Xianxia: Why am I here?

Chapter 42  Seventh level

Chapter 42  Seventh level

42  Seventh level

In this way, he was very curious about what was in the water that could make these beasts very willing to ignore each other. In that case, he was willing to move to that water and check out, but at the same time he was not rushing in at all, he wanted to just sit and observe first. In that way, he moved slightly near them and kept some distance as his eyesight could see clearly on the edge of the lake many beasts seem to be waiting, and for this, he also was waiting.

A few hundred meters away from the beasts, he could see clearly some beasts jumped into the lake and upon making contact, one of them was frozen, he could see frost spreading throughout its body. The other beasts retreated and only one managed to come out with something in its mouth. When it stepped out of the cold water pool, it started chewing on it ignoring the chill on its body.

Some of the beasts also collapsed on the ground, just after coming out of the cold pool, but Wang was wondering why the beasts were willing to take risks of being frozen to death just to get something from the lake.

"What's the situation? The water in the pool seems to be extremely cold and yet the one beast that has left in with a benefit seems to have become slightly stronger." His eyes were shining when he looked at the beast that had managed to get from the cold lake.

This group of beasts was already capable of allowing him to improve his blood-forging realm faster, and reach the eighth level of having internal energy born in the body. But the improvement of the martial arts to the sixth level seems to have made it possible to attain internal energy earlier, and this is something he wanted to maximize.

Sneaking around, Wang was able to approach the lake, but in the end, he was facing the born chilling cold, he could only turn around and leave. "This place seems to have something good, I should probably come back when my improvement in the realm has happened. It is not worthwhile to take such a strong risk without any reason. My curiosity should be put aside for the moment too, as the danger presented by this place is not something that can be handled with my current punny strength." As Wang made his decision he retreated from fear of attracting the monsters to his location as he knew that the numbers were large and it might be counterproductive when he is surrounded by the monsters.

He took the direction he came from and wanted to try and figure out the way back and along the way, he spend some time on the way practicing the two fist techniques. He had made up his mind that after returning to the mountain residence he would dedicate his time to studying the Biyun Fist and other body martial arts he had obtained on this trip. In fact, he was smart to retreat from the lake he had just seen as the small lake surface that could be seen by him had more than met the eye. On the lake's surface, a creature of ice nature seemed to exist and the cold energy it released in its sleep seemed to be affecting the entire lake.

Such a huge lake has the ability to affect it means that the creature in deep sleep is indeed very strong and thus someone like Wang needs to be grateful he did not rashly jump into the lake or he might lose his life in case such a creature woke up. In the entire forest, it seemed like this is the only place with a terrifying creature in deep sleep that could affect nature. This kind of capability indeed is not bothered by Wang or the other beasts sneaking to capture the fish, because they did not bring about a sense of crisis to it. Such strong creatures even in sleep seem to have some self-defensive measures. and having even a thread of killing intent towards the monster's nature means that one would be discovered.

It took Wang more than two weeks to get his internal energy improved and the Biyun Fist and he decided to go the hard way, just like the usual way, he could only practice. His physical body has improved as time passed and his resources were being consumed with the passage of time. Wang's bones were strengthening too and this is a benefit that seems to be due to the blood forging. The blood energy becomes more and more strong strengthening his muscles and bones.

"My physical strength has been improving faster and even at this moment, I have already achieved 8500 kg in physical strength per arm." Wang was very much interested in reaching 15000kg per arm before he become a grandmaster.

Wang was obviously pleased with the improvement in physical strength in just two weeks and this was the expense of some of the resources he had accumulated. Since he failed to gain the resources from the lake, he could only retreat. The current strength he had was indeed not bad for those in the same realm, but he was not satisfied yet. He already had seen the place where he could get more strength and his potential value would also be improved from it.

This continued as he moved around in the forest forgetting his intention to go home and rather turning the forest into his home. His Biyun Fist eventually entered the 6th level and his panel seemed to have changed but that was not the only change that happened, as his lifespan also improved.

Name: Wang Bo


Lifespan: 94 years


Attribute value: 59

.... josei

Potential value: 43


Realm: Blood forging {7/8}


Martial arts: White Tiger Fist( 6th level), Biyun Fist (6th level) Sea Calming Manual(entry)

Looking at the panel, Wang was somehow happy, as his lifespan had already reached close to the limit of those mortals that live longer. When he checked the potential value he was impressed because the change in this area was too huge. The practice of martial arts in the future is going to be very easy due to the improvement in potential value and at this time he was very confident in practicing the numerous body skills he had accumulated. He had the thought of fusing them and thus he was going to only take them to perfection before using the attribute points, and considering their low level, practicing them might not be an issue at all.

But the more impressive thing he had noticed was another strand of unique internal energy had formed and it entangled itself in the white gas in his body. This was a new internal energy being generated by the body and he decided to spend some more time cultivating the Biyun Fist initially for this very purpose. As he practiced the two techniques simultaneously, he could feel that the internal energy from the exercises was circulating in his body slowly relieving his fatigue. He could indeed use it to dispel this state and wondered if he could find some other tricks of using it to fasten his cultivation, but considering how fast he was going, it is already considered unique.

"This... " When Wang put focus on the two techniques and used them as a basis for consuming the resources he had the innate energy kept growing and in another half a month he seemed to have realized something interesting, the internal energy in his body had become stronger compared to before, thus not only covering quantity but quality as two internal energies fused, it resulted in a slight improvement and since he was already on the seventh level of the blood-forging realm, perhaps it would not be long before he entered the eighth level.

This was because internal energy was already forming in his body and realized the stronger his blood energy the faster his bones generated internal energy, but he could not figure out how this was possible. Converting food into energy for the blood and the blood nourishing his bones seemed to generate a unique change. A gas generated from the bones also seemed to have some relation with the martial arts being practiced. Internal energy thus is all from the potential of the human body.

The internal energy kept circulating around his body and he could almost feel comfortable all over, an indication that his internal injuries were being dealt with even those considered hidden, probably when one had true Qi it could also perform such functions too. But that was far from him at the moment and he thought it best to focus on the current situation before him. In addition to the healing of hidden injuries in the human body, internal energy seems to have the role of generating true Qi. After that one can absorb energy directly and this is where things such artistic conception of martial arts also come into play, but the issues would probably be handled when the need arose.

Standing before a tree, Wang clenched his fist and without even using the techniques he had learned and punched a tree, the result was astonishing. The part of the tree that had been punched, cracked, then with a "Bang!" the tree shook, and a huge fist passed through the tree, but the places it passed had cracks spreading eventually the tree collapsed.

"This is strong! Compared to before this is real power." He actually felt complacent for a while before calming down. This brute force was not strong enough to shake a grandmaster.

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