Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1620 - The expelled Divine Artifacts!

Chapter 1620 - The expelled Divine Artifacts!

Chapter 1620: The expelled Divine Artifacts!

This is an unedited chapter. If you don’t like slightly terrible grammar and occasional typo, please re-read in 7 days for the edited version. Thank you for understanding.


Reading the description on the War God UI, Gu Qing Shan felt delighted.

As expected, I made the right choice.

This Divine Skill is exceptionally powerful, even more so than [Forgetting River Severance].

Because it’s infallible.

As soon as it hits, [Dreamjolt] would be invoked and restrain the other party.

——followed by a Mountain Wraith that would possess and sacrifice them to the Wraith realm.

I didn’t expect that after achieving Impossibly Unknown realm, not only did my cultivation level increase, but I’d also obtained such a powerful Wraith Divine Skill.


The door was abruptly opened.

Zhao Jiu Xuan had returned, carrying with him plenty of food.

He was even enjoying a gourd of alcohol.

“This shop seems to get a lot of business, so I came to buy some from it—— come, come here, let’s us brothers have a drink”

Zhao Jiu Xuan heartily said.

Gu Qing Shan walked over and sat down on the table across Zhao Jiu Xuan.

The two of them arranged the food on the table, each poured themselves a full glass of alcohol, then cheered.

“This is good alcohol” Gu Qing Shan praised.

“Of course it is. I’ll be honest, these Wraith realm cultivators had conquered numerous worlds, so everything they use are first-rate among the infinite worlds, truly a thing to be envious of” Zhao Jiu Xuan grabbed some food with his chopsticks and commented.

Gu Qing Shan also tasted some of the food.

“Did you see brother Leng on the way?” he asked.

Zhao Jiu Xuan listened to him, poured himself a glass of alcohol, drank it up, then finally answered: “I didn’t see him, but I heard that he had just returned with Cang Wu Zhang——- I’ll be frank, despite being someone of his caliber, brother Leng keeps buttering up that Cang Wu Zhang, I really don’t get it at all”

——he’s already returned?

The one who came back with Demon Dragon would surely be myself who had disguised as Cang Wu Zhang. josei

After that, I would be summoned to see Reneedol.

It’s getting closer and closer to the critical hour!

——the giant eyeball would also arrive in this world very soon!

Gu Qing Shan took a sip of alcohol and sent his voice: “Shroud, are you ready?”

“No problem, I just need to wait for that moment” Shroud responded.

“At that point, leave everything else to me and my Shifu, you don’t have to be distracted” Gu Qing Shan told him.

“Hm” Shroud replied.

Gu Qing Shan poured Zhao Jiu Xuan another shot of alcohol and said: “You need to understand brother Leng’s struggles as well, he doesn’t have it nearly as easy as you think he does”

Zhao Jiu Xuan downed another shot and said: “I just can’t get used to that Cang Wu Zhang’s act—— if brother Leng hadn’t said that, I wouldn’t have—”

He seemed to have realized something and stopped talking.

Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

What did Demon Dragon tell him?

Gu Qing Shan acted angry and scoffed:

“What a good friend you are, Zhao Jiu Xuan, we’ve been through so many ups and downs together throughout the years so I thought you consider me a brother, but when brother Leng told you something, you actually kept it a secret from this Chu Feng”

Hearing that, Zhao Jiu Xuan also felt a bit embarrassed and muttered:

“I didn’t want to hide it from you, it’s just that when you mentioned it just now, I suddenly remembered that brother Leng had specifically reminded me not to cause any conflicts with Cang Wu Zhang”

Gu Qing Shan remained expressionless and simply continued eating without looking at him.

Seeing him like that, Zhao Jiu Xuan assumed that he had put this matter to heart, so he had no other choice but to answer: “Brother Leng didn’t tell me anything important, just that he solemnly reminded me on one occasion not to offend Cang Wu Zhang. He said that Cang Wu Zhang had something like a key to a certain secret location, and the thing we’re trying to find could be right at that secret place”

“A key?” Gu Qing Shan parroted his words.

“It’s not a real key, I heard that it was an Occultism artifact” Zhao Jiu Xuan replied.

Cang Wu Zhang...

Occultism artifact...

Gu Qing Shan quickly recalled all the events that occurred in the Wraith realm after he arrived.

Suddenly, he recalled Demon Dragon mentioning something of that nature.

Demon Dragon first knocked Cang Wu Zhang unconscious before taking him to the mines to meet me.

—–that’s right, Demon Dragon had mentioned this!


“During one of the Wraith realm’s countless invasions of other worlds, Cang Wu Zhang was fortunate enough to obtain a certain Occultism treasure”

“That Occultism artifact, while it isn’t very useful, it has always been accurate”


These were Demon Dragon’s exact words.

Gu Qing Shan silently thought to himself and asked Shroud: “Do you still remember that thing?”

Shroud’s voice awkwardly replied: “How can I not, ‘In life sometimes, you need to take a chance; when not predestined, do not force it’”

Gu Qing Shan carefully thought about it: “That’s right—— Demon Dragon took a box from Cang Wu Zhang that contained a small wooden statue about the size of a thumb, which depicted a silver-haired old man full of wrinkles”

Cang Wu Zhang was captured by Demon Dragon, and that became Demon Dragon’s spoil of war, so I didn’t think too much about it.

But now that I think about it, that entire matter seems to be a bit strange.

The issue lies with this wooden statue.

—–wait a minute.

Gu Qing Shan remained silent for a little bit.

Thinking back on that time, Demon Dragon seemed a bit different when he first saw me again and when he became the Envoy of Apocalypse later on.

His tone, expression, gestures, and presence had all changed a little bit.

Since he would betray me later on anyways, why didn’t he attack me right away?

If he discerned that the one who came and left the Wraith realm as they pleased to be me, then he would have been able to prepare a better trap specifically against me.

But he only came to see me, then captured Cang Wu Zhang, and even cooperated with me to impersonate Cang Wu Zhang to infiltrate the Wraith Temple.

———if Demon Dragon had wanted to get rid of me at the time, he could have silently informed Reneedol and the three Wraith Lords about me after we entered the Wraith Temple, then prepared an inescapable net.


He simply didn’t do that.

In Chu Feng and Zhao Jiu Xuan’s eyes, Demon Dragon came to the Wraith realm in order to obtain something that would save their world.

When meeting ‘Gu Qing Shan’, he helped ‘Gu Qing Shan’ infiltrate the Wraith Temple.

——-and then he ultimately became an Envoy of Apocalypse.

That makes no sense at all.

Even with very basic logic, his actions were full of conflicting points.

Gu Qing Shan became a bit more cautious.

Something must have happened in the shadows without my past knowing about it.

—–what could that be?

Gu Qing Shan slowly ate and drank while silently thinking about this.

After a while, he silently called out: “War God UI, do you still remember your notification when I first activated the Death Match Dance?”

Lines of glowing text appeared on the void of space:

[I remember, I’ll display them for you again:]

[You’ve listened to Occultism music and singing]

[You’ve completed the fifth stage of the Living Being Sacrificial Dance, the Offering Dance of Three Lives]

[From this point on, you can begin practicing the sixth stage of the Sacrificial Dance at any moment, the Deathmatch Dance]

[Attention, the Deathmatch Dance is a war dance, similar to the fourth stage of the Sacrificial Dance, the Sword Dance of Offering; but it contains a richer symbolism of the Dance]

[A certain entity in the Dusty World hopes that you could diligently practice and quickly grasp this stage of the Dance]

Gu Qing Shan put his cup down and sighed in relief.

“What’s the matter?” Zhao Jiu Xuan asked.

“It’s nothing, I’m just about full” Gu Qing Shan smiled and replied.

—–that’s right, that Occultism wooden statue must have been extraordinary.

Even my Deathmatch Dance only became fully activated after listening to the statue’s singing!

While Gu Qing Shan was thinking, he heard a sound at the door.


The door was opened again as Demon Dragon came in.

Zhao Jiu Xuan stood up in surprise and called out: “Hah, brother Leng, I heard that you came back with Cang Wu Zhang——”

Demon Dragon’s voice was clearly excited as he said: “He’s being summoned to the Grand Empress. I took this chance to return in order to tell you some good news”

“What news?” Zhao Jiu Xuan and Gu Qing Shan both asked.

“I found the solution”

Demon Dragon replied.

He held up something in his hand for the two to see.

A small box.

Inside the small box was a small wooden statue about the size of a thumb that depicted a silver-haired old man full of wrinkles.

Seeing this statue, Gu Qing Shan’s heart couldn’t help but jump.

Indeed, to achieve my goal and out of caution at the time, I even touched his statue in order for the War God UI to test its attributes.

There shouldn’t be any issues.

But now, the situation seemed to have gotten out of my and the War God UI’s expectations.

Gu Qing Shan doubtfully asked: “Brother Leng, what can this thing do?”

Demon Dragon replied: “This is an Occultism Artifact that originally belonged to a Wraith Lord, but it had been handed over to Cang Wu Zhang, which he constantly keeps on him. Its function is to discern if it would be an appropriate occasion to do a certain selected event”

Gu Qing Shan nodded.

——this was indeed true.

“That Wu sounds quite useful, so you borrowed it from Cang Zhang?” Zhao Jiu Xuan asked.

“That’s right, I managed to borrow it. Now it’s time for us to seize this opportunity and immediately attempt a certain thing” Demon Dragon told them.

“What’s that?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Do you remember that the Wraith realm originally had two Divine Artifacts?” Demon Dragon asked.

“I remember, a talisman and a longbow” Zhao Jiu Xuan replied.

Demon Dragon continued: “For countless years, that talisman and longbow had consistently been out of commission—— either the artifact spirit had gone mission, or the artifact itself was missing, so the Wraith realm had always been missing a Divine Artifact to protect itself”

Gu Qing Shan and Zhao Jiu Xuan both nodded.

Demon Dragon then took a deep breath and solemnly told them: “This was because there had been something that continuously prevented them from returning”

“What’s that?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“I don’t know either. All I know is that there had been something that constantly ensured that both of these Realm Protector Divine Artifacts couldn’t return. I’ve researched and tested many solutions in order to conclude that it must have been a more powerful weapon” Demon Dragon explained.

Zhao Jiu Xuan excitedly said: “Then as long as we obtain that weapon, we will be able to save our world?”

“Brother Leng must have already known where that artifact was—— so this Occultism Artifact can tell us when it would be appropriate for you to obtain that weapon?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Demon Dragon slightly nodded and appeared nostalgic.

He seemed to be lamenting over something and slowly said: “In the past, there used to be two Divine Artifacts, they were the main body of the Abyssal Weapon, Evil-warding weapon of the Bottomless Abyss, the Guardians against ultimate extinction, the Swords of Changing Fate, the Key to infinite worlds. They were called the twin swords Heaven and Earth”

“The one who obtained those two swords had become exceptionally powerful”

“Over these years, I’ve gone through countless hardship and struggles before I finally found a Divine Artifact more powerful compared to the twin swords Heaven and Earth”

“I will have caught up to that person, and even surpass him——”


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