Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1456 - Death and the Dusty World

Chapter 1456 - Death and the Dusty World

Chapter 1456: Death and the Dusty World


Reneedol suddenly smiled.

——-this Rhode is quite the cautious one.

I just made a trip to the far North and asked a few normal people, but none of them knew about Mara Heavenly King.

While I was disappointed, I thought more carefully and tried asking the few Combatants who were there.

Those Combatants actually knew about Mara Heavenly King.

All of them said that Mara Heavenly King resided deep within the barren mountains of the North, but he moved erratically without a stable location.

One person might be lying about it, but if all of them said the same thing, then it was definitely true.

Furthermore, on my way back, I would occasionally even hear people mentioning how Mara Heavenly King was eliminating the top 10 swordsmen in the world.

And that Red Wraith was the only one remaining.

It seems Red Wraith was the lesser-known type of person who hid a portion of his own strength.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have lived for so long.

——however, that’s the swordsmen’s business, completely unrelated to me.

Reneedol’s gaze passed through these young people in front of her.

More importantly... I can confirm that none of these youngsters was Red Wraith or Mara Heavenly King.

With that in mind, Reneedol shook her head and replied: “Alright, I admit it, I was doing something else”

“What were you doing?” Shroud asked.

Reneedol said: “Shroud, do you remember the Moon Festival two years ago? I gave you a statue that I made myself, I even explained how I’ve never made statues for anyone else and that you were the only one”

Without waiting for Shroud to answer, she turned to Epta: “Two months ago, I silently helped you beat up that boy who wouldn’t stay away”

“Scarlet, I also remember ‘that time’ and your birthday”

She then silently whispered something to Scarlet.

“Atley, Rhode, I haven’t gotten very well-acquainted with the two of you, but after I revealed so many things with them, that should be enough to prove my identity”

Rhode turned to the other three.

Shroud, Epta, and Scarlet all nodded, proving that Reneedol was correct.

—–these weren’t matters that outsiders would know about.


This woman is both calm and methodical, this one will be hard.

Gu Qing Shan felt even more cautious towards her.

Atley shrugged: “But then Reneedol, where exactly did you go earlier?”

Reneedol replied: “I discovered that my abilities have changed a bit, but I couldn’t be sure, so I was silently testing them”

She walked up to Shroud and went directly through his body.

“Law of Space abilities?” Scarlet exclaimed in surprise.

“It is, I was afraid that I’d scare you” Reneedol smiled.

Everyone sighed in relief.

She had proven her identity as well as the fact that her abilities were undergoing change.

Reneedol was still Reneedol, but since she was in the period of changing her abilities, it was natural for her to feel tense and act a bit different from normal, this was understandable.

“You scared me alright, I thought something happened to you” Rhode changed his opinion without revealing his true thoughts.

Reneedol looked at him and appeared full of praise: “Rhode, your caution was exceptionally necessary, I won’t blame you, a group needs someone like that”

Rhode acted a bit embarrassed and shook his head: “Unfortunately, we’ve all lost our powers, I wonder how we’ll from now on”

On the surface, he appeared to have let his guard down around Reneedol.

It wasn’t just him. Having gone to the far North to confirm the swordsmen’s strife, Reneedol had also let her guard down.

She once again observed the group.

——these youngsters are all clean.

They must have had exceptional talents in order to become disciples of the World Valley.

There’s no need to mention Shroud, he’s definitely going to be the strongest.

Atley will become suitable for the Law of Wind very soon.

Epta was a healing expert, so as long as I further guide her, she’ll only become even stronger at it.

Both Rhode and Scarlet would form covenants with the Overlord of Death.

These people will become the foundational members of my organization from now on.

Reneedol silently thought.

“Alright, it was just Rhode being overly suspicious, I hope you can forgive him” Shroud said.

“It’s ok, let us return to the forest and continue to rest” Reneedol replied.

Just as they returned to their temporary camp and sat down, they all abruptly stood back up.

Atley’s reaction was the loudest, as he jumped from the ground all the way to the top tree branch.

“Did you sense it?” he excitedly asked.

“I did, the Laws are returning... it is responding to my summon” Shroud replied with a deep tone.

Gu Qing Shan took notice of something and didn’t reply.

Reneedol also didn’t reply.

They both glanced at the sky.

It will soon be Dawn.

——-The previous time, the Laws recovered at midnight.

But the timing seemed to have changed this time around.

After a quick glance, Reneedol naturally appeared calm.

Gu Qing Shan was doubtful, but he also quickly understood.

——after my regression, a lot of things also changed in my home world and became different from my previous life.

Reneedol’s resurrection should be the same.

The world consists of a series of coincidences that ultimately result in inevitability, since Gu Qing Shan’s group had chosen to act differently from the previous time, it was natural for other things to also alter.

Reneedol pondered for a bit, then walked up to the Rhode and said: “There’s actually something I want to tell you”

“Huh? What’s that?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Reneedol looked at him and said: “Rhode, in truth, I can see a lot of potential from you”

Gu Qing Shan appeared confused.

Reneedol continued: “You should probably attempt and see whether or not you can form a covenant with an Overlord”

Gu Qing Shan was surprised: “That quickly? I still haven’t readied myself”

Reneedol paused slightly.

The previous time, it was probably because of Shroud’s heavy injuries that Rhode attempted to contact the World of Laws as well as possible.

This time, Shroud isn’t injured.

Reneedol told him with a serious expression: “You can’t keep relying on Shroud for everything. At least give it a try, we need more power to protect everyone now”

Gu Qing Shan was a bit hesitant.

Through her memories, this woman is trying to persuade me to contact the World of Laws right away, but why?

He was a bit unsure, but ultimately decided: “Alright, I’ll give it a try”

Shroud explained on his own accord: “Rhode, you must form a covenant with a Law of the World, then receive the permission from a Law Behemoth in order to enter the World of Laws, otherwise, you can only summon them in our world”

“What should I do specifically?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Form a connection with the Laws of the World, chant your name, then state your wish and see whether or not there is a Behemoth willing to respond to you” Shroud explained.

“Sounds easy enough”

Gu Qing Shan rolled up his sleeves, opened his hand, then clenched it.

Suddenly, an invisible power manifested over his body and diffused into the void of space.

The world slowly disappeared like an illusion.

Gu Qing Shan saw a thin layer of mist that slowly enveloped him.

“I am Rhode”

“I want to enter the World of Laws and see the truth behind the upheaval of the Laws”

Gu Qing Shan silently muttered.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

His body jerked as if he was abruptly pulled by something, then disappeared into the void of space leaving without a trace.

Shroud opened his eyes wide.

“How did it happen so quickly?” he exclaimed in shock.

“Huh? That was only his first try” Atley said admiringly.

Epta and Scarlet were both shocked as well.

Reneedol silently nodded.

Once Rhode forms his covenant with the Overlord of Death, I’ll gain another powerful subordinate.

After this...

The Law Behemoths would begin to form covenants with mortals en masse, and Atley would become favored by the Law of Wind.

At that point, I will be able to enact my plan...


At another location.

Gu Qing Shan only remained in the World of Laws for a split second before leaving right away.

He entered the empty space vortex and flew straight towards the extreme distance.

Until a certain point.

Gu Qing Shan suddenly felt himself going through some sort of barrier and entered a vast barren world.

Dozens of skeletons were walking aimlessly on the ground.

A single gigantic bronze pillar that connected heaven and earth stood at the middle of it all with a giant corpse clad in full-body black armor pinned onto it, completely motionless.

The corpse seemed to have died an extremely long period of time ago.

Watching it, one wouldn’t help but feel a certain impression.

——–before the world had even begun, the corpse was already here.

“As I thought, you’ve come again” the giant corpse spoke with a resounding voice.

He slowly raised his head and looked at Gu Qing Shan.

“Ah... so it was such a power...”

The giant corpse muttered in a low voice.

Gu Qing Shan seized the time and said: “I’ve just been here not too long ago, haven’t I?”

“Hm, I suppose you could say that, but you were able to retain your previous memories, that part is quite rare” the giant corpse said.

“That’s not the main point right now. Can you tell me what actually occurred here?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“You and I are both within an obscured period of history. If you do not travel through the entire course of this history, it would remain obscured, and I would not know its secrets” the giant corpse replied.

Gu Qing Shan explained simply: “There was a person, she was dead, but the three Great Laws of Reality seemed to have reconstituted themselves and helped her revive, after which she seemed to have become someone entirely different”

“So it was them...” the giant corpse muttered.

“Who?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“It isn’t simple to explain, I can continue for an entire day talking just about their history. You only need to understand that during a certain point in the future of this exceedingly long River of Time, the Apocalypse will surely destroy everything”

“This had occurred many times already”

“They were the ones who managed to prolong their last breaths when the Apocalypse last destroyed it all”

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but shake his head: “That doesn’t make any sense, if the Apocalypse had destroyed everything, then how are they still alive?”

The giant corpse explained: “At the very last moment before the Apocalypses destroy it all, they would first kill themselves to create a land of the dead and enter the Dusty World, this way, the Apocalypses would no longer destroy them”

“Of course, that wasn’t necessarily a good idea, because maintaining one’s existence through such means was torture in and of itself, not to mention how tough it would be to revive once again”

“However, they would occasionally accumulate enough power, choose a body, then return to the mortal realm and take a look”

“Take a look at what?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The giant corpse explained: “To take a look and see whether or not they could kill off all living beings, absorbing the power of all things the Laws of Reality, allowing themselves to escape from their bonds of death and be resurrected”

“Gu Qing Shan, they were the most powerful entities of the era before the previous total Apocalypse”

“They are the Myriad Deities of the Pantheon”

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