Worldwide Simulation Era

Chapter 438 - 438 Lord Holy Infant

Chapter 438 - 438 Lord Holy Infant

438 Lord Holy Infant

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The owl was more than a meter long, and after it landed in the cave, it immediately transformed into a young man with an owl’s Head.

Hou Tu and Chang Shi immediately went forward.

“How did it go, owl? Did you figure out the situation at Tata Village?”

“Don’t worry. Sit down first. I’ll tell you slowly.”

The owl was a night owl named Gui Nian, who was also a good friend of Lonemoon.

The three demons sat at the stone table. Hou Tu and Chang Shi couldn’t help but stare at him, waiting for his reply.

Gui Nian took a sip of tea and looked at the two demons.

“I flew to a place ten miles away from Tata Village to take a look. There is indeed incense burning there, just like what Lonemoon said. If it was invaded by that tiger demon but was still safe and sound, I’m afraid the guy worshipped must have some real ability.”

“Oh? In that case, I’m afraid our territory would change again.”

The three demons had occupied their respective mountains for hundreds of years.

During this period, many demons on the mountain were driven away by intruders.

The reason they survived was that they had banded together, and they knew how to judge the situation and befriend the strong. Even if they encountered someone they were unwilling to befriend, they would try their best to tolerate and avoid conflict.

Upon hearing that a Holy Spirit had come to Tata Village and killed the tiger demon who occupied Saint King Mountain, the three naturally wanted to befriend him.

That was why the owl had to confirm the strength of the Holy Spirit before deciding if he should bring a better gift.

As for the exchange of treasures, in their opinion, it was just something in passing.

“Since we’ve already confirmed the situation, let’s quickly bring the gifts and set off.”

“Alright,” the owl said.

The three demons prepared their gifts and set off for Tata Village together.

When they arrived near the pagoda, the three demons could not help but be surprised by the lively scene.

“What exuberant popularity!”

“The flow of people in this village is probably almost as high as the Saint King City!”

Some people passing by saw the three demons in their human forms and couldn’t help but come forward to greet them.

“You’re also here to pay respects to the Holy Infant, aren’t you?”

The three demons were stunned and looked at each other. Then, they looked at the man and said, “Yes, we heard that there is a powerful Holy Spirit in Tata Village, so we came to see it.”

The person smiled and said, “Our Lord Holy Infant in Tata Village is not just powerful! Do you see the herbal field over there? A few days ago, the Holy Infant brought Lord Fox Immortal and killed thousands of demons!”

The man was beaming with joy and talking non-stop about the demon invasion of Tata Village.

The three demons were shocked.

That Holy Spirit really killed thousands of demons?

They had doubts in their hearts, but the villagers’ words were not much different from what Lonemoon had told them.

Furthermore, the herbal field they had seen at the scene emitted a strong demonic aura.

What shocked them more was that although the demonic Qi in the herbal field was rich, the spiritual energy and medicinal fragrance were more overwhelming.

“Are those spiritual herbs?” josei

“They’re all spiritual herbs!?”

The three demons were shocked.

The herbal field was thousands of square meters!

At this moment, the herbal field was full of plants. Although they were only young plants, the medicinal fragrance could not be concealed.

Even from a thousand meters away, they could smell it.

The medicinal fragrance was light and didn’t seem stuffy. On the contrary, it made people feel relaxed and happy. With one look, they could tell that it was not an ordinary product!

“Are they casually growing so many spiritual herbs in such a small field?”

Hou Tu was so excited that he scratched his ears and cheeks as if he had lice on his body.

“Oh my God! With so many spiritual herbs, I’m afraid that if those Incarnation Realm cultivators were to find out, they’d all come over to snatch them!”

Chang Shi was also shocked. Gui Nian was so stunned that he couldn’t even speak.

The villagers talking to them saw their shocked expressions and thought they were amazed by the strength of the Holy Infant.

He couldn’t help but say proudly, “Lord Holy Infant often blesses us. As long as we worship him in the Holy Infant Temple, we can be baptized. Many people’s illnesses were cured under the Lord Holy Infant’s blessing! As long as you are sincere enough, the Holy Infant will also bless you!”

From the moment they saw the spiritual herb field, the three demons had long believed that the Holy Spirit of this Tata Village had extraordinary strength.

As for the herbal field, other than shock, the demons had indeed felt a hint of greed when they first saw it.

However, they quickly threw away those greedy thoughts.

What a joke!

The Holy Spirit was an existence that could create such a large spiritual herb field. Was it something that minor demons like them could afford to offend?

“Friend, may I ask where the Holy Infant Temple is?”

The three demons asked the villager politely.

The villager was happy to show them the way.

“Our village isn’t very big. Go in from this entrance and walk along the main street. The place you see with the most people is the Holy Infant Temple.”

“Many thanks.”

The three demons didn’t stay any longer and hurriedly headed to the Holy Infant Temple.

After entering Tata Village, the three demons exclaimed at the lively scene.

Compared to other villages, the main street of Tata Village was large enough for ten people to walk side by side.

Both sides of the street were filled with hawkers. Some sold snacks, while others sold incense money.

There were all sorts of shops behind the vendors ‘stalls, including clothing and accessories, restaurants, and hotels.

This small village has almost every function present in the big cities.

“Although the village is small, it has everything you need!”

“I didn’t expect such a small place like Tata Village to be as prosperous as some big cities.”

As they went deeper into the main street, the three demons were soon shocked by an extremely rich spiritual energy.

“The density of this spiritual energy!”

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