World Online

Chapter 247 Lair (3)

Chapter 247 Lair (3)

Myriad Arrows wasted no time idling.

He threw the flare up. This time, as it rose in the air, he could see more and more of these monsters.

They all had upper bodies of women, curves that seemed simply impossible. All of them would be considered perfect models in the real world.

But in place of feet, they all had snake like tails. Not like mermaids, but like snakes.

These tails rattled as the monsters glared at the intruders with eyes that threatened to steal away souls.

"Better not look at them for long. They are way too beautiful." Myriad Arrows chuckled as he caught the flare with his left hand.

Kierch had already gone past him, his swords already tasting first blood.

"These monsters are barely putting up a fight. It's like they do not know how to fight or something. They are not even trying to mount a resistance." Kierch whined as he continued driving toward the center of the giant cave.

As for Myriad Arrows, all he did was look around. He couldn't see anything except for a few meters around him.josei

The pink mist that blocked the cave entrance was a little irritating, but one thing that he did realize, was that this mist was slowly thinning.

"I can't let him have all of the fun." Myriad Arrows said as he put the flare on the ground.

"Intruder! You dare attack us?" A large bellow came from within the cave.

"And what of it? Come out and face me, you cowards. Or do you want to keep watching your kin die?" Kierch roared as he continued his rampage.

Along with that, suddenly, two blasts shook the entire cave.

"Actually, now that I think about it, my attacks are not exactly suited in a cave. I might actually bring down the whole cave down with me." Myriad Arrows chuckled as he said.

"You fool. Do you want to kill me along with yourself?" Kierch shouted.

"We are immortal, aren't we? I mean, we can afford to die." Myriad Arrows pointed out.

He then looked around once more. While some corpses were slowly disappearing, others were not.

"These monsters, they have the same problem as the wolves. Make sure their heads are completely destroyed. If they are not destroyed, then they will come back to life. That will be a headache, dealing with." Myriad Arrows warned Kierch as he started working toward his own path.

"Spare us, heaven defiers. Please spare us!" One of the monsters suddenly called out.

She was near Myriad Arrows, certainly, but he couldn't see where she was exactly.

All he did was point an arrow toward her direction and let go of the string.

"Merciless! Is this what the heaven defiers do? Mercilessly kill unarmed women?" Another roar came from farther into the cave.

"Yep. That is exactly what we do. In times like this, what else do you want us to do?" Kerch nodded as he did not even hesitate in his killing spree.

"Stop making conversation. All of these are just NPC dialogues that they will keep dolling out. I mean, what else do you expect them to do? Why do these monsters even exist? Just making the mist? What good will come off of bringing this mist?" Myriad Arrows and Kierch were talking to each other in the middle of the fight, as leisurely as they could possibly be.

This fight wasn't giving either of them any trouble. They could easily handle the monsters.

"I don't know. Maybe they are trying to hide something. Too bad, they are about to sacrifice their life for this though." Kierch shrugged.

"Whatever this something is, Shadow King must be made aware of what happens." Myriad Arrows reminded.

"Don't worry. If we take care of this cave, we should be able to take care of the pink mist that is so irritating." Kierch reminded Myriad Arrows.

"Now that you think about it, can't you feel a little light enter the cave?" Myriad Arrows said.

Arrows were flying from his bow, but none of them were special attacks. He didn't want to bring down the ceiling down on him. Each level that he progressed was too precious to lose. He didn't want to lose even a little experience.

​ "Yeah. With every monster we kill, the pink mist seems to be getting thinner and thinner. Once we are done with most of the monsters, we will finally be able to see something in this forsakened place." Kierch said.

"Mercy, travelers! If you let us live, then we will surrender!" Suddenly, the voice shouted with a shrill scream.

Kierch stopped.

So did Myriad Arrows.

"You want to surrender? How can we believe you?" Kierch asked.

"Stop the pink mist first. Let the light outside enter." Myriad Arrows said.

"As you wish, travelers. As long as you promise not to kill us." The voice said.

[The Despairing Siren Queen begs you to show mercy.

Accept : Y/N]

There was barely enough light, but Myriad Arrows still looked at the faint silhouette of Kierch.

"Should we do it?" He asked.

"If they attack us after this, then we will attack them in return. But be honest, what kind of damage can they possibly do to us?" Kierch chuckled.

"Fine. Stop this pink mist." Myriad Arrows clicked on the green button.

"Thank you, travelers. You are only the second to ever show mercy in this world where only the strong survive." The voice said.

As she said this, suddenly, a large ray of light surged through the cave's entrance, shining forward.

"Wait, the cave was this big?" Myriad Arrows froze for a moment, before he turned back.

The entrance was huge. This cave was not meant for these monsters. It was meant for something bigger.

"Alright. Now that you raised the white flag, it is time we ask you a few questions." Kierch stretched his arms as he put his twin swords away.


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