Yama Rising

Chapter 716

Chapter 716: Cause and Effect (1)

Chapter 716: Cause and Effect (1)

This was an ancient-looking hall.

The row of houses were guarded closely with a series of armed soldiers, all of whom carried live rounds with them. From time to time, there would even be women dressed in suits or Cathayan tunics patrolling the area silently. The grave expressions on their faces only deepened the air of sobriety around them.

He coughed as he spoke. At once, an attendant behind immediately popped open a pill bottle with no markings on it and poured out a yellow pill for the man. The old man waved his hand and stared intently at Lei Jun.

After all, anyone who worked for the nation’s well-being and development deserved his utmost respect.

The old man raised the cup of tea on the table and took a sip from it, “Specifics.”

The old man set down his teacup and tapped his fingers on the table, “And what are your thoughts on this?”

“You’ve already seen the footage. That man… is Zhao Yun, one of the legendary Ghost Kings of Hell. There’s no way I would’ve survived an attack as powerful as that. Chonggu County is located in Kalgan City, and given his speed, Yan Capital is no more than 10 minutes away. But… Yan Capital remained completely unaffected by this entire episode. I think…”

The old man nodded, “Indeed. I concur. If Hell truly wanted to do something against the mortal realm, then I’m afraid the entire government would already have been wiped completely off the surface of the earth. But they said nothing of the sort. And that is in and of itself proof of their intentions - that Yin and Yang are but two sides of the same coin.”

He took a deep breath and gazed out of the window, “After all, anything we do right now might well affect the future negotiations…”

In other words, this was the best state the nation had been in the last ten years. The old man shut his eyes, and his heartbeats quickened.

“Finally… We can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel…” The man opened his eyes after a long time, and then gazed deep into the open skies. josei

Or perhaps their exchange might simply be recorded with a few short sentences.

Everything was done to bring revival to the nation.

Elsewhere, in an exquisitely-designed booth. Qin Ye fidgeted with his chopsticks anxiously, while the Harken tapped on Qin Ye’s cellphone. Naturally, the Harken was on the pet channel.

“Why isn’t Brother Zhao here yet?” Qin Ye set down his chopsticks and sighed softly, “Does he prefer Nipponese cuisine? Hey…”

“No, I’m happy with this place.” Just then, the door to the private booth opened up, and Zhao Yun marched in dressed in his camouflage uniform.

Some people looked like drill sergeants wearing camouflage uniforms, while others… with their bulging muscles, would cause hormones to abound with their camouflage uniforms…

Damn, that torso, those legs, and those muscles… Why don’t I exude the same air when I’m dressed in uniform? Do clothes these days give people preferential treatment as well?!

And then, he found Zhao Yun awkwardly wrestling his hand free of Qin Ye’s grasp. At once he took three steps to the left, and then took his seat to the left of where Qin Ye was seated, “King Yanluo, you… You’re too kind…”

“Naw, don’t say that. I just feel a special affinity with you, just like how I’ve seen my brother who passed on many years ago, and I can’t help but get drawn closer to you…”

Zhao Yun subconsciously shifted to a seat that was directly opposite Qin Ye.

Then, just as the awkwardness in the room escalated, there was a soft knock on the door, and a male waiter walked in, “Sir, can we serve the dishes now?”

“King Yanluo.” Zhao Yun poured Qin Ye a cup of wine and raised it with both hands, “Forgive me for not having called upon Hell earlier. I could sense it when the new Hell was first formed, but back then, I was already embroiled in a bitter tangle with the soul of Genghis Khan, so--…”

“This is all due to the incompetence of your humble servant here.”

Zhao Yun lowered his head and gulped down the entire cup of wine. Then, he poured himself yet another cup of wine and held it over his head, “King Yanluo, this is all on me. From now on--...”

Zhao Yun nodded deeply, and once again gulped down his cup of wine, “Then, if there’s anything you need of me in the future, please do not hesitate to ask!”

How dare you bully an honest man like this?!

“I’m relieved with General Zhao’s assurances.” Qin Ye sighed and took a sip from his cup of wine, before smiling radiantly, “Come, let’s eat, let’s eat. Like I said, what does it matter? Besides, if there’s anything that I’m unable to do right now, then it would only be testament to my failure as King Yanluo. Don’t worry about me. Even if I die, I’ll make sure to set things up well for the next successor in line! The gods of death of the other P4 underworlds don’t scare me! Who cares if I’m but an Abyssal Prefect right now. I’m not afraid of death--...”

The Harken glanced up at the ceiling haplessly, subconsciously slamming its tail down onto the surface of the table - Bloody hell, you may as well be telling him to sleep by your side every night!

What a shameless King Yanluo! I can barely resist the urge to send him flying into oblivion…

This was the Harken. Guardian of all things good in Hell.

“Is that… a soul sphere?!” Qin Ye stared intently at it. Upon closer inspection, he could tell that there was the Censer of the Song Dynasty, as well as a dozen or so dormant Yin spirits resting within the soul sphere!

Zhao Yun toyed with the soul sphere in his hand, “The Censer of the Song Dynasty is engraved with the Array of the Kundali Wisdom King. So long as the array continues to be powered by an external source, anyone in this military formation would remain immortal and never perish. This is one of the top military formations that exists through all time. As for the Yuan Emperors… there are far too many ways in which their souls can be used.”

And as for energy sources?

After all, there was still a massive vein of Yin spirit stones located right beneath Ashmound City!

Qin Ye licked his lips and leaned back into his chair.

Sea trade, and the negotiations with the mortal realm!

“General Zhao.” He took a sip of his wine cup, “So, what in the world happened to you at the start?”

“How did Temujin’s soul get to you back then? That doesn’t seem too likely! And how did they manage to lure you into the heart of the Yin Mountains?”

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