World's Best Martial Artist

Chapter 172 - The Wealthy Customer Is Back!

Chapter 172 - The Wealthy Customer Is Back!


Chapter 172: The Wealthy Customer Is Back!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Bai Jinshan did not bother finding a spot for them to talk alone.

He smiled as they walked downstairs. “I saw you at the championship. You did excellently.”

“Thank you for the high praise, commander.”

“I don’t know if you noticed this, Fang Ping, but this time around, the scheme for the formation of teams isn’t a national one, neither are the requirements for martial artists to undergo special training.

“It’s only in a few provinces that the authorities are giving this a try. Very proactively, at that.”

Fang Ping’s face showed his bemusement.

Bai Jinshan said, “Fang Ping, how much do you know about this world?”

“You’re talking about the... Cata...”

“Seems like you know about them already.” Bai Jinshan was not surprised by Fang Ping’s knowledge of the topic. It was normal for elite students like him to have known about such matters in advance.

“The few provinces that are implementing this are also those that are most eager to see results: Nanjiang, Nanhe, and Nanze, respectively.

“These three provinces though, have you noticed something interesting? Their governors have all achieved Grandmaster level in the past one or two years. Five years ago, none of them were Grandmasters! Are Grandmaster levels easier to come by these days then?”

Fang Ping felt as if a light bulb had suddenly switched on in his mind. After a while, he said, choosing his words carefully, “You mean...”

“The appearances of the 22 entrances to the Catacombs aren’t just flukes. Three years ago, the 22nd entrance materialized in the East. If you study the locations of every entrance and the time they appeared, you’ll discover that...the Catacombs chose those locations deliberately!”

Fang Ping’s expression changed. He said, in shock, “Are you saying that the Catacomb entrances aren’t random, but planned?”

“Yes. They’re covering Sino Nation gradually. The three Southern provinces I’ve mentioned have not had a single entrance appear before. Without a doubt, the next entrance will appear there in the next one or two years!

“The my opinion, they’re more like garrison stationing points. The Catacombs are advancing bit by bit until they swallow the entire Sino Nation whole.

“The three Southern provinces are next. That’s why all of them are pushing for change more proactively than ever.

“We could rely on the army and the martial arts universities to protect us...but for how long? No, we’ll just have to save ourselves. If we aren’t strong enough locally, we’ll end up just like Tiannan.

“The Military Department prioritizes defense. Do you know what I mean?

“Due to their lack of numbers, the Military can only station their troops on enemy ground. They cannot seize new territory, nor can they advance. The only way the area will be safe is if there’s enough strong manpower locally to go into the Catacombs and annihilate everything within.

“This isn’t to say that visiting martial artists from out of state aren’t doing their best, but how long can they stay in the three Southern provinces?

“In the past when Tiannan has been in trouble, help has always come from all the provinces, but these martial artists can’t stay there forever, surely?

“The Grandmaster-level powerhouses won’t stay in Tiannan for long either. If anything happens in future, Tiannan has no choice but to ask for outside support.

“This is why strong local martial arts abilities are so crucial.

“Sadly, Nanjiang’s weak economically, which is why it’s not that attractive to martial artists. It’s also why the strong ones tend to leave.

“As Nanjiang citizens, we hope that students like you who have gone to study in the outside provinces can return to Nanjiang during times of crisis to aid us.

“There’s a Catacomb entrance in Magic City, yes, but there are countless powerhouses as well. Besides, the entrance has been there for many years, and there’s already a comprehensive process in place. The real danger is if a new entrance really does materialize in Nanjiang.

“Fang Ping, we won’t make demands on geniuses like yourself, but we do hope that you can return to Nanjiang if a catastrophe is imminent.”

“A Catacomb entrance in Nanjiang...” Fang Ping swallowed, then asked suddenly, “Commander, can the specific location be predicted? It won’t be in Sun City, will it?”

“It’s not that easy to pinpoint. Anywhere in the three Southern provinces is fair game,” Bai Jinshan returned.

He then continued somewhat self-deprecatingly, “The entrances will be all over Sino Nation eventually. Even if not now, what about later? Ah, no one will be safe if our country falls...”

Fang Ping was worried. He was considering asking his family to move out.

The three Southern provinces would not be safe for long.

He had studied intelligence gathered on the Catacombs. The most dangerous period was when a new entrance materialized!

Once this happened, the creatures underneath would riot. They would attack constantly, expanding the area around the new entrance. Under such circumstances, the local government had no option but to deploy groups of soldiers, who would sacrifice their lives in an attempt to defeat these enemies.

Only after the first onslaught was pushed back would the creatures retreat and prepare for the next attack.

If the new entrance really were to appear in Nanjiang, the local martial artists would be conscripted as defenders, and there would be many casualties and tragic loss of life.

Bai Jinshan seemed to know what he was thinking. He shook his head. “Other places might not be safer than Sun City. Right now, there are riots in every single Catacomb entrance.

Our first and foremost priority is to hone our skills to contain these riots until we are finally able to counterattack the Catacombs! Since they are invading us, why shouldn’t we seize the opportunity?”

Bai Jinshan’s eyes were cold. “Without the Catacomb creatures, the Catacombs will be a completely new world! What would it mean to mankind to be able to conquer it? That’s why the authorities everywhere are giving everything they have to nurture and train martial artists. They’re hoping that martial artists will one day launch their own attacks in retaliation!”

“Retaliation against the Catacombs...” Fang Ping muttered. He found the notion reasonable. It was an entirely new world, after all.

In view of the Catacomb creatures attacking Earth, surely the human race would not pass up the chance to colonize a new world?

It was only a lack of skill that prevented them from carrying it out.

If weapons like nuclear bombs could be used in the Catacombs, various governments would have launched full-out assaults already.

Bai Jinshan brought Fang Ping back to reality. “We’ve gone off-topic though. I asked you to stay behind because I wanted to tell you something. It’s rare to find a powerhouse who comes from Nanjiang. I hope that such powerhouses can eventually contribute to the province. I won’t demand it of you, but deep down I hope that you can return and protect your home.”

Fang Ping silently debated Bai Jinshan’s words for a while. Finally, he said, “If that day comes, and I have the power to do so, I definitely won’t shirk from battle!”

“I thank you for that,” Bai Jinshan laughed. He quickly bade Fang Ping goodbye.

After Fang Ping had left, Bai Jinshan remained in the car. He murmured, “An entrance in Sun City... It might be possible...”

He shook his head, at a loss.

If an entrance really did materialize in Sun City, the city would suffer from a huge loss of manpower and an economic collapse despite thorough preliminary preparations.

“I hope that a few local powerhouses will rise to shoulder the responsibility...Pity we couldn’t keep Fang Ping in NMAU,” Bai Jinshan muttered quietly, then shook his head. If Fang Ping really had stayed in NMAU, he might not have improved so fast.

“Rank-2 already...These last two years, Sun City’s produced Wang Jinyang and now there’s Fang Ping...”

The others might not be aware of it, but Bai Jinshan could see—Fang Ping had already made Rank-2.


Scenic Lake Gardens.

Fang Ping viewed everything with suspicion upon his return home.

Would a Catacomb entrance suddenly materialize under his house?

He then remembered that the entrance was still one to two years away from appearing. Besides, it might materialize anywhere in the three Southern provinces; he felt that he was over-thinking things right now.

At home, Fang Yuan was fighting with Liu Wen and Liu Wu.

Seeing her brother, Fang Yuan complained, “Brother, the two of them are always stealing my things!”

“We didn’t! Aunty gave them to us!”

“Those are my things! My mum didn’t even ask for my permission. It doesn’t count!”


“You’re the cheapskate! Fang Ping bought them for me! Didn’t he buy them for you too?”

“But yours looks better...”

“I don’t care! Give them back to me!”


The three of them started fighting again. Fang Ping’s initial worries dissipated instantly, and he didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. “Don’t fight,” he chided. “We’ll go back and buy more”.

“Dad, when we go back, you need to go to the municipal government office to pick up some award money.

“I went to attend this meeting today, and Commander Bai said that he would give me a reward of 0.5 million. You can take the money and use it for daily expenses.”

The entire family fell silent.

Fang Yuan’s mouth dropped. After coming to her senses, she said incredulously, “You’ve earned 0.5 million just from going to a meeting?”

She mentally calculated how much money she had in her little piggy bank.

After tallying the sum repeatedly—three times yesterday, even—she had come to a total of 12830 bucks!

Yes, she, Fang Yuan, was already someone who had ten thousand to her name!

She was wealthy among students!

Now, though, Fang Ping had just walked in casually after a meeting and told the family to collect a sum of 0.5 million that had been awarded to him as a gift!

That was absolutely infuriating!

“Brother, I’ll help you collect it!” Fang Yuan brightened up in an instant. She pounced into Fang Ping’s arms and said coquettishly, “Don’t ask Dad to make another trip. I’ll help collect your reward for you.”

“You?” Fang Ping couldn’t help but laugh. “Would the government know who you are? If Dad went, that would still be all right, but you?”

He tapped her forehead lightly. “Don’t be a troublemaker. After you become a martial artist, 0.5 million is nothing!

“Cultivating your abilities properly is the way to earn money.

“Try calculating it yourself. If your vitality increases by 1cal, that will earn you more than ten thousand, if not a few hundred thousand. Which is faster, cultivating or that Yuan Ping Club of yours?

“People who don’t use their minds, or who don’t know how to turn a profit, they won’t be able to become rich.

“Why am I able to earn so much money? Because I’m a martial artist, and I cultivate fast. Understand?

“If you’re not a martial artist, don’t even bother thinking about trying to earn this much, ever! You won’t even be able to afford a weapon!” Fang Ping reprimanded his sister. What was the use of fixating on the profit right before her eyes? She needed to consider her future.

Of course, the most essential thing was skill, which gave one an edge over the rest.

If danger threatened, at the very least one could run away from it faster than ordinary people.

Fang Yuan was somewhat baffled by that. She muttered, “Is that how you calculate it? Seems so. If you cultivate fast and become a martial artist, you can earn 0.5 million just by attending a meeting...”

She calculated mentally again. She had earned about ten thousand during the past four months.

That was 3000 bucks a month.

If she wanted to earn 0.5 million, it would take her 14 years!

If she became a martial artist, she would be earning much more.

Fang Yuan nodded solemnly after a moment. “Brother, I want to work hard on cultivation!”

Fang Ping’s lips twitched. It was obvious that she had been lured by the promise of money.

It was a good thing though. In future he would not need to supervise her, would he?


After the meeting, Fang Ping had nothing more to do in his hometown.

This year there was no student get together, and even if there had been one, he might not have gone.

He was quite well-known now, enough that if he had attended, he would be asked all sorts of questions. If something unpleasant resulted from that, his classmates would have to bear the brunt of his bad mood.

He did go out on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year though, to visit his high school class teacher, Liu Anguo.

Fang Ping’s former class teacher had always treated him well, even gifting him with a set of books before the martial science examinations. His teacher had also given him the chance to get acquainted with Wang Jinyang by arranging for Fang Ping to welcome him.

Everyone was busy before and after the New Year, and Fang Ping did not bother to visit around that time—he had made plans to visit his teacher only after the seventh day of New Year.

Liu Anguo was thrilled to see Fang Ping and had insisted on Fang Ping having lunch with him. Old Liu had been loud and expansive when he accompanied Fang Ping downstairs as if he were afraid the teachers living next door would not know he had a former student visiting him.

Fang Ping noticed, and could not help but chuckle at that ruefully.

No one is perfect after all, and Old Liu was also a man who valued appearances.

The visit to Old Liu completed Fang Ping’s to-do list for this trip back home.

On the ninth day of New Year, Fang Ping met with Wu Zhihao and a few others for lunch and discussed some matters related to cultivation.

He boarded the train back to Magic City on the morning of the tenth.

At his current level, he could only hone his skills rapidly once back at school.

When he was away from MCMAU, he did not even know where he could buy pills, although he did not really need them.

He had given Fang Yuan the 10 Normal Vitality Pills he had with him before he left, as well as some Healing Pills.


Magic City.

The first thing Fang Ping thought about when he got back to school was that he really needed to buy a car.

It was very inconvenient without one.

He suppressed the thought for now and ran to the logistics department.

He did not go to the first floor but went straight to the second. Although the term had not started yet, the logistics department was still open.

The second floor, in the Rank-determining Center.

When Fang Ping arrived, the instructor there was the one who had determined his Rank previously. He gave Fang Ping a long look and asked, “You’re already at Rank-2?”


“Not bad.” The instructor nodded. This was not unexpected; Fang Ping had been at Peak Rank-1 when he left, and he had been at that Rank for quite some time.

Without wasting any more time on small talk, the instructor brought Fang Ping to a room at the back and said casually, “Kick. I’ll update your information.”

Fang Ping stared at the iron board in front of him, at a loss for words. “Instructor, it’s this informal?”

“Rubbish. I don’t need to follow the rules when it comes to the best freshman in MCMAU! It’s a waste of time! Just kick the board and everything will be done with!”

The instructor’s face showed his impatience. Normal martial artists had to go through a long trial to determine their Rank, but this was Fang Ping. Did he really not think his instructor knew what he was capable of?

Fang Ping did not know how to react to that, so he simply aimed a kick at the board.

The instructor left the room without bothering to look. He said as they walked, “You’ve achieved Rank-2 in quite a short time. You’re lucky.

“You know what happened last year. The school provided a lot of resources.

“Now that period is over, you will no longer enjoy such privileges.

“If you want to receive credits, you’ll have to find them yourself—missions, Catacomb trips, it’s up to you.

“Also, after achieving Rank-2, the school will open up more areas and resources for you...”

Fang Ping asked, slightly doubtfully. “The school will open up more areas? You mean...”

“Yes. MCMAU’s big. Did you not notice that the side near the sea is locked? There’s good stuff over there. That’s where MCMAU’s essence is.

“Did you think that MCMAU’s students improved so fast with only with some lecture halls and pills? There are loads of Rank-3 students, and Rank-4 students aren’t rare either. There are even some at Rank-5!

“Lower-Ranked students aside, think of how rare middle-Ranked students are!

“Can a renowned school even be called one without a secret stash of good stuff?”

Fang Ping’s eyes lit up. He asked hurriedly, “Instructor, can you tell me what they are?”

The instructor eyed him and said carelessly, “You’ll know when the time comes. Look for your mentor. I’m only in charge of Rank determination.”

Fang Ping was not disappointed by that at all and bounded down the stairs happily.

The instructor watched as he left, and chuckled, “Don’t know if he can reach Rank-5 before graduation.”

Rank-5 was tough.

There were MCMAU students who could achieve that, but they were few and far between.

Fang Ping was progressing fast, but he would inevitably slow down after he had reached the middle Ranks.

“The new generation still needs to develop fast to be effective...” the instructor muttered as he lay down and continued his nap.


First floor.

Old Man Li’s eyes lit up. His biggest client was back!

Fang Ping, who had 420 credits to his name, was his wealthiest customer among the freshmen. Even some of the Rank-2 students could not measure up to him in that aspect. He had to wheedle his wealthy client into buying something this time!

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