Yama Rising

Chapter 545

Chapter 545: Saint Virtue High School (1)


Chapter 545: Saint Virtue High School (1)

Located at the south end of Hanyang, it was an education hub for the children of many plutocrats or other influential members of the Daeian society.

The boys wore white shirts, ties, and gray shorts, while the girls wore the same, but with short skirts and bowties. Suffice it to say that the school uniform here looked far more splendid than those back in Cathay.

“Hey, did you hear about the Nam-joon oppa fan meeting tomorrow? Is anyone going? Let’s head over together! I absolutely adore Nam-joon oppa!” One of the girls screamed joyously with a spring in her step.

One of the girls hurriedly switched on her phone, only to sigh in dismay, “Damn it… The tickets are all sold out! My goodness… Oh yeah! Somi, do you think you’d still be able to get us tickets? You’ve got relatives working in the government sector, don’t you? Help me out and get me a ticket, pretty please~?”

However, she jumped in shock as soon as she made skin contact with Somi.

Everyone looked over as a result of the commotion. The girl who was trying to get Somi’s attention stared at her hand, wondering if it had been an illusion on her part. She had inadvertently touched the hands of their wallflower, Ahn Somi, and to her surprise… her body felt as cold and frigid as a dead body.

“I… am fine.” Her face was unusually pale. The dark circles around her eyes only accentuated her bloodshot eyes. She smiled bitterly, “Don’t worry… You can have my ticket… I won’t be going…”


This was a symptom of having been attacked by high quality Yin energy. It had caused her own Yin energy to collapse, and it didn’t look like it would get any better until she had some blood food.

“Then… do you want to have dinner… together?” The girl who touched her just a little while ago asked with a tremor in her voice. For some strange reason, she couldn’t help but feel as though... the current Somi was somehow terrifying…

“Dinner?” Somi licked her lips discreetly, “No thank you… Rather than dinner, I’d much prefer late night snacks…”

Thus, one by one, the students left the classroom. Unfortunately, none of them noticed how Somi’s facial features were slipping out of place, almost as though they were drifting about her face like flotsams in a lake!

“This damned Yin energy is definitely from one of the top underworlds in the netherworld… I can’t take it much longer…”

The entire classroom was empty. Nobody was around at all.

It was the demonic hours. Just then, Ahn Somi’s silhouette flickered softly, and then vanished for three minutes without appearing once.

Unfortunately, the only response he received was an endless gurgling and gulping of spittle.

The contact she was searching for was… Hanyang Wanderer.

I’ve got to line my stomach with some food first. Then, I’ll wait for Lord Rumyantsev to arrive, and everything will be resolved. Damn it… Who the hell was it in that mirror last night?!

No… he probably wouldn’t come so quickly. I can’t leave my station in any case. Hanyang is the gateway from North Daehan to South Daehan. So long as I remain here, I can be the first one to receive the lord of the envoy…

A teenager walked into the room with a baseball cap and a plastic bag in hand. He walked straight up to Ahn Somi and gently placed the plastic bag on the table, “Somi… Are you alright?”

A few seconds later, she spoke hoarsely, “Go… away…”


“How can I ignore you after seeing you in that state?” Seongho furrowed his brows and pressed his hand to her forehead, “If you don’t feel well, you should just apply for medical leave. I’ve brought you your favourite bibimbap located at the entrance of school. You should at least have some food--...”

And then, he raised his hand with consternation and stared at his fingers with great surprise.

But… I’ve… just touched her forehead…

“S-s-s-s-somi…” Seongho’s voice trembled as a wave of terror surged from the bottom of his heart. He gasped in horror and took a few steps back. And then, he did a double take at a certain part of the classroom.

Everyone was supposed to have shadows, but… Ahn Somi clearly did not!

T-t-t-t… Seongho’s teeth began to chatter uncontrollably, while his hair stood on end. Without hesitation he turned around to leave. But, just then… Bam, bam, bam… The doors and windows to the classroom slammed shut all at once!

She’s not a human being…

Gurgle… gulp… The gurgling and gulping sounds grew louder and louder in the tense silence of the evening light. Just then, Ahn Somi spoke for the second time, “I’m… hungry…”

Drip… drip… The drops of blood sounded like a deafening death knell.

But as he spoke, the lights in the classroom suddenly flickered wildly! And then, the books on the table suddenly rose into the air and riffled through their pages, while the pens on the desk suddenly began to write on them in unison!

“AHHHHH!!!!” That was the last straw. He screamed at the top of his voice and braced himself to kick down the door, only to find a series of words written on the door in chalk and blood.

Seongho shivered wildly.

“I’m hungry… So hungry… And you’ve delivered yourself at just the right time… Well, since you care about me so much… then, what do you say to staying by my side… forever?”

And then… drip, drip, drip… Several more drops of blood began to patter down like an indoor shower of blood, dyeing his entire body a gory, scarlet hue.

Right there, he saw Ahn Somi’s twisted body completely covered with livor mortis spots. Her features were completely misaligned, while her entire being was covered with horrific wounds. She stared intently at him with her tongue hanging loosely a meter out of her mouth. Blood dripped slowly from the tip of her tongue.

“I’ve always had an eye on you… You like exercising… so the muscles on your body… must be delicious…”


1. This refers to 6 years of primary school, 3 years of middle school, 3 years of high school, followed by 4 years of tertiary education.

2. Oppa is the term used by a girl to refer to an older guy.

3. Hyung is used to refer to an older guy.

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