World Development System

Chapter 325

Chapter 325: 256. Chaos at the Plaza Part 4.

Looking that the situation was grave, Irmela hardened his left fist as he made a decision. Irmela let go of his sword as it started floating and he started chanting a spell.

Irmela smiled cunningly and muttered, "Lets see how you divert this attack. Even that heretic undead will die if he takes this attack head-on."

However, due to John's high sensitivity, it was heard by him as he started preparing to take this attack.

After the chant was over, the sword started shining golden as it moved rapidly towards John while the last engraved Bazooka was shot towards Irmela by John.

"Tch." Irmela frustratingly spoke as he used the cape, "Even Telekinesis is useless on this projectile due to its power, density and speed. Which heretic made this sort of weapon. It used to be quite easy when it was solely magic or arrows which were light in weight."

This time unlike previously, Irmela took out his cape as it moved in front of him and blocked the Bazooka shell and wrapped it completely without giving the shell anytime to react. The cape then flew 100 meters away as the blast occurred inside the magical cape. Looking at this situation, even Xylo was quite shocked after he watched the fight between John and Shadow Irmela who was forced to use 3 artifacts. Xylo meanwhile again chanted a spell as a gray-colored undead shield covered them as it blocked the Light balls for his team, meanwhile Fredric chanted a spell as a blood wave immediately swallowed the light balls and curbed it.

Fredric muttered as he looked at the fight between John and Irmela, 'I think it would have been tougher even for me if I was in John's place unless I was fighting with my palace's defenses.'

Meanwhile, Angel Leo was quite alarmed as he saw the fight between John and Radiant Lord. After looking at Arlen and his elite corps who were coming with the same rifles which were held by John frightened him to the core, He thought immediately, 'This attack has been a waste, these heretics are too strong with their weird magic weapons.'

Angel Leo looked at both the cardinals and spoke, "Why didn't I have a report about these weapons in the possession of these heretics."

The cardinals were quite confused as they thought that Angels and Gods were all invincible like the last time when they came to defeat Xylo and hence never took this into the equation. Looking at their confused faces, Angel Leo understood their mentality and cursed immediately, "Fucking bastards, they think that this is a game. These guys don't even understand our hardships when there were High humans, high elves and other better races who could fight the clones to a standstill."

Vlad was still holding back the firepower and observed both sides in case the undead start attacking them after finishing the Radiant Church.

John meanwhile took out his specially prepared magic staff as he started chanting and took out nine crystals and spread them around in a particular formation,

This time he immediately prepared the 9 fold magic formation as the Golden sword immediately made its way toward him.

As soon as the sword came in the range of 10 meters towards John, it faced resistance as 9 barriers immediately covered John.

However, the sword didn't stop as one magic formation burst on the sword and it immediately passed two barriers.

After bursting 3 magic barriers, the 4th, 5th and 6th barriers immediately turned white and burst like a mirror as soon as the sword came in contact with the barrier. The second magic rune had lit on Irmela's sword after the 1st one stopped.

John's face which was calm the whole time turned a little serious as he ordered Quill, "Tell Arlen and others to start using the magic rifles along with Magic bullets and magic powders on Irmela and start targeting him. The situation is quite grave."

Quill too was quite calm as he took out his own Bazooka and looked at the engraved Shell as he muttered, "It seems I can't hide my powers for long. However, looking at the firepower of Bazooka, I think it is worth it to watch the ragged face of Irmela and those lackeys. And that cape looks quite damaged, why don't I try it this time?"

As for the 7th, 8th and 9th Barrier, they were penetrated as if they were butter after the 3rd rune shined on the sword. The 9th barrier took the most time of 10 seconds to be penetrated as John got stabbed by the sword.

[Alien entity trying to invade host's body. Expelling the magic particles immediately. Absorbing the magic power emitted by the sword. Host hitpoints are below 50%.

Conditions are met to use certain powers.

Super System Mode - Enabled (Sacrifice of 50% hitpoints during a battle)

Dragon's roar - Enabled (Needs host in an agitated state along with 50% or less hitpoints. Requires 20% mana points to use it.)

Summoning - Unsealed (Requires 30% Hitpoints to summon a random creature. Very unpredictable.)

Super Space Shifts - Unsealed. (Space shifts up to 10 km)

Host, do you want to use the system mode? Please confirm. At 5% hitpoints, Super System mode will be automatically activated.]

John muttered as he took the sword, "Lets wait for a while and see how the situation goes."

Irmela smiled as he observed John and muttered, "Unlike his weapons, his physical defenses aren't that tough. I guess this is due to the lack of artifacts and him completely relying on magic. However, knowing that this upstart has just recently founded his kingdom, it isn't surprising that he lacks artifacts. The one thing that is most surprising is his mental resistance power even after my sword invaded his body. Even the Angels of others gods aren't able to resist my takeover for this long."

This time, Quill's Bazooka shell came into the range of Irmela as he blocked it immediately with the use of his cape again.

Quill signaled Arlen who came to shoot at Irmela with the best ammunition. As soon as Irmela came into contact with Magic bullets, he suddenly felt pain which shocked him as he immediately chanted and some shields came up to defend against the bullets.

As soon as the Bazooka shell came into contact with the magic cape, Quill laughed as he twitched his fingers and the shell immediately turned black. This time the shell burst immediately without waiting for it to be wrapped by the cape. The cape too started burning in Grayish Blackfire which couldn't be stopped even after using holy water by Irmela. This situation startled him quite a lot as he tried various means to curb fire but it couldn't be suppressed.

He roared subconsciously as he couldn't suppress the Hellfire, "How the hell is the Curse of the Devil hellfire in possession of this nobody. Fuck, such humiliation even after so many preparations. That is why I hate using shadow bodies. I can't go back with so much loss of face and mockery."

John too came out unscathed by the sword which shocked a lot of people including Xylo and Lord Leo. The main thing noticeable was John's bleeding abdomen and a magic staff which he was holding.josei

Looking at John's situation, Chad had a malicious thought in his mind for a second but he soon curbed it as John looked in his direction immediately. John's expression was quite different from the previously amiable guy. This time, it was quite cold as he looked around the whole region where the fights were occurring.

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