World Development System

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Chapter 89


All the preparations for the ceremony were made and all the officials came on time .

John spoke to Taylor as he noticed something peculiar, "I see that a lot of merchants arrived here today to witness this event . Do you know any particular reason?"

Taylor responded as he understood John’s concerns, "Well, most of them hoped to meet you or the other officials in charge of various industries in our domain however a lot of them have come to meet Ryfon after watching him make the newly designed buildings plus many traders were also interested in the newly created paper which we were distributing in low quantities recently . And actually, it was the Teachers at university who unintentionally bragged about the papers they were using in their classes to teach the students when they were arguing with visitors at Hope . Professor Hague, Glenn and Prague have already agreed to our agreement to work at Rose university and hoped to meet you in the future when you are free, it seems that our previous actions against Duke Evan made them accept our offer when we stood up for Jake . They were quite moved by your actions for standing up for your comrades . Professor Hague has already assumed the responsibilities as a Principal over there . Meanwhile, Professor Liam had already assumed his responsibilities as the Arithmetic professor in the university however he particularly wanted to meet you saying that Lord John should only pursue the ultimate truth in researching Arithmetic . "

John smiled a bit and asked, "What were their opinions on our printing technology and our promise? How did they respond?"

Taylor remembered his previous encounter with Glenn, "Professor Glenn in particular was quite enthralled after watching the printing techniques and from now on he is going to vouch by using his own credibility for printing resources when we are going to poach other professors which we really need . He was particularly happy and saying its good that we screwed those old men at the capital big time . "

John ordered Taylor, "Okay, It seems that everyone has arrived, Go and tell the presenter to commence the ceremony and announce the laws . Jay and all of his men have already arrived, he needs to be introduced as a minister of internal security and affairs, It can be seen that he has already decided that Marsh is going to be head the Police Force after looking at his clothes . I hope we don’t face any problems till the ballista testing . "

Taylor answered and headed to the presenter that started the ceremony, "As you wish Milord . We will immediately commence the ceremony and introduce the new officials to the local populace and we can see that they also are quite enthusiastic about the new laws and the new internal police force that will particularly handle internal matters . "

"Traders were quite happy with the establishment of courts to settle their small disputes . "


at the ending of ceremony and the police parade,

Taylor announced to everyone, "recently we had a big breakthrough in making arms and today we have decided to display it in front of everyone with which it can assure the people that Lord has taken enough measures when it comes to the protection of domain, To remove people’s concerns we have decided to display our new created weapon . We have also decided to deploy those weapons in the Morgan family naval fleet in a show of good faith . Those who are interested in watching the testing of weapons can head to the border of the town with us and watch its might and splendor . This weapon was specially created by Lord John and it is named as a Ballista . It was later on further improved by Cheif Forger of the Town Tornwall who just recently arrived at our town . "

Marquis Ray thought at the end of the ceremony, "These laws are quite interesting, by creating subsidies for the local farmers he has successfully reduced the burden for people and found a loophole to exploit and benefit his own people . And For the slaves as well, it seems he intends to protect them by claiming them as his own property and anyone harming his property could be seen as his potential enemy, it seems he is quite confident in his weapons and hence the forceful approach this time when he introduced these laws . From this event, I can see that there has been a lot of civil laws that I was unaware of that could be implemented in our domain . The non-discriminatory laws for various species will irk a lot of religions particularly . Even the Royal Family was always vague when it came to the discriminatory doctrine of churches and the Royal Family never mentioned anything when it came to other species so it always remained vague . From this, it can be seen that he intends to continue his collaboration with Demons and other species openly by announcing these laws . By the creation of civil courts, he has successfully created a lot more jobs directly and indirectly . It was quite surprising to see Prince Lukav and his right-hand man Duncan arriving here, its good that our men were able to spot him in his disguise, I guess John as well knows about it and intends to meet him later on . Come, let’s head to the border and see what this new weapon is all about . I am quite sure, Hector and his men are also here and watching all the current events . "

Glenn thought as he heard the laws, "After hearing the new laws, This place seems a lot more interesting, The very creation of the printing machine would create waves across the whole kingdom if anyone heard about it, not to mention these new weapons . There are a lot of new creations happening in this town . It is certainly creating or would at least create waves and doubts in the minds of a lot of people . I wonder what would be reactions of all the nobles going to Prince Hector’s banquet 5 days later What do you think Principal Hague?"

Professor Hague seriously said, "From my personal experience, I feel that Baron John is courageous as well as a calculating man . However, sometimes he acts on his emotions as well from how he protected that Fighter named Jake a few days back . And one thing is for sure, there will be a lot of changes occurring in this kingdom after this performance . From my personal point of view, I didn’t dislike it when Baron acted based on his emotions last time around because a cold ruthless man may abandon his men at a chance of profit . "


Prince Lukav, " It seems Georgio was quite on the target when he said that Baron John was an interesting man as he didn’t make preconceived judgments when he met him earlier . However, Was it really necessary to come in disguised outfits when we were only here to make a deal and tour this town?"

Duncan rolled his eyes and spoke in a rebuke, "Do you want this one to die an early death as well . Remember this, he is surrounded by enemies on all sides since everyone is eyeing his businesses which includes the royal family . I am sure the royal family deploying an ambassador and a part of the knight order here at Dolores was part of a plan to attack when they are unaware . You might already know that Duke Fjord was quite pissed with John when he heard that a Slave’s life was valued more than a noble’s honor when Baron John decided to protect his slave instead of protecting Evan’s Honor . Meanwhile, That ambassador is present here today . "

Lukav smiled and spoke, "Well, that was also one of the reasons why I decided to come here and meet him personally . It’s good that Blacktiger just died recently and a lot of nobles are focused on his assassination that took place instead of keeping their eyes elsewhere . " josei

Duncan understood and said, "Well, we still need to be cautious and keep our disguise, we shouldn’t take any risks . Well, lets head to the border and see what new weapon he has created . "

Lukav laid his thoughts, "Well, good or bad, we will buy those in a show of good faith . I also wanted to collaborate with him and that old hag since the Radiant church has put a ban on me and my men for quite a few years when it comes to healing services . I particularly wanted to buy those papers in huge quantities that I used previously as I felt they were a lot better compared to the ones that we usually use . "

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