World Online

Chapter 28 Guild

Chapter 28 Guild: Bright Horizon

And then, he disappeared.

Just disappeared into thin air. He had started the quest, and even Jake had no idea where this quest would take place.

After all, he didn't know everything about this world. Some stuff was kept out of the papers, like the details of this particular quest.

"So he finally started the quest. Now all I have to do is wait for him to get it over with." Jake sighed. He did his part, and could only hope that Myriad Arrows was as competent now as he was in his previous life.

The merchant was still here though, had he looked at Jake like he was expecting him to buy something.

"Nope. I don't want to waste money here. I have to use it all at once later." Jake shook his head. After all, in a few days, he would be using it all on the guild that he would create.

A guild was a sinkhole of money. No matter how much was put in, it would always ask for more. It had incredible expenses, and that was why there were very few successful guilds that were operated by normal players.

All the other guilds had corporate backing, and everyone took out reserves of cash that they had been saving over the years.

A guild had many expenses. It had to pay its members, which was a primary source of income to many people. Being a guild member became the most common profession ever.

Along with that, pro rankers demanded extremely high salaries, and guilds had to pay them that to keep them. Or else, no one could stop them from moving to another guild that rivaled their own.

Also, guilds had to outfit all of the members with good equipment to still stay relevant in raids, sieges, and farming.josei

With all these expenses, there was no question that Jake was going to keep all of this money safe in his pocket.

Just making the guild itself was going to cost a measly ten gold coins, which was nothing to Jake right now. It might be a barrier for many small players who didn't have that money right now though, so that meant that all the guilds that had a starting hand were ones that were backed by corporations.

Immediately after he made the guild though, Jake had to go house hunting. He knew that real estate was going to boom after a month, so he had to buy early.

Seeing that this was an Epic Class Change Quest, it would probably take around a day for Myriad Arrows to complete the quest.

They were already friends in the game, so Myriad Arrows would probably send him a message once he was done. Jake trusted that Myriad Arrows wasn't going to ghost the person who brought him the Epic Class.

Now that the had nothing else to do, Jake decided to complete a major hurdle in the guild making process.

He decided that he would put up shop here temporarily and create a base for his guild.

Jake walked out of the forbidden street and looked at the crowd that already stood there. Again, they were trying to enter this place.

"Hey! What is inside this street? Are there treasures that you can get for cheap?" someone shouted at Jake.

"The Epic Class is here right? It has to be!" another shouted, but Jake's face did not even change the slightest.

"Nothing interesting at all. Just a house for the Duke." he shook his head and kept walking away.

He went straight to the city hall, the place for all the official matters to be taken care of.

A pretty lady behind the desk smiled at Jake.

"I want to start a guild." Jake said.

"How many members are in the guild?" the woman asked politely.

"Just me at the moment."

"Name of the guild?"

"Bright Horizon"

"I see. Making a guild will cost a total of ten gold coins." the woman said.

Without delaying any further, Jake paid the money.

Immediatley, he heard a notification.

[Congratulations! You are the Guild Leader of Bright Horizon]

He smiled and then looked at the woman.

"I am here to buy a piece of land in the city. What do you have?" he asked.

"Land? Land costs anywhere between a thousand and ten thousand gold at the moment. Are you sure that you want to buy land?" the woman asked.

Jake nodded, and a few options appeared in front of him holographically.

"I'll take the one that is in the center street. It is pretty small, so it should be a thousand gold, shouldn't it?" Jake asked.

"Indeed. It is at the low price of One thousand and fifteen gold." the woman nodded.

"I'll take that then, and I will also build a three story building over there. With the guild name signed on top. How much is your quote for that?"

"Five hundred gold coins." the woman said.

"Great. All of that together, Fifteen hundred gold. Sounds good." Jake nodded and he paid the woman the money.

"Here is the contract." the woman put forward a piece of paper that Jake signed.

"Congratulations for being the first land owner in Loviel." the woman smiled.

[Congraulations! You are the first player in Loviel Empire to buy land! You have gained 200 karma]

[Congratulations! You are the first player in Gaia to buy land! You have gained 1000 karma]

[You have more than 1000 karma! You are now a Baron in rank]

[As you are the first person to purchase land, you have received a special item. Please check your inventory.]

Jake could only do the same. He took out a piece of paper that looked plain as it could be.

[Building Permit: You can build any building up to seven floors for free.]

Jake smiled. This was definitely going to come in handy in the future.


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