Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1154 - Fight!

Chapter 1154 - Fight!

Chapter 1154: Fight!

“Everything is ready” Laura said.

Gu Qing Shan slowly closed his eyes and asked: “How many worlds are we connected to?”

Laura replied: “There were already countless worlds paying attention to our war against the [Chaos] faction, so as I tried connecting to these countless worlds, they immediately accepted”

Gu Qing Shan went silent for a short moment and muttered: “The future of the 900 million World Layers will be decided today”

At this point, Ilya walked up to them with an inquiring expression.

Laura nodded and ordered: “Begin”


A ray of light shone from above, onto the platform, greatly illuminating the entire area.

Gu Qing Shan opened his eyes and peered towards the high platform.

Everyone was watching him.

He drew the Earth sword and stood tall on top of the platform while wielding it.

A short pause.

Under the scrutinizing eyes of countless worlds, he raised his sword.

The faint utterance of chanting female voices echoed through the air.

The resounding sound of the flute lingered in the air.

The sword lightly drew a circular cold arc through the air.

Everything around him was slashed into fragments by the sword phantom, revealing countless worlds in front of everyone.

Arson, murder, robbery, defacing corpses, endless fights of torturous nature.

These same occurrences were happening in every world.

Gu Qing Shan opened his mouth to speak, his voice resounding in everyone’s hearts.

“The Era of [Chaos] is spearheading the beginning of the destruction through the infinite worlds”

“Due to the existence of the Deity of [Chaos], no single person could prevent the advent of this cruel era”

Everyone’s hearts turned heavy.

Indeed, whenever the carriers of [Chaos] run into powerful resistance, they would pay a heavy price and make an offering to the Deity of [Chaos], from which they were able to borrow the Deity of [Chaos]’s power and eliminate those who stood in their ways.

The carriers of [Chaos] were reinforced with various different powers of [Chaos], affording them all sorts of strange and unusual techniques, together with the sheltering of their Deity, these carriers of [Chaos] had essentially never lost a battle.

[Chaos] continued to spread in an unstoppable manner.

At this point, Gu Qing Shan’s voice resounded again:

“Today, we have found the hope of fighting against [Chaos]”

His sword lightly swung.

All the images faded away.

A new set of images manifested within the sword phantom.

On top of a barren metallic mountain, two humanoid soldiers made of metal stood.

One soldier raised their rifle and aimed far.

Within the bowl-sized muzzle of the rifle, boundless indigo light was flickering in and out of existence.

The other soldier slowly sank into the metallic mountain and disappeared.

Followed by the appearance of a metallic insect several meters in size.

It was made completely out of metal without a single bit of flesh, its pair of compound eyes were flickering with electronic light.

This giant metal insect opened its ten pair of almost transparent metallic wings and hovered in the sky.

At this point, the rifle-wielding soldier pulled the trigger.

The scene followed the blinding beam of light that emerged from the muzzle of the rifle, rapidly flying through the thousand-mile-long distance to heavily strike the Soul Shrieker’s body!

While standing in the middle of countless monsters, it was sent flying by this attack which came from an extremely long distance.

The metal insect swooped down, caught the Soul Shrieker, and continuously spun.

Layers upon layers of thin white silk began to envelop the monster.

Gu Qing Shan’s voice resounded again: “Within the Worlds Apocalypse, the Deity of [Chaos] is not unbeatable, as it has a nemesis called [Order]”

His sword swung again.

All the images faded away and disappeared.

Gu Qing Shan unleashed another crescent-shaped sword phantom to erase the earlier scene completely.

He continued his sword dance, like a God displaying his miracle to living beings of the worlds.

Within the infinite worlds, everyone was closely watching him, afraid that they might miss any details.

Indeed, no one had ever witnessed the Soul Shrieker lose a battle.

Whenever the carriers of [Chaos] called upon it, the only thing that followed would always be an overwhelming victory.

This had been commonly accepted by all living beings as an undisputed fact.

But very clearly, the Soul Shrieker was sent flying by a single gunshot earlier!

A single shot!

How much power must that contain!?

Dong——– dong——– dong——— dong!

The slow sound of a beating war drum resounded.

The stifled lonely sound of the drum slowly accumulated emotions within everyone.

“Hear my words!”

Gu Qing Shan raised his sword, then abruptly shouted:

“Everyone who is still alive, listen carefully!”

“No matter how much struggle you’ve endured within this Era; how much respect, dignity, and humanity you’ve lost; how many precious things and people have been taken away from you; everything that had occurred cannot be undone!”

Dong dong dong dong dong!

The sound of the drums gradually became heavier and more rapid, exuding a sense of sorrow and desolation.

The cold gleam of his sword grew stronger, manifesting another beautiful arc that displayed another image.

The Age of Old.

The Soul Shrieker’s head was skewered by a 7-colored spear, after struggling to move forward, it fell to its knees, unable to move.

It was dead.

Its corpse reflected within everyone’s sights, deeply carved into their hearts.

The sound of another drum abruptly joined the fray, causing the drumming to become overlapped, urging, and filled with fighting spirit.

Gu Qing Shan strongly stabbed his sword into the ground, declaring with a calm but powerful voice: “Although nothing can be undone, we are now presented with a chance to overturn it all”

“One day, we shall leave this world; we shall once again face those we have lost, those precious things and people buried by the Era of [Chaos]; at which time we can puff out our chests and declare to them—–”

Gu Qing Shan abruptly raised his voice and shouted: “WE HAVE FOUGHT TO PROTECT YOU!”


The sound of the drum grew overwhelming, rapid, and incessant like an autumn rain shower.

Placing his hands over his sword in the ground, Gu Qing Shan’s gaze shined with determination.

“Those who had yet to give up hope”

“If you still have the courage. Come. And fight by my side”

As soon as he declared so.

The wills of the infinite worlds erupted with a resounding desolate moan.

These were the world spirits from both destroyed and existing worlds within the 900 million World Layers!

They had all arrived!

Countless whispers resounded by the ears of all living beings.

At this moment, they understood that as long as they were willing to fight, the infinite worlds would release their power to take them to that person’s side.

To fight...


A certain destroyed world.

A man trembled as he stroked an ancient painting that depicted a brightly smiling girl. josei

A pained voice resounded: “I shall fight!”


A world where the flames of war still lingered.

A man knelt in front of a great number of graves, declaring resolutely: “I shall fight!”


A silent world.

Within a ruined structure devoid of all life, an abrupt voice filled with grudge resounded: “I shall fight!”


A world filled with monsters.

Among a group of fully equipped men, an occasional voice resounded: “I shall fight!”


The world of Demis.

Xuan Ya embraced her child as she stood up from the throne, giving her order: “Send the order, all Demis shall enter this war!”



A Purgatory world.

Sha Qiang rubbed his chin and complained: 『 This guy is going up against the Deity of [Chaos], but why didn’t he tell me in advance? 』

『 Oi, you lot, can someone tell me what happened to the guy sent by the Deity of [Chaos] to try and recruit us? 』

An evil creature replied: 『 My king, that person is below your feet 』

Sha Qiang glanced at the skull underneath his feet and scoffed: 『 Us evil creatures will never become their hunting hounds 』

『 All evil creatures, heed my order, we are joining this fight! 』

In front of him, countless evil creatures uttered a unified resounding roar: 『 We shall fight, our King of Purgatory! 』


Sky Haze world.

Hazeden had already donned his armor and smiled: “[Chaos] is naturally our enemy, send my order, everyone will join this fight!”

“Yes, your majesty!”


A magma world.

Guyan donned his flame gauntlets and casually declared: “Come, we shall fight”

“Understood! My Lord!”


Some fragmented Samsara worlds.

The Tianma, various evil creatures, and Asura were noisily discussing.

「 Isn’t that Devil King Gu? 」

『 That’s right, the same one who invited us to a business venture during his last Heaven’s Tribulation, no mistakes 』

『 Huh? Now why would he not invite us to his business venture this time around, anyone knows? 』

「 Are you kidding? This is the Deity of [Chaos] he’s up again, the entire 900 million World Layers is filled with miasma because of it, who’s going to actually stand up and fight!? 」

『 But it’s like you had said, that one is going up against Devil King Gu. You saw it just now; Devil King Gu found a way to deal with it 』

『 And I remember, Devil King Gu... is much smarter than any of you 』


「 Then Devil King Gu is afraid that we’re not going to be able to handle such a big venture, isn’t he? 」

「 Seems like it 」

Silence again.

「 Fight! 」

『 Fight! 』

『 Fight! 』

「 Let’s go, we’re fighting alongside the Devil King! 」


The world of pixies.

“Ahah, the future of the 900 million World Layers is about to reach a pivotal point, father’s father’s father’s father’s father, what do you think?”

“What else is there to think, we’re going to fight!”

“But why?”

“He saved all of us, and we pixies never owe anyone anything, especially not a favor. Not to mention, the things he had accomplished before makes me believe that he isn’t completely without any assurance”

“Is it worth betting the future of the pixie race?”

“Of course, if he also fails, the Era of [Chaos] will fully descend, and us pixies won’t be able to live easily either”

“Then it is decided, we of the pixie race will also participate!”

Having finished discussing, the pixies quickly prepared to go on their ways.

The long-bearded old man suddenly recalled something and asked: “Ah right, where’s our Divine Artifact?”

The pixie king replied: “Don’t worry, with such an occasion, I’m sure I’ve already prepared it”

The long-bearded old man delightedly swung his brand-new short club: “It’s been a long time since us pixies have displayed our might; we’re going to go big this time around! Go, we’re fighting!”


On the other side.

The platform.

Anna walked behind Gu Qing Shan and whispered to ask him: “How is it? This war will be even tougher than that time in Huang Quan, are you confident?”

Gu Qing Shan replied: “Not completely, but it’s something I have to do”

Anna leaned on his back and whispered: “No matter what happens, I’ll fight by your side—– I’ll have you know, I’m the God of Death, and you’re not allowed to die without my permission”

Gu Qing Shan smiled, feeling the warmth in his heart.

In the void of space, more and more people were arriving to join this decisive battle.

For every carrier of [Chaos], there was one corresponding enemy.

——-or perhaps even more.

There were quite a few powerful Combatants among them with actual moral standards.


Despite them having the number advantage, they weren’t a match for the carriers of [Chaos].

After all, each carrier of [Chaos] had their own unique [Chaos] UI individually created to aid them in growth and combat.

Gu Qing Shan silently watched and waited.

At some point, he was already holding three coins in his hand.

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