Worldwide Simulation Era

Chapter 546 Eight Thousand Mile God Realm

Chapter 546 Eight Thousand Mile God Realm


"I can't continue to expand?"

Lin Qiye frowned when he sensed that the expansion of his thunder domain seemed to have reached a bottleneck.

"My God! You managed to expand the prototype of your God Realm to eight thousand miles?"

In contrast to Lin Qiye's dissatisfaction, Wan Meng covered her mouth in shock and disbelief.

"Back then, master's God Realm only managed to reach eight thousand miles. You, you're almost catching up to master!"

The size of a God Realm determined the upper limit of a cultivator's growth.

If one could possess the prototype of a three-thousand-mile God Realm, one could quickly cultivate the Celestial Realm.

Five thousand miles could even leave one's name for eternity.

As for 8,000 miles, it was only rare in ancient times, when experts were everywhere.

Lin Qiye wasn't satisfied. He closed his eyes and sensed carefully.

It seemed that he could still break through the limit of his mental power, but the expansion of his God Realm seemed to have hit a wall, and he could not get any closer.

"Is this my limit?"

Lin Qiye was a little indignant. He felt he could still make a breakthrough, but the truth was that he felt as if someone was choking him. It was uncomfortable.

"Don't be too greedy. This is the prototype of a God Realm that is eight thousand miles! Do you know what this means?"

Wan Meng rolled her eyes at him.

Lin Qiye fell silent and clenched his fists.

Ever since he knew about the existence from ancient times and had seen the Dragonman, he had become extremely curious.

His heart was filled with longing, and he was no longer satisfied with an ordinary increase in the realm.

In the main world, God Realm was divided into twelve grades.

As long as they were properly nurtured, even a grade nine God Realm could reach grade twelve in the later stages.

But this simulation refreshed his understanding. In this place, God Realms did not have grades, but the size of the God Realm's prototype determined their future achievements.

Thinking carefully, the higher the grade of a God Realm in the main world, the larger it would be.

A grade eight God Realm would not be able to grow to grade twelve, but a grade nine God Realm could.

In the end, it might still be because of the prototype.

Since the information Lin Qiye had was not so detailed, he couldn't compare the prototype of a God Realm that spanned eight thousand miles to the God Realm in the main world.

However, he could faintly sense that the prototype of a God Realm that stretched eight thousand miles could very well exceed that of a grade twelve God Realm in the future!

This was a chance for him to open up the path of the strong and determine the upper limit of his achievements.

He didn't want to give up easily. He planned to use all means to expand the prototype of the God Realm to his true limit.

Eight thousand miles seemed to be a huge barrier. If he wanted to break through, he had to overcome that barrier. However, the power stopping him from expanding has exceeded his current power level. He can't even shake it. How could he break it?

Again and again, Lin Qiye directed the power of lightning to strike the 8,000-mile barrier.

However, the usually violent thunder was as weak as a breeze in the face of the barrier.

No matter what he did, the barrier was still unbreakable.

'Is it a problem with my strength attribute, or is it too lacking?'

After several attempts, Lin Qiye helplessly confirmed that he couldn't break through with the power of lightning.

He suddenly thought of the power of faith. The power of faith was incomparably mysterious, and even the experienced and knowledgeable Wan Meng praised it. Perhaps it could be a breakthrough to this barrier?

He would do whatever he thought.

Lin Qiye did not hesitate. He immediately gave up on the power of lightning and began to condense the power of faith to break through.

An endless amount of power of faith gathered, and a golden light shone over the Holy King City as if it had pulled this side of the world into heaven.


Lin Qiye growled. The power of faith was like a huge wave as it rushed towards the boundary where 8,000 miles was.


A rumbling sound reverberated in the depths of the consciousness of every living being in the Holy King City.

It wasn't a sound that could be heard but a tremor that could be felt directly from the depths of the soul.

The barrier blocking Lin Qiye's expansion of the God Realm also began to ripple violently.

"There's a chance!"

Lin Qiye was ecstatic. He gathered the power of faith again and prepared to attack.

Watching from the side, Wan Meng was a little shocked, but she quickly recovered and shook her head.

"It's no use. Master was even stronger than you back then, but he still couldn't break through that boundary. It's already impressive that you've reached this stage."

It wasn't that Wan Meng looked down on Lin Qiye. On the contrary, her impression of Lin Qiye had been refreshed, and she no longer looked down on him like before.

After all, Wan Meng's previous owner stood at the top even in ancient times. It was hard to imagine Lin Qiye's talent could compare to her previous owner's.

Lin Qiye remained silent and continued channeling the power of faith to attack.

The power of faith was far stronger than the power of lightning.

With every impact, the barrier would shake violently.

However, that was all.

After the barrier trembled, it would recover in a few seconds. However, Lin Qiye's momentum would take several times longer to recover.

Lin Qiye was unwilling to give up. He manically mobilized his energy to attack even more violently.

"Give up. Your God Realm is already very strong! As long as you keep your feet on the ground and train hard, there's hope for you to reach my master's level in the future!"

Wan Meng couldn't bear to see Lin Qiye's madness.

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