that both Vlad and John were looking at someone but he couldn’t recognize that person since he already left .

So he asked both of them about the person they were looking at,

"Nothing, just a small fly peeking from shadows" Vlad replied to Joseph while John didn’t bother about the person looking at them .

After this encounter, Vlad was now sure that John had very extraordinary senses that’s why he felt familiar with John when he first saw his reaction when he greeted them . But he was still surprised since John was human and it required a lot of experience and time to develop such acute senses over the surroundings .

John and Joseph decided to meet Eva, Jay and her team .

Jay had already left after they made their purchases at the slave market . He was more interested in the market and was hoping to find new weapons and poisons .

After John and Joseph left, Vlad came inside the room and Diana asked him,

"So what’s your opinion on both of them?"

"Well, that boy John is quite interesting . And the Morgan boy is the same as always naive but trustworthy and always cautious"

"According to my observations that boy John is well versed in most of the forms of combat, I only verified it after I saw his combat positioning when I led them out . And it also seems that he knows a variety of other professions after hearing your conversation last time around . Plus he has very acute senses when it comes to detecting people . "

"However both of them are trustworthy . I think we can trust them and its Okay to deal with them in business . My instincts say that both of them will be helpful to us in the near future . Additionally, both of them seem to have quite a deep friendship judging by their conversation . " josei

"From our information snake family also got the soaps at 3 gold coins so it seems John wasn’t intent on jacking up the prices even though we could pay it . So it seems he wished to repay us with sincerity as well as he deliberately disclosed his plans on introducing new items which would be more helpful in future ventures . "

The maid was quite shocked by this evaluation . As she knew Vlad wouldn’t say this most of the time . But his instincts were quite on the mark as they had saved the lives of many members in the Bluesea family in past incidences .

Diana agreed to Vlad’s evaluation as she had got instructions from her father that she should trust Vlad at most of the times as he was one of his father’s right-hand man and helped them many times and she too thought that they weren’t the scheming kind plus she liked the fact that John could cook and she could have new cuisines . Then after they decided to leave the auction and pay the Manager of the Auction and decided to see the market . Meanwhile, John and Joseph met with Jay and Eva’s team . Jay had already met them after Phillip saw him in the market looking at poisons . While the women were looking at new jewelry and magic equipment .

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