Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 284 - The battle

Chapter 284 - The battle

Chapter 284: The battle

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Juicetin

Proofreader:? Arya

The Great Monk of Sorrow turned his hand, the bowl floating in midair had landed there.

“Amitabha, what a tough battle, this humble monk has readied himself for Nirvana” the Great Monk of Sorrow commented.

Bai Hua Fairy didn’t say anything, but her spirit energy waves were increasing bit by bit.

The Zishan young master smirked mockingly and spoke: “Still hopeful I see. Very well, today I’ll make sure you experience what death really is, so that maybe you’ll remember it in the next life”

An overwhelming searing fire rose from his body, manifesting as a flame Kirin. josei

“After this, you will die if you don’t surrender” the Zishan young master threatened.

Then he headed for the two Saints.

On another side.

Gu Qing Shan’s hands were casting seal after seal nonstop onto the vase.

Glancing down, he managed to catch the sight of Bai Hua Fairy being knocked away while the Great Monk of Sorrow stepped out to block.


Gu Qing Shan was getting impatient.

“How much longer?” he asked loudly.

『 I’m currently doing my best! 』 the black-clothed girl answered.

“Can’t you be a bit faster?”

『 Don’t rush me! Unless the amount of Tianma is enough, they won’t be able to affect the battle at all! 』 the black-clothed girl snapped back.

Her hands were also casting seal after seal, moving like a blurred shadow.

In the void of space, more and more flowers were blooming.

Beautiful Tianma appeared one after another.

『 Not enough, not nearly enough… 』 the black-clothed girl muttered as her casting speed became quicker and quicker.

Suddenly, she changed the seal, both hands clasping together to form a new one.

Demon World’s Chilling Water Light, Mandela!

The invisible water stream swept across the sky, both the black-clothed girl and the sky full of Tianma all disappeared inside.

『 You come in as well 』 the black-clothed girl spoke.

Gu Qing Shan then also disappeared.

No more Tianma could be seen in the sky.

The black-clothed girl then ordered behind: 『 You. Go and check out that Virtualized realm cultivator 』

『 Yes 』a beautiful Tianma enchantress replied.

She giggled, then started descending.

The sky below.

The bowl let out a golden light to trap the flame Kirin inside.

But the Great Monk of Sorrow had not managed to retrieve the bowl before he was already coiled around by another flame.

The golden light around him started to melt.

Bai Hua Fairy’s expression was serious, quickly casting a seal.

5-Elemental Metal, [Dragon Stealing Pearl]!

9 gold-colored Great Dragons appeared from thin air, circling around the Great Monk of Sorrow.

The group of golden dragons opened their mouths wide, sucking the flame from his body.

The 9 dragons then began to fly outwards, quickly burning away into nothingness.

Bai Hua Fairy let go of her hand seal, breathing a bit heavily.

How risky, just now, Sorrow was so close to death.

“Beauty, what are you saving the monk for? He will definitely die today, there’s no need for you to pay any attention to him” the Zishan young master laughed.

A few dozen meters above him, the Tianma enchantress appeared with her ephemeral body, wanting to strike.

Suddenly, a 7-colored light appeared from his body.

As soon as the Tianma touched the 7-colored light, she couldn’t even manage to scream in pain and just reduced to nothing.

A lock suddenly flew out from the Zishan young master’s cloak, emitting the 7-colored light around him.

An overwhelming power could be felt from the 7-colored light.

The Zishan young master’s expression suddenly changed as he cautiously looked around himself.

“What just happened? Something seemed to have appeared just now” he put his hand on his gem ornament and quickly donned an armor.

Something strange happened so he was a bit more cautious.

“Big sis!” Wan Er yelled.

“Yes, that’s my life-bound lock, it was taken and refined by him to become his own” Qing Rou muttered.

She gritted her teeth, extremely regretful.

Who could’ve known, something she owned would help protect him against what could’ve been the only fatal strike.

The lock was the most precious artifact in her world, a tool to counter all outer-world demons.

Her world even once used that artifact to fight against the Tianma head-on.

Although the Zishan young master didn’t know what it was for, he instinctively felt that it was a valuable treasure so he took it.

“Damn it! Damn it! If it weren’t for the life-bound lock, he would definitely not have known how to deal with the Tianma!”

During the war of the two worlds, both her parents were killed, her world literally stolen away, she herself also became a prisoner.

This personal treasure of hers that carried so many memories had become another person’s belonging.

Qing Rou slowly closed her eyes as streams of tears slowly dripped down.

In the sky, another side.

『 That lock was made to counter the Tianma, containing the power of an entire world. Unfortunately, my true self cannot come here, I have no way to deal with it 』 the black-clothed girl spoke.

That’s very hard to deal with.

Rather than that, trying to kill this boy and steal the vase seems easier.

While she was thinking, Gu Qing Shan suddenly asked: “With my own power, how long will it take to use [Demon’s World Transportation]?”

He tested just now, although he already learned how to use [Demon’s World Transportation], it’s not something he can just randomly use.

His spirit energy is nowhere near enough.

With his current cultivation, it’s impossible to activate and trigger this artifact by himself.

Gu Qing Shan suddenly realized just how wrong his thinking was.

Before, Venerable Xin was already a Beast Saint, yet he still had to borrow the power from another 6 Beast Saints to activate the vase.

And that was just to activate the vase itself.

Afterwards, he still had to use the power of countless Tianma enchantresses hidden below Demon Clouds River to be able to open the portal connecting to the Tianma world.

At the time, two Tianma went through the portal into the world and brought Bai Hua Fairy’s clones into the Tianma world.

Venerable Xin could never do that by himself.

And he was already a Sainted realm beast.

Gu Qing Shan right now is a mere Rejuvenation realm.

The black-clothed girl smirked mockingly: 『 With your power alone, if you keep activating the Tianma’s Pond of Vitality day-in day-out nonstop, you might be able to open the portal in a year 』

The truth really is full of despair.

Gu Qing Shan’s hands stopped for a split second, then he shouted: “Help me open the Demon World portal!”

『 Hm? What, you aren’t giving up? 』the black-clothed girl turned around to look at him.

“A Virtualized realm cultivator’s soul is right under your nose; do you want it or not?” Gu Qing Shan also looked straight at her.

The black-clothed girl looked down.

The man wearing the purple shirt had only just broken through Virtualized realm, it wasn’t even stabilized yet.

The Zishan cultivator had been staring at the Projection realm girl with eyes full of lust and desires.

Such a person really is the rarest, most savory delicacy.

If I can eat him, I might be able to advance to the next step.

Even her eyes were boiling a bit from desires.

『 I want it, of course I do, but he’s still a Virtualized realm cultivator, [Demon’s World Transportation] might not be able to catch him 』 the black-clothed girl commented.

“That’s why I need you to instantly open up the portal to the Tianma world, not even a second late! Otherwise he will escape” Gu Qing Shan said.

The black-clothed girl thought for a bit, then: 『 If that’s the case, there is only one chance. We need even more Tianma to cast the spell together to achieve the effect you want 』

The black-clothed girl began to cast seals with her hands again, borrowing the power of the Tianma’s Pond of Vitality to summon more Tianma.

———-fine, I’ll? try one more time, after all, this is a very rare soul, practically a one-in-a-million chance.

A transparent flame struck the Great Monk of Sorrow’s chest, knocking him into the ground.

The bowl let out a whimper, quickly following him.

The transparent flame returned into the Zishan young master’s hand.

“I’ll give you one last chance, become my maid, if you reject, your end will be much, much worse” he stared straight at Bai Hua Fairy.

Suddenly, his expression changed: “No, that’s not right, you’re not the real body”

Scanning around, he flung a jet of flame at a certain direction.

A green figure moved out from the void of space to dodge that flame.

It was the real Bai Hua Fairy.

Her hands were clasped together, quickly casting a spell.

Streaks of immense spirit energy were gathered at her fingertips.

The light it let out was similar to that of the sun, shining down on everything.

A mysterious presence began to emit from her hands.

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