Yama Rising

Chapter 272

Chapter 272: Hell’s Prosperity

Chapter 272: Hell's Prosperity

What a claim…

But he didn’t verbalize his thoughts. Instead, he bowed respectfully and took down Qin Ye’s number, “Then, we’ll take our leave if you require nothing more of us. Ah, that’s right, sir, all expenses, including the rental of the warehouse and labour costs have been paid for in full. Mr Iwasaki has personally absorbed these costs.”

“Let me ask you something.” Qin Ye couldn’t help but cough lightly, “About… um… Mr Iwasaki… How’s his health right now?”

Qin Ye put his fist to his mouth and continued coughing dryly as he continued to drop hints as to the nature of his question, “That is to say… is he suffering from any chronic or incurable diseases such as cancer, AIDS, leukemia…? Particularly those that are terminal…”

Qin Ye waved his hands at Jiro Takeno with great regret, “Understood. You may leave.”

Ah… Silly humans. Do you know what kind of goodwill you’re missing out on from this future King Yanluo? What’s there to be afraid of? Can you even tell when Hell is knocking on your door and greeting you cordially?

Hell’s development was going to soar in no time!

Qin Ye watched and waited silently as everything slowly vanished in the great inferno of netherflames. The sheer number of items to be consumed by the flames meant that the blaze went on for another one hour before it finally completed. And as soon as the final object vanished with the flickering flames, the shard of King Yanluo’s Seal glowed with a bright lustre, and Qin Ye once again found himself in the familiar realms of Hell.

Every single citizen of Hell, including the Death Inquisitors, were staring in great astonishment at the empty plot of land located right in front of Hell’s Gate. There were now over a hundred containers on this plot of land spread out in a neat circular formation, and all of the containers were open.

Qin Ye didn’t speak immediately. Instead, he simply took in the expression on the faces of each Yin spirit around.

Qin Ye glanced about, before finally sauntering to Su Dongxue’s side and whispering, “What do you think?”

“Do you like it?” A cacophony of excited squeals and discussions could be heard all around them. It was music to Qin Ye’s ears - Perhaps… this is what they mean when they say that a joy that is shared is a joy made double…

Su Dongxue nodded her head fervently as she continued to stare at the containers with a bright glint in her eyes. Qin Ye could tell from her look on her face that she was probably thinking about what of the items in the containers she would like to have in her own possession. He coughed dryly, jolting Su Dongxue back to her senses. And as soon as she noticed how she had been casually addressing Qin Ye this entire time, she was so flabbergasted that she immediately motioned to kneel down to pay her respects to Qin Ye, only to be held back by him. Qin Ye held a finger to his lips and shook his head.

Qin Ye continued to scan around until he soon noticed another familiar figure. Huang Liangchuan, one of the tycoons from the mortal realm, was trying desperately to get to the front of the crowd, close to where the mahjong tiles were neatly laid out. In fact, he was struggling so hard that his eyes had even grown bloodshot. Unfortunately, he was an old ghost whose physical strength was lacking. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get closer than twenty meters from the circle of containers.

Every single container was surrounded by a throng of Yin spirits that were packed like sardines. The buzz of their heated discussions had set the atmosphere in Hell on fire once more. Qin Ye took it all in. He had never expected the collection of seemingly ordinary objects from the mortal realm would bring about such a great commotion.

It was almost as though a group of star-struck fans had just witnessed the arrival of their idol. The entire place was filled with an air of frenzied excitement.

Yet what was even more surprising was the fact that their excitement filled Qin Ye’s heart with great satisfaction. It was an indescribable sense of fullness and accomplishment.

Truly… this is truly satisfying…

Qin Ye paused for a moment, before drawing a deep breath and speaking much louder than before, “Everyone, be silent.”

The last few months had been a tumultuous journey in Hell. They had seen a Yin spirit riot, several instances of unrest and discontentment and patchwork policies. The future King Yanluo of Hell even had to personally head out to the East Cathay Sea to reap a soul himself. That said, it was finally time to reap the rewards of his efforts.

There were so many things he wanted to say, such as “Are you happy?” or “You’ve got to work hard for Hell from now on, alright?”

“These items will be distributed to everyone over the next few months. I know that the last few months have been hard on everyone.”

Everyone was silent. josei

“Furthemore, the only reason why it’s not being distributed right away is due to logistical constraints.” Qin Ye placed his hands on his back and walked around the containers in Hell. Wherever he passed, the surrounding Death Inquisitors would retreat respectfully. Qin Ye gently placed his hand on the cold surface of the container, and yet his heart felt immeasurably hot, as though it were blazing with passion, “As you can all see, there are well over ten containers’ worth of amenities dedicated to your recreation and entertainment alone. Furthermore, there are over ten containers’ worth of manufacturing supplies pertaining to over a dozen industries which you are all familiar with. So, what are we going to do about these?”

Qin Ye was obviously at a loss for words earlier, and yet as soon as the floodgates of speech were open, strings of verbal expressions immediately began to pour out of his lips unceasingly.

Nevertheless, he continued to declare with a sonorous timbre to his voice, “What we need most right now is regulation. Who would work in each of these industries? Who would manage the workers? How do we account for the goods manufactured? Everything has to be sorted out. Apart from that, there are also a limited number of recreational amenities to go around, and we’ll definitely have to share the use of these amenities. How are we going to allocate these resources? How do we return them? How would one compensate for damage to the amenities? We’ve not worked out a system for loans and returns as yet.”

After all, what Man feared the most was the absence of hope. As long as there was hope on the horizon, Man would be willing to wait patiently for it, even if it meant a five or ten year wait.

He scanned around, before continuing with a booming voice, “You will be the inaugural batch of employees of the new Hell. I guarantee that you will not regret participating in these reestablishment efforts of the new Hell. What I’m looking for are citizens who are willing to send coal in a snowstorm, and not those who are only willing to add icing on the cake!”

The rest of the citizens left with a spring in their step. Unlike before, where they would be lazing about under a tree or staring blankly into the sky, they were now gathered in groups of three to five, discussing the current developments of Hell with great interest.

Those who had experienced the reformation of Cathay’s policies and reopening of Cathay’s borders would be fully aware that the early birds get the worms!

“Lord Qin.” Gu Qing cupped his hands and bowed respectfully. His eyes were obviously gleaming with excitement when he raised his head again, “You’ve… truly outdone yourself and made waves this time!”

They were obviously flattering Qin Ye, but he accepted them with open arms nonetheless.

It wasn’t until everyone had run out of flattering words to say that he finally knocked on the table with some measure of dissatisfaction, “C’mon, continue! You guys should take a leaf out of Mr Gu’s book. His wide vocabulary allows him to continue on end without sounding repetitive. Read more - it’s good for you. Otherwise, don’t you think you’ll be letting your language teachers down?”

Seeing that everyone was now silent, Qin Ye waved his hands dismissively, and the smile on his face faded away, “Take a seat.”

Then, as soon as everyone had taken their seats, he finally got down to the main agenda at hand, “That’s right. These goods and materials would truly consolidate Hell’s foundation for development. That said, there’s too much to do, and too little time. Thus, I’m going to state some of my points of views and requests, and I’d like you to chip in later and build on it. We’ll need to ride this wave of momentum and get everything sorted out in the shortest time possible.”

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