World Development System

Chapter 303 234. The Second Demon Prince Bidder.

Chapter 303 234. The Second Demon Prince Bidder.

Chapter 303 234. The Second Demon Prince Bidder.


At the Imperial Palace,

Currently, everyone was preparing for the arrival of Plato and Joel in a hurried manner as John also got information about their arrival and also the dignitaries from other countries.

All the officials were busy with the preparations as this will mark the entry of Sky in the regional politics of Kingdoms.

On the other hand today, every one of the ministers and bureaucrats in the administrative headquarters was surprised by their new appointments and understood the significance of this change.

A lot of people from the other countries were arriving at Sky via their various Steeds. The Second demon prince of Fire-abyss, Bidder too had arrived with his Awe-inspiring Demon Steeds while he himself was riding a Royal Fire-demon dragon. He had 2 midsized horns in front while he was wearing Royal Fire-abyss clothes of Red with a Royal cape, he had long red hair and a great physique as compared to other demons.

Currently, He was looking with contempt at the distance at the Team of Aelius when they arrived. He smiled and thought after they arrived, ’I am quite certain that this group of officials from Aelius is certainly holding a grudge against Sky. Well, part of the reason why Sky won was because of us holding Aelius back because of our Fire-demon dragons and hunters. And another part of the reason why Royal father doesn’t bother with Sky is that they don’t have any aerial steeds to defend against us or Aelius and aren’t a big threat. Anyway, I better move as well and make my move. Hmm... Maybe I should teach this group from Aelius a lesson and humiliate them.’ josei

One of the Captians from the Border guards came to Bidder and spoke in a stern manner as he didn’t want a collision between Fire-abyss and Aelius inside Sky, "Your highness, we have arranged a suitable accommodation for your escort team and your Royal steed as you wished."

A lot of people were quite surprised after looking at the dragon but calmed down after at the team of Border guards who were quite calm and were equipped with Special Rifles in front of the demons. The man leading them once worked in the Ghosts division and had just recently transferred due to mortal injury. He was quite calm as he understood that a confrontation between fire-abyss and Aelius was certain to occur.

Bidder nodded and thought as he looked at the rifles, ’I guess these toys are the famed guns that were used in the previous battle to defeat Aelius. I wonder how they generated so much power that can even be used by a commoner to defeat magic knights and magicians. These guns equipped by our Demon Dragons Hunters would certainly make us invincible in Aerial battle. I wonder who will create those guns first, Aelius or Fire-abyss. Or maybe Bryndyll.’

The Border Patrol captain sighed as he signaled his men to back off as he kept a wait and watch attitude.

Bidder laughed with contempt as he saw the escort team driver of Aelius that was coming with lowered head ignoring them completely so as to avoid confrontation. He spoke rather loudly, "Unlike the past arrogance, I guess these wusses from Aelius won’t come out of their beast carriages as they only like to scheme behind the scenes and show their power only in their domain. Why don’t we have a spar?"

Minister Plato who inside the carriage furrowed his brows in anger as he controlled himself and spoke in a calm tone with quite a presence after looking at the troublemaker, "Ramblings of a poor dog who can’t fight his third brother Chad when it comes to the influence of her mother’s side. As for the first Prince, Verzallon you can’t challenge him because of his strength. As far as you are concerned, you are only good at selecting and judging your retainers. Brat, it’s still too early for you to flap your wings in front of me and make a joke of yourself. The very fact that you having a spar with me will become a huge honor for you. Remember this and don’t forget this lesson in your life, Even your father had once respectfully tried to recruit me 20 years back. KNOW YOUR PLACE BEFORE I MAKE YOU KNEEL DOWN." Minister Plato released his terrifying aura when he spoke last words which made even the young dragon become serious as it sweated a bit from his head while Bidder himself was sweating subconsciously after hearing him. At the same time, the demons themselves almost kneeled subconsciously if it were not for the Demon Commander to get them back to their senses. The Commander of Bidder’s escort team was quite unconcerned by Plato’s aura as he was only focused on protecting the Prince and keeping the honor of Demon Guards.

The Commander smiled and murmured, "It seems you still haven’t lost your former touch, Plato."

As Plato’s team left, Plato murmured in the carriage, "This kid thinks he can crap on me. Back in my days, I would have killed him in the battlefield for such an offense. If not for my hurry or any need to create trouble, I would have certainly taught him a lesson. It seems his father is quite considerate in giving him that commander."

Minister Joel simply smiled and spoke, "It’s ok, his contempt comes from our last defeat and also the fact that he just recently tamed his dragon. It seems his retainer didn’t interfere deliberately so as to temper Prince Bidder. That guy seemed quite sturdy as he wasn’t even concerned by your aura. I guess his highness would certainly remember the last encounter for his whole life. Let’s go, we don’t have much time anyway."

The Carriage driver didn’t bother and left immediately as Plato didn’t bother to look at the Commander’s face which was covered by a mask or he else he would have certainly remembered him after some concentration.

Meanwhile, Bidder was quite angry and murmured, "Such bad luck to run into Plato, looks like Plato himself is arriving for negotiation this time around. I guess he wants to gauge Lord John himself and plan a strategy for the future."

The Demon Commander then came and spoke to Bidder, "Bidder, you should wear this magic charm just in case if demons are targetted as well. From our information, it looks like Lord Irmela himself and his men will take action today to send a message to everyone on this continent. The demons in the underworld had said that some interesting phenomenon took place at the Sky Kingdom yesterday and this has irked Irmela so we might expect an interesting show."

Not letting the previous incident to sour his mood. Bidder nodded his head and left to first check his men and then left for his official duties.

He muttered to his retainer, "I guess it is always better to be cautious. What do you think would happen this time, Azraz?"

Azraz solemnly looked in the sky and spoke, "Most likely a show of force, a curse to Lord John directly, An Assassination or an unusual solar or lunar eclipse to tell the people of the world about the arrival of Gods or their minions called angels at least. I don’t think the Arch Demons, Arch Devils, Dragon gods would keep quiet if Irmela intends to dominate the whole of Arkon but they won’t if it is only in this region. However, I am more worried about the recent sightings of the portals. Well, it is ok as long as they are deactivated. Let’s go for now. Anyway, I plan to meet Vlad after such a long time. I have just heard from my sources that he has accepted the post of Defense Minister in Sky. I guess this is due to his influence on Lord John in the initial days."

The Captain Commander of Sky too was quite composed as he saw the confrontation between Aelius and Fire-abyss. Arzaz curiously looked at the commander and understood that a lot of commanders had a unique aura.

The Captain Commander unlike the previous etiquette then spoke in an irritated manner to Arzaz and Bidder, "I hope the show is now over. Let’s go to your Palace."

Unlike the other nobles Both Arzaz and Bidder nodded without making a fuss as they followed the Captain Commander of Sky from Border Patrols.

The patrol team was quite stunned after looking at Bidder and Arzaz who were quite easy going.

Arzaz smiled as he looked at the awkward situation. He thought, ’I guess other guests here were quite rude and hence the shocked reaction by these patrol guards. I am sure this commander is personally chosen by Arlen to teach manners to the rude guests. No wonder the nobles from Aelius, Fire-abyss and Bryndyll are behaving themselves. Well, it is good that Lord Bidder leaves his arrogance whenever he is outside and this is one of the reasons that he has the best network when it comes to businessmen in Fire-abyss. Not even Lord Apollyon might be aware of this aspect.’

Bidder then spoke, "Arzaz, didn’t you want to fight Plato? I heard that you have some history with him."

Arzaz smiled as he spoke, "Now is not the time confront him and make him aware of my existence. As far as my history is concerned, I just destroyed a few bases directly controlled by him about 25 years ago on our borders. We did have some bouts but never a conclusion as every time someone would retreat after sensing the reinforcements."

At this time there was quite a hubbub among the people as many recognized the Voice of Defense Minister of Aelius, Plato.

One of the commoners spoke immediately, "It looks like we are going to be recognized officially by various powers today. Look even the wielder of Aelius’s military force, Lord Plato has arrived which speaks a lot. As for the demons, they have also sent Second Prince Bidder as their representative while other demon nobles are also present. As for Bryndyll, they have already sent Lord Anin who will most likely handle all the things."

Another Old demon commoner who seemed like a veteran spoke while smoking a pipe, "This is nothing, as far as I know from my mates at the Border patrol team, even the Lord Baron of North, Baron Mendez has personally arrived secretly in the morning. This news was blocked in Aelius by Lord Plato so as keep the populace calm. That brat of mine in the Sky army just arrived home today from Dolores to say his greetings and attend the Military parade. According to him Half of our army has been pulled back from Dolores to the borders and only 1/10th of the army will remain there after Lord Baron completely forms his army from scratch. 1/10th of our army is also staying there on Baron’s personal request to Chief Marsh as Lord Baron doesn’t trust Lord Duke Norman nor does he trust the Royal family after the failed coup by Prince Hector and Lord Antonio. According to our mates at the border, Previously Lord Plato had traveled with 4 Dragon Knights from capital that only stopped at the southern borders of Baron Mendez’s domain. While another two had directly traveled from the capital to the tri-junction borders of Sky, Aelius and Fire-abyss in the domain of Lord Norman, It is near the Volcanic Mountain at the North-west of Aelius. From my Point of view, I am sure that there is a re-organization of their Dragon Knights into small squads who will be focused on Scouting and swift attacks unlike the previous Shock troops as they might fear complete annihilation and also test the waters of Sky Kingdom frequently after a few years. From my point of view, those Dragon Knights will be there for a long time so as to stabilize the border cities, villages and towns and also to keep the rumors in check while unofficially they will be administrators. At least on Norman’s side, they will certainly be there for a long time as they can act as a two-edged sword. One Edge towards to Sky and Fire-abyss and other towards Lord Norman to warn him from trying any mischief like Lord John."

A Teen kid then keenly watched as he spoke and asked the veteran, "Hey, Old man, weren’t you in the navy? How come you are here? And aren’t you afraid of leaking sensitive military information to the enemy present here? You can even be tried by the courts because of such leaks. Don’t think I don’t know about our laws."

The Demon Veteran laughed at this question and spoke as he showed his injured leg, "Well, I retired after this fatal injury when we fought the Fjords a few months back. I was in the vanguard. However, I am glad that I shed blood for the formation of Sky and was part of Lord Blake’s troops and achieved our purpose, or else we would have remained as slaves forever. As far as you are concerned about this leak, you shouldn’t worry as such type of information would have already been leaked to the enemies as it is quite open. And that kid of mine would have warned me or he would never tell me this news if he was banned by the army to not reveal it. Come to square Kid and view the victory parade of our army. Then maybe I will tell you more of our stories in the navy."

The Demon Veteran thought as he heard the kid, ’If I didn’t know this, then I would have certainly spoken about the arrival of Lord Lukav’s men and also Lord Casey’s men.’

The kid thought a bit and spoke, "Okay, anyway the lunch is on you Old man, Baan."

The Demon veteran slapped his head as he spoke, "This Snotty brat would empty my pockets, kid, don’t you have school today?"

The Kid looked at him and gave the look as if he was looking at an idiot and spoke, "Don’t you know that it’s a Sunday today."

Baan ignored the answer by the Kid so as to not seem stupid and spoke, "So what if it is a Sunday. You kids must always strive to learn as much as you can."

People laughed as they heard the conversation between them and continued their chat.

The Kid ignored the stupid arguments by Baan then looked at the theatre and spoke with some longing, "I heard that today Donovan Entertainment Group will be entertaining the group of Royals from Other countries in the Theatre near the square. I wish to see their Play. Hey, why don’t you fund me today?"

The Demon Veteran sighed as he looked at the exorbitant prices of the play today but cheered up as he followed the kid for the military parade.

He spoke to the kid with an irritated look, "Kid, what’s so good about that play, come I will show you something better when we reach the parade site. That play will anyway get cheaper after the first show today. That high price today is due to the security reasons and for Businessmen who are intending to improve their network in other countries as well as Sky."

Baan then sighed as he looked at his leg and murmured, "I guess I will need 2-3 years to naturally heal this or maybe I should approach Grand Potioneer Melanie. She may have a solution to this injury."

The kid subconsciously heard Baan as he made up a resolve and thought, ’I will certainly try to meet Grand-potioneer Melanie to help Uncle Baan. Anyway, lets go to the Military Parade and watch those new weapons as described by this conman.’

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