Yama Rising

Chapter 1005

Chapter 1005: Commencement of Research

Chapter 1005: Commencement of Research

Behind the three professors were hundreds of researchers, and after emerging from the giant teleportation array, they began to inspect their surroundings with curious expressions.

Is this where we're going to be working from now on?

The mortal realm identities of all of these researchers had been examined and verified by Death Inquisitors. At the same time, they had all signed a series of agreements, which included terms such as: all researchers were prohibited from leaving the Yin Mountains prior to the conclusion of the project.

There was also a term that stated that all details of the project were to remain strictly confidential, with any attempt to leak information leading to immediate expulsion from the group and entry into the six paths of reincarnation.

Following the conclusion of the project, all members of the research and development team would receive a mansion in either Everburn or Ashmound, as well as monthly pensions of no less than 8,000 Yin spirit stones. At the same time, they were going to receive bonuses between 500,000 and 5,000,000 Yin spirit stones depending on the role they played in the project.

"So this is where we'll be working for an extended period from now on..." Zu Chongzhi mused as he cast his gaze toward the distance, as did Xu Chengyang and the others.

All of the researchers who had just emerged from the teleportation array were climbing up to the peak of the mountain along the path that had just been chiseled out before looking into the distance with excited expressions. They were greeted by the sight of some sparse grasslands, followed by sand dunes and desert that stretched as far as the eyes could see. They were situated in lush greenery themselves, yet they were looking out at a bleak desert, and it made them feel as if they were peering into an unpredictable future.

The future was a blank slate, and they had to leave their mark on it.

After a long while, Zu Chongzhi withdrew his gaze as he smiled and said, "I suggest that we organize a tree-planting activity once every week from here onward. Perhaps we'll be able to see an oasis at the conclusion of this project."

After that, he suddenly spread his arms open like an enthusiastic young man before yelling into the distance with all his might.

His voice echoed throughout the entire basin like a clap of rumbling thunder that was filled with scorching anticipation toward the future, as well as a sense of unease toward the upcoming project. His emotions were like a drop of ink that had fallen into water, and it quickly infected everyone.

All of the Yin spirits, regardless of their age, cupped their hands around their mouths and roared at the vast desert in the distance, expelling all of their concerns, doubts, and anxiety through their voices.

This place was going to be their permanent home until the new energy resource was developed!


Time flew by in a flash.

When a person had a pursuit in life, the days would always pass by very quickly, but also in a very meaningful manner. This feeling was particularly exacerbated when there was a group of people working toward the same goal.

Clack clack clack... Secretary Jiang's footsteps were echoing throughout the corridor.

This was a corridor that was completely devoid of daylight. The floor was etched with intricate dragon designs, while the ceiling bore engravings of resplendent phoenixes. There were also lanterns forged in the shape of dragon heads hanging on either side of the corridor, which was around 10 meters wide and five meters tall, but there was still an oppressive atmosphere in the corridor.

Yin soldiers were situated along the corridor with very short intervals between them. These were the most elite Yin soldiers that the Cathayan Underworld had to offer, and they were all wearing armor forged from the carapace of blight vermin as they stood like stone statues on either side of the corridor. Despite how still they were at this moment, Secretary Jiang knew that even if he were to display any inappropriate behavior here, the Yin soldiers would strike him down without any hesitation.

This was the interior of the Yin Mountains, the more central area of the Cathayan Underworld's Resurgence Team, and it had been named Nüwa. [1]

The name was meant to entail creation and the coming of a brand new era!

At the end of the corridor was a tightly shut gate, and Secretary Jiang quickly made his way over to it before stopping in front of it.

This was an antiquated bluestone gate with the image of a beastly head carved onto its surface. Eight Yin soldiers were standing in a row in front of the gate, and their hands were constantly resting on the hilts of their swords.

In the instant that Secretary Jiang drew to a halt, a series of complex runes quickly lit up on the gate, and two beams of blue light surged out of the beastly head's eyes. The beams of light enveloped Secretary Jiang's entire body, transforming his spiritual body into a state that was both illusory yet substantial at the same time.

Secretary Jiang didn't panic upon seeing this. Instead, he waited calmly in silence, and several seconds later, the light slowly faded. A string of dull, mechanical noises then rang out from within the beastly head, and it slowly opened as the statuesque Yin soldiers standing in front of the gate finally broke their silence. "What have you come here for?"

"We've already reached the end of the year, and it's been about eight months since Yanluo Qin first arrived at the Yin Mountains. The end-of-year wrap-up meeting is scheduled soon, and due to the special nature of this year, the meeting is going to be held in a conference hall in the Yin Mountains." Secretary Jiang then pointed at the messenger bird perched on his own shoulder as he continued, "I also have a spoken message from Ghost King Zhao."

The gate was finally opened, and the Yin soldiers stepped aside to grant Secretary Jiang passage. Only then did he make his way past the gate as he habitually dabbed at the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead.

Even though he had passed through this gate so many times, it still struck him with an overwhelming sense of ceremony and veneration.

After passing through the gate, Secretary Jiang arrived in a spacious area filled with countless Yin energy screens. Researchers wearing white lab coats were traversing incessantly through the area, which was very large, spanning several hundred square meters in area. At the very center of the area stood Qin Ye with his hands clasped behind his back, looking beyond a pane of glass with all of the scientists beside him.

The pane of glass was massive, and it was most likely reinforced glass. Beyond it was a massive pattern that was flashing incessantly with boundless purple light.

These patterns formed a giant vortex, at the center of which were several pieces of ore that Secretary Jiang was unable to identify.

Is it finished?

Secretary Jiang almost cried out, but immediately repressed the urge to do so. Even so, his heart was still thumping violently as he stood at the entrance in silence. In front of him were several dozen Yin soldiers who were armed to the teeth, with heavy shields resting on the ground and spears pointed directly at the entrance.

Behind them were three more layers of crossbow-wielding Yin soldiers, presenting a formidable sight to behold.

Qin Ye didn't even realize that Secretary Jiang had entered the room. Right beside him, Deng Ruifeng was quickly adjusting the machinery while the scientists beside him were frantically taking notes as Xu Chengyang analyzed, "This is the 32nd time we've repeated the Faraday direct current generator experiment, and on this occasion, we used voidsilver and yama crystals. According to the formula, ∮ E·dR = ﹣∫(B/t)·dS, where E is the intensity of the electric field and dR is a tiny section of the rectangular conductor frame... The sensory range of the formula, ∮ E·dR = ﹣∫(B/t)·dS, is wider than Faraday's electromagnetic detection formula... The fact that the formula, ∮ E·dR = ﹣∫(B/t)·dS, not only indicates magnetic field B can generate electric field E or generate electromotive ∮ E·dR, the changes in the distribution of magnetic field B on curved surface S can also generate electric field E or electromotive ∮ E·dR. The effect of the two should be equivalent to one another..."

"What does this mean?" Qin Ye couldn't help but interject.

Before Xu Chengyang had a chance to reply, Pang Hai explained, "It means that if our analysis here is correct, then we've found the electron Yin rune. However, we don't know what vessel the Yin rune is contained in, and we have to track down the corresponding vessel."josei

Right at this moment, all of the electric patterns suddenly faded, and a collective faint sigh rang out, but no one was dejected by this turn of events.

A group of Yin spirits immediately entered the testing site from the sides before cleaning up the remnants of the experiment.

"You don't seem too disappointed," Qin Ye observed as he turned toward Xu Chengyang and the others.

"It's still far too early for disappointment to begin setting in," Xu Chengyang replied with a smile. "Even before going into this, we were already prepared to conduct tens of thousands of experiments. It's only been a few hundred experiments so far, and that's nowhere near enough to bring us down... You, come over here."

He was already completely engrossed in his research and had become accustomed to Qin Ye's presence. He gestured toward another scientist, and the scientist immediately made his way toward him.

"The failure of the yama crystals was a bit of a surprise to me. It's widely accepted as the crystal with the greatest magnetic force, and it possesses extremely strong properties of exclusivity. We were originally planning to use it to repel the materials from the mortal realm used by Xu Fu, but it's completely failed in that regard. Could it be because of the laws of Yin Yang non-interaction? That can't be the case! If that applied here, then Xu Fu wouldn't have been able to create this new energy resource at all. The laws of non-interaction aren't referring to these microscopic particles. In fact, I've heard from Yanluo Qin that the three realms are all interconnected, and the only things that the laws of non-interaction apply to are the intelligent life forms. For the next batch of experiments, I'm planning to use the three groups of crystals between B-542 and B-641. If that doesn't work, then it means that precious ore doesn't contain electron Yin runes. That would be good news. After all, what we're pursuing is an energy resource that's affordable and accessible to everyone."

"So we can only use a process of elimination then?"

"There's no other way. What we have to do first is to completely separate Xu Fu's energy resource so we can observe its internal makeup."

Qin Ye wisely decided to leave the room.

This was the battlefield of science, and the scientists' job was to become emotionless machines. Qin Ye had already witnessed the scientists go into their fully absorbed and deranged state, and he had no interest in experiencing that again.

Qin Ye emerged from the ranks of the Yin soldiers like Moses parting the waves, then gave a slight nod in Secretary Jiang's direction, and Secretary Jiang immediately followed along behind him.

Upon emerging from the gate, Qin Ye discovered that even though they were still in the completely sealed and isolated interior of a mountain, the air was still much better than the air inside, which was filled with the odor of all types of chemicals.

The fact that those scientists had stayed in there for several months straight was truly worthy of admiration.

"What is it?" he asked as he strode along the corridor.

"Your Excellency, we've reached the end of the year," Secretary Jiang replied. "You have to oversee the end-of-year wrap-up meetings and all of the other meetings to be held at this time of year. Several days ago, you instructed everyone to travel to the Yin Mountains, and now, all of the important officials from our provinces and cities have already arrived."

Qin Ye couldn't help but massage his own throbbing glabella upon hearing this. Only now did he realize that he had already spent close to eight months in the Yin Mountains.

The end of the year was the busiest time of the year.

All of the major government departments were eager to report their political achievements, and in this age, where resources still weren't very abundant, countless cities were waiting for details on the following year's resource distribution. He had entered the main research laboratory a month ago, and if he were to go through the mountain of work waiting for him, then it would most likely be at least another month before he could return to the laboratory.

He didn't understand most of what was being discussed between the scientists, but he really wanted to involve himself as much as possible in this monumental revolution.

"Have you organized places for everyone to rest?" he asked as he quickened his footsteps.

"I have. Back when Mr. Gu Qing presented the blueprint of the Yin Mountains to you, you requested the addition of resting quarters capable of housing 200 people. That's where everyone is staying right now. Would you like to go and see them? Should I inform them of your arrival?"

"There's no need for that," Qin Ye replied. "Get them to discuss and exchange the insights that they've gathered in their roles and give their reports to me, I'll see what needs to be done after I read their reports. Also, tell them to constantly be ready for a summons from me."

[1] [Nüwa is a goddess of creation in Chinese mythology said to have created the human race.]

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