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Chapter 276 The Doors

Chapter 276 The Doors

Jake smiled as he rushed forward.

"Did you not understand from all that has gone down? A mindless rush like that will not work on me." Battulda shook his head as his figure turned illusory.

Jake passed straight through Battulda, faltering forward, as he regained his balance.

He turned around immediately, raising his sword.


As expected, there was a counter attack almost instantly, and Battulda's spear pushed Jake back even further, forcing him against the wall.

Jake could feel the cold metal of the door sear his skin.

Battulda laughed as his spear danced in front of his hands, and he rushed forward.

"Nowhere to run?" He roared as his spear dashed forward toward Jake, like a bullet.

Jake's face was as serious as it could get as he could feel the air in front of him try to escape from the spear that was coming toward him.

"Now." He nodded as he suddenly fell on the ground, right on his knees.


The spear flew right past him, striking the door behind him.

Then, Jake rolled to the side, and his sword crackled with a yellow sparkle as he thrust the sword into the door as well.

"Slash of Hunger!"

He could feel his entire arm just tremble because of how hard the door was. And he was absolutely certain that his attack did not even damage the door.

But what he did look at was Battulda's expression.

And boy was it ugly.

"So you were aiming for that? You were aiming to go inside without even defeating me? Is this how dishonorable the human race is?" Battulda roared.

"There is definitely something inside there that needs to be protected. I need to get inside." Jake nodded as he told himself.

He looked back at the door for a brief second, and he could see, at the hundred feet mark, there was a giant health bar.

It was for the door itself. The two attacks that just went through managed to chip at the heath of the door, making it go down to around seventy percent of what it was supposed to be.

"No doubt, Battulda made way more headroom than I did. I need to get him to attack the door a little more." Jake told himself.

He then smiled as he nodded at Battulda.

"I wonder what you are hiding in there. Well then, I know that you are not doing anything, so why not go inside and have some fun there?" Jake shrugged as he turned his back, striking the door with his sword once more.

Battulda trembled with anger. There was nothing more infuriating than having an opponent ridiculing him like this.

"Take this!" Battulda roared as his spear came crashing down at Jake once more.

And Jake predicted it a long time ago. He was waiting for this.

Jake quickly moved, his entire body becoming a blur as the spear rushed past him and hit the door once more.

This time though, Jake didn't attack the door. Instead, he appeared next to Battulda, his sword shining with light.

"Despairing Strike!"I think you should take a look at

The sword dug deep into Battulda's skin.

It was a critical hit, no doubt, and just the one attack was enough to take out a noticeable chunk out of Battulda's health.

"This is the first time I saw this guy so agitated. All of his calmness just disappeared. Looks like whatever is inside is his reverse scale." Jake made a mental note.

It was what he desperately needed at the moment. There was finally something that he could use for his advantage.

Looking up for a mere moment again, Jake could see that Battulda's attack did a lot more damage once more.

The door was down to fifty percent.

"Each of his attacks does that much damage? Just how strong is this boss monster? How do they expect normal players to actually finish the expedition? No wonder everyone has been failing the expedition. This time, the expedition was way too difficult." Jake shook his head, sighing.

"Come on. Let's do this. Let's see your attacks now." Jake said as he moved back to near the door once more.

As he faced Battulda, his sword scraped against the door. While he wasn't doing much, at least he was chipping the door away while he can.

"Stop doing that!"

Battulda roared as his eyes popped with red veins all over. His while face seemed like it was going crazy. Like Jake was not hitting the door, but rather him.

"Why? Does this hurt?" Jake chuckled as he thrust the sword harder into the door.

Once again, the sword bounced back, but once more, Battulda roared.

"That is it. I will make sure that you regret ever coming here!" He shouted.

He suddenly started hovering in the air once more. His hair started floating in the air, turning a transcendent white.

All his robes turned white, in fact. His spear left his hands, and hovered in front of him, vertically.

It itself was shining as well.

His whole body was shining.

He turned into a white glow stick.

"Transformation? You have got to be kidding me. Just what is going on with this expedition? Every single monster I meet has way too many powers." Jake shook his head, trembling with expectation.

The attack that was going to come toward him, it was definitely going to be strong enough to break the doors.

All he had to do was escape it while it was coming toward him.

"Do you really think that I would fall for your tricks for a third time? Don't worry, this attack will land." Battulda laughed as his spear twirled in the air.

He slowly reached for the spinning spear and let his feet touch the ground again.

"Go, Kharis!"josei

He whispered to the spear as he put his foot forward heavily, his right hand just chucking the spear forward.

And then, the spear disappeared.


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