World Online

Chapter 273 Pushed Back

Chapter 273 Pushed Back

Chapter 273 Pushed Back

"Gather! GATHER!!!"

Multiple tanks had to gather together, shielding the one pocket where a giant beast was trying to plow through.

The other beasts, swordsmen could handle. But this one beast was too big. Its hide was too thick for arrows just to pierce it. And the mages needed too much time to get their spells ready.

In that time, if the beast went rampant, it would wreak absolute havoc in the land.

Kierch was in the distance, deep into the enemy ranks. He didn't even concern himself with the problems that everyone was facing.

He was in a world of his own, not caring about what was going to happen.

He was just having fun. There was a faint smile in his face as his sword slashed through a few more beasts.

While many beasts here were troublesome, stopping him for a few minutes, many more were just cannon fodder.

This was the most fun he had perhaps in a month. The variety also kept him on his heels, for he had to change the way he attacked for every single monster.

One glance at Kierch later, Myriad Arrows shook his head as he pointed his bow at the giant monster that was threatening to completely destroy their camp.

His arrows were one of the few things that were dealing any major damage in this fight.

"How did so many monsters just come out of nowhere? This makes no sense. This many monsters, they would have made some noise when they approached us, right?" He thought to himself.

It simply didn't make any sense in his mind. Why where there so many monsters here?

And after the retreat, there was simply no rest for them. After winning the first battle, the second one was after a few hours. And yet, this one was only one hour removed from the previous one.

The monsters that they faced weren't all as strong as the zombies faced in the previous fight, but the numbers were much greater.

And the biggest problem remained that there was a leader that they hadn't found yet. It was clear from the three fights that Myriad Arrows had been through that taking care of the leader was the only way to get rid of the numbers.

As long as the leader died, the other monsters would scatter away.

But there was no clear leader here. And a leader for such a place would be utterly powerful, without a doubt.

"Maybe I should take the higher ground." He looked up at one of the trees for a mere second before he shook his head.

"I should stay here. I am the acting guild master for now." he decided.

His fingers had no rest, for he was continuously firing arrows in all directions. A barrage of arrows had filled the sky, some his, and some from behind him.

The problem?

They were in a forest.

Many of these arrows were stopped by the bushes and the trees.

"Stop firing it above, you idiots! Fire at a straight path where you wouldn't have to take into account a thick covering from the forest itself. The forest isn't your enemy. The monsters are!" Myriad Arrows shouted as he continued shooting arrows.

He was at the front line for a reason. This was also one of the better places to find a straight line of fire.

He took one more glance at Kierch, looking at what he was doing.

That one fight with Kierch told him that there was a reason why Jake really invested heavily into Kierch.

This was actually a beast of a man. Against the wolves, he wasn't showing his full capabilities. He wasn't exactly suited for a fight like that either way. There was a limit to how fast he could kill beasts.

But even in the plethora of monsters of all sizes here, he was killing monsters at the same rate that he was killing the worthless wolves.

"Where the hell is this boss? As long as we can take care of him, all of this will be over." Myriad Arrows shook his head.

The barricades were long gone, trampled onto the ground.

"We are losing this fight. Is this our full capacity?" There was a shriek from the right. It was Phoenix's camp.

Myriad Arrows had barely enough time to glance at what was going on there.

Monsters were able to push them back af few meters, and some of them obviously came for Bright Horizon as well. As their allies got pushed back, they were being pushed back as well.

And the more they got pushed back, the worse things got.

They were surrounded in all sides, somehow, and if they kept getting pushed back, soon, there would be no place to move around, and it would be a simple massacre after that. josei

"Hold your ground. We just need to find the leader of this horde and take care of that one monster." Myriad Arrows shouted at Phoenix, but she just shook her head.

"Where are you going to find that beast? We are already back at full capacity I think. Most of the players returned, and yet, we aren't able to keep this going." Phoenix said.

"We can find it. I know it." Myriad Arrows looked in the horizon.

There was no anomaly. There was absolutely nothing that told him where the boss could be found.

"Guess everything is in your hands, Kierch. I hope you kill enough to draw the boss monster out yourself. If you can do that, then we will be able to concentrate our attacks on that one beast." Myriad Arrows thought to himself.

"And I certainly hope that everyone doesn't get the same message that they got before." He remembered what happened last time, when everyone couldn't participate in the battle.

"We can see something!" A shout from the right drew his attention all of a sudden.

He looked in the depths, and he saw what they were looking at.

"Finally." He sighed with relief.



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