Yama Rising

Chapter 291

Chapter 291: Ebullience (2)

Chapter 291: Ebullience (2)

Qin Ye was surprised, “Why is that the case?”

Qin Ye mulled over these things for several minutes before finally nodding in agreement, “Let’s go outside for a walk. If we’re going to be suspending works for the induction ceremony of a divine artifact, and erecting a monument to commemorate the same, it would be better for us to make this announcement in person.”

With that, the entire entourage walked back out of Hell’s Gate, only to be greeted by the incessant clamor of the newly invigorated Hell.

If this had just been a month or two ago, most of the Yin spirits would most certainly have been seen idling about outside Hell’s Gate, leaning against a tree or fooling about. Some would even stare vacantly at the sky, or gaze longingly at the scattered construction equipment in the distance. josei

The arrival of hundreds of tonnes of materials packed into dozens of containers was no different from pouring boiling oil into water - it immediately ignited the bubbling enthusiasm of the ghostly citizens around.

And he wasn’t the only one. In fact, countless temporary staff members were drawing crowds to themselves at various parts of Hell with their loudspeakers, eloquence and rhetorics, “... Riding the establishment of the central bank, the print industry cordially invites all experienced citizens to put in their applications! Ladies and gentlemen, it’s easy to add icing to the cake, but we’re looking for people who are willing to send coal in a snowstorm… Just imagine the changes in Hell once the monetary system has been established!”

Oda Nobunaga’s furrowed brows finally loosened up.

As long as we can tide through the nascent stages of growth, and as long as our rulers can maintain a clear mind and remain just as conscientious as ever, then… all that awaits us is a soaring era of development!

He glanced at Qin Ye discreetly.

The plan was to iron out the creases and stabilize his governance over the next few months. And then, he would introduce the feudal officials to the state of the new Hell’s development at the imperial court meeting at the end of the year. Not only would he be able to dispel any thoughts of usurpation, he might even be able to seal the perception of equality between nations from the onset!

After all, it was only with the perception of equality that one could begin to discuss matters of strategic alliances and trade routes. Then, with money and resources in hand, Hell could continue to develop at a steady rate. Everything would give rise to a virtuous cycle of growth and prosperity!

Qin Ye didn’t notice Oda Nobunaga’s gaze.

“This is only normal.” Su Dongxue couldn’t help but express her great emotions, “My lord, do you know something? It wasn’t too long ago that the most common expression to be heard and seen throughout Hell was that of lamentation and complaints. When the last Yin spirit riot broke out and the Wrath-fiend ravaged Hell, not a single person found ourselves surprised by it.”

“That’s right…” Arthis remarked somewhat emotionally, “Do you recall those advertisements in the mortal realm that sell us the dream of making money while idling? Well, that ‘idleness’ certainly doesn’t contemplate the exclusion of computers, cell phones, luxurious afternoon teas, KTV, and other forms of entertainment. In fact, you can say that the new Hell has given idleness a whole new meaning over its last year of existence.”

“They were already on the verge of insanity with the sheer boredom that plagued them all the time.” She stepped forward, and her gaze carried some trace of warmth, “The appearance of Qin Gardens Phase One had undoubtedly injected excitement into the hearts of the citizens and caused their blood to course through their veins once more. However, there was simply nothing to follow it up. It didn’t matter how well your motivational speech was received, because anyone’s heart would soon grow cold when they saw how sparse the construction site looked with the few feeble machines. But now, things are different. We’ve got hundreds of tons of supplies to rejuvenate them time after time. Seize the momentum and win their hearts. As soon as you can do that, then catching up with Brittania and Usonia is only a matter of time!”

The buzz of voices promptly subsided. Qin Ye had earned every bit of fear and reverence he was currently accorded. Everyone knew that he wasn’t to be trifled with. He paused for a moment, and then smiled faintly, “The sight of your ebullience pleases me.”

The voices that had just subsided instantly exploded once again. Countless ghostly citizens immediately exchanged looks of great disbelief with each other.

Qin Ye made a grabbing motion in the air, and innumerable wisps of black-and-white energy began to converge in front of his hand, where it soon took the shape of an ancient book.

“Your Majesty!” There was a sudden flurry of activity, and a citizen couldn’t help but raise his hand into the air, “What kind of plans do you mean?”

What the hell?!

Arthis wasn’t the only one who was shocked. In fact, every single citizen recoiled slightly in astonishment.

As expected, real estate truly drives the economy… Bloody hell, they’re not even dead yet, and I’m already expected to prepare a place of lodging to receive them? Eh… I suppose it does make sense, given how people purchase plots of lands for their grave in advance…

Qin Ye pretended not to notice the looks of confusion below. After all, he was fixated on marketing the draw of real estate. Thus, he continued with a look of righteous indifference on his face, “Everyone, you’ve already died once. Having spent your lives in tiny pens no larger than the size of forty square meters, are you sure you’ll want to spend your afterlife in the same conditions all over again?”

The Yin spirits who had initially raised their hands into the air with questions on their lips feebly put down their hands - This speech is just too weird… It seems to weave in and out of truth and lie… Everything sounds prim and proper, yet a niggling part of my heart seems to be telling me that everything about what he’s said is completely wrong… Is this feeling… just an illusion?

How can you even tie in the induction of the Book of Life and Death to the sale of real estate… Arthis made up her mind to distance herself from the third King Yanluo of Hell.

“Apart from that, the Book of Life and Death also expands the capabilities of Hell as a realm.” Arthis could no longer resist interjecting. The future King Yanluo of Hell had gone on at length with his spiel about real estate in Hell, and she couldn’t afford to let him get away with it any longer, “As soon as the Book of Life and Death is set in its place, it will act as a foundation for certain specialized facilities and buildings that are unique to Hell and Hell alone.”

She took a deep breath and declared, “Over the next month, the government is going to tally up its supplies and consolidate its personnel. Then, on this very day next month, we shall conduct the ceremony for the induction of the Book of Life and Death into Hell. At that time… I believe everyone will personally understand the true nature of Hell as a realm.”

“How can I not?!” Arthis gnashed her teeth, “Even the Book of Life and Death is weeping in sorrow from how much you’ve been selling it short! Aren’t you afraid of the prospects of being clipped to death by a book?!”

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