World Development System

Chapter 331

Chapter 331: 262. Conclusion of the signing ceremony Part 1.

At this time after the battle, it was Eva who immediately hugged John and came to see if he was injured anywhere. This surprised John as he never thought that Eva had so deep feelings for him.

Eva had a concerned look as she spoke, "When I saw the Solar eclipse and then Irmela's shadow Silhouette, I thought a disaster had struck us as proven historically whenever Gods and Arch Demons made a move. Moreover, are you injured anywhere internally due to using such a high amount of fusion magic?"

John sighed as he looked at Eva and then at other girls as he pumped himself and spoke cheekily to calm down everyone, "I am ok, it's all over for now. Well, wasn't it good that he struck today? I thought you guys were pretty frustrated with me acting dense."

Eva pouted a bit as she smiled and spoke, "Well, I still liked that previous declaration you made in front of everyone in Plaza today. Maybe how about you do the same during the crowning ceremony."

John coughed a bit as he heard her and didn't answer her as he was quite embarrassed.

Following behind Eva, Diana followed as she furrowed her brows when she saw Eva making the first move this time around. Diana came from behind and spoke, "Then you must be prepared for punishment for ignoring our feelings."

Diana meanwhile thought after looking at the aftermath and the plaza, 'This time I was really useless due to my weaker strength. This time it was all handled by father, Vlad, John and others. I really need to focus on improving demonic magic so that I can face such situations like Father or mothers.'

After hearing John, Sally looked at John with an angry face and muttered, "YOU..."

Josephine looked at John in astonishment and spoke, "How can you do that John!"

Josephine firmed her heart and thought, 'From now on, I can't be so passive with John. I also need to improve my swordsmanship so as to battle the generals of other countries. If it was not for the planned countermeasures, this event would have been a disaster.'

At this time, Quill came and fake coughed a bit so to stop this conversation in public lest they become a source of gossip for other people.

Seeing that everyone was talking in the plaza, Melanie came and spoke hurriedly, "It's ok, you guys don't need to be so angry. I will explain in detail what happened so that you guys can understand the whole situation."

John looked at his surroundings and spoke to Eva, Diana, Sally and Josephine, "How about we talk later. We must settle the commotion made by the Radiant Church and also sort out other matters."

Diana nodded and spoke, "Yes, I will go and meet dad to get his opinions on the current event."

They nodded and left to complete their duties.

John looked at Quill and spoke, "Gather all the Diplomats and tell them that we will be completing the North-south peace deal here at the Winter Palace. How about making the debut of Illusion Cameras today?"

Quill thought as he nodded and spoke, "No problems, I will gather the diplomats so that we can make use of this commotion today."

Meanwhile, everyone in the Plaza was shellshocked after watching a feast of Lights in Night. Unlike, the previous gloomy atmosphere due to the eclipse it had a lot of energy after watching that everyone was getting busy.


Meanwhile, In heaven, Irmela had an angry face due to completely losing face today when he and his followers attacked John.

Inside his Palace, Irmela angrily gnashed his teeth and immediately gave an order for the angels, "Immediately issue a bounty against that sinner. Announce that anyone who can kill him will get two Talismans and 1 artifact of their choice from our Heavenly Knights Palace."

A lot of Angels were quite shocked as most of the time access to Heavenly Knights Palace was only given after years of effort.

One of the Angels slowly muttered, "I never thought that Xylo would live even after that attack 500 years ago. Even I only recovered after using a large number of resources. Leo was quite lucky in escaping with his life this time around. This time, it will be a long battle of attrition against this enemy of Radiant Church."

God of Fate had an amused look when he saw that even he couldn't predict the fate of Sky kingdom. God of Fate had a crystal ball in his hand as he then looked at Dwayne and slowly muttered, "It seems this boy has the auras of Fate and Time, If my guess is correct then this is all the work of my future self in a parallel dimension. Well, I will need to trust my future self if he decided to make this choice. Meanwhile, this kid John seems quite headstrong that even I can't probe his body despite being a mortal. I should have a talk with him(God of Time) about this kid having the aura of time. Well, it will be more fun from now on since most of the guys will not be able to peer into the future of this kingdom and region at least."

At this time, deep in the Northern oceans, a wild beast opened his eyes as he saw the lunar eclipse on the 3 moons and snorted as if he couldn't care less about it and spoke, "Hmph, I would have chewed you up immediately if you showed your face here."


At this time, John was arranging the tasks for everyone to settle down in the city. One by one everyone in the administrative headquarters got busy.

There was an important meeting going on in John's office. John first called Grey and gave his orders, "Grey, first distribute Angel Leo's picture along with other escapees to every police station and local guilds. Tell them that if they are spotted then they are free to use magic bullets against them in an off chance that they create a law and order problem."

Quill then reported to John, "Milord, the venue for completion of North-south peace deal is already prepared. All the diplomats and important dignitaries will be present there in 1 hour. So we need to prepare accordingly if anything is left out."

John nodded and spoke, "This meeting won't be long, we just have to make sure that everything is running smoothly so that people don't panic. Is everything clear?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." A clear resounding voice from everyone in the room. There was clear admiration in the eyes of everyone present here today which stemmed after watching the battle of their king fighting against Irmela. This battle and its result had instilled a lot of confidence in the eyes of all the ministers.

John then looked at Glenn and spoke, "I think you were already briefed by Quill for the preparations on tomorrow's news report. You will have to report everything that happened today. And the main focus should be to promote North-frontier city as a 'City of Light'. From today onwards, you guys can start the use of Illusion cameras and use the Illusion ink from the next print of papers."

Glenn nodded and spoke, "Yes, I was already briefed by Law Minister Quill regarding the affairs that need to be conducted for tomorrow's print."

John looked at other ministers and spoke, "All of you are required to along with today's script if other private newspapers interview you guys. Is that clear? I don't want any conflicting statements due to a rivalry between departments."

The ministers nodded and spoke, "Yes your majesty."

John nodded and turned his attention to Tornwall and asked, "How is the construction of Railways going on? How long do you think it will take?"

Tornwall nodded and gave a report which he had already prepared, "We have only started the construction of tracks but it is going on at a fast pace. We have completed the construction of Trains while we have also completed 3 routes, 1st is North-frontier city to Golden Spring City, 2nd is Golden Spring City to Eastern Port of Winter City and 3rd from North-frontier city to Winter city. This is done all according to the plans so that there is a fast movement of goods and people. Now we will be concentrating on connecting all of Sky together. Our next aim is to connect 9 North-western settlements. However, the speed of construction is only going to speed up as we have already hired a lot of earth and other magicians which will help us in dealing with terrain problems."

John nodded as he thought and spoke, "So it seems that it is good to go. Ok, make preparations so that it can be integrated on the same day as my crowning ceremony. I will be inaugurating the Railways the same day as I get crowned. It will be good for me politically as well. Tornwall, you would need to start the testing of trains in a few days."

John thought as he made the decision, 'A less predictable future is better for me as it seems that something happened to Sky since that boy Dwayne's soul is from Future. So it is better that I inaugurate and start the Railways as opposed to our plans 3 months later with better network. Yes, that's ok.'

Tornwall nodded as he noted down the importance of the Inauguration of Sky Railways on the same day as John's crowning ceremony.

John then turned to Taylor and asked, "How is the construction of Radio towers going on? Administering Aurora Island takes a long time and connection via communication devices will be very important in the long run for us. And also what is the status of strategic material resourcing."

Taylor gave a report which he had prepared and spoke, "Sky Telecommunications Ltd has already built all the required Radio Towers in all of Sky. However, the limited number of radios are only used by our agents in NSB, Homeland Security and Ghosts. If it is made open for civilian use then we may lose a strategic edge in regards to communications."

John then thought of his conversation with Dwayne where he emphasized the need to improve the speed of Communication and Travel. He thought, 'Who knows if Arkon gets connected with Earth then we may face unknown dangers if they overwhelm us with their technology. Even the system is nowadays warning me to not plagiarize the literature of Earth so it might be possible. And from the way Dwayne emphasized the need to improvise our Military, it might be an indication that we might face bigger unpredictable wars which means that our adversaries somehow got better or comparable technologies to challenge us. he didn't worry a lot about wars but I better not slack in regards to improving our tech whether it is military or civilian in case we get shocked in an off-chance by our enemies. I better be prepared whether it is earth or aliens or whatever shit it is.'

John thought and spoke, "Don't worry about it. Since we can make this tech then we can also control and observe how it is used by our enemies. So in fact it is better for information gathering without risking the lives of our agents. You guys can proceed with the civilian commercialization of Radios and other devices from Sky Telecommunications Ltd."

Taylor thought a bit as he nodded and spoke, "Okay, we will proceed as per your order. As for the sourcing of strategic materials, we have already made the plans. We have already discovered and made plans for coal mines, Oil Fields, Magic Crytal mines of all levels, Magic Metal mines, Iron and other important materials. Currently, we are also trying to explore them in our neighboring countries and make a deal for them with the local governments via both the merchants and state enterprises. Currently, I propose that we focus on acquiring Magic crystal mines of low grade and mid-grade since they are efficient, safe and quite cheap to transport due to their mobile nature. Other forms of fuel are vulnerable to accidents and are quite difficult to handle during transportation."

John nodded as he agreed with Taylor and spoke, "It is decided that we will go with this plan for meeting our increasing fuel needs since we have already started the operation of the Thermal power stations for our factories."

John looked at the time and saw that it was already time and spoke, "Ok, Lets go and complete the signing ceremony. I hope that everyone is prepared."

Very soon the meeting was over as everyone returned to the square.josei

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